Rise of Islam

Feb 6th, 2008, in News, by

The West always tries to destroy Islam in Indonesia.

Professor Dr H Muslim Nasution, MA, a lecturer at Jakarta State Islamic University (UIN), in a discussion at Medan, February 1st, on the future of Islam, said that currently there were two regions that had the capability to lead the world Islamic community into the future, they being:

  • the Indian sub-continent
  • South-east Asia, comprising Malaysia, Thailand, the Philippines, Brunei and Indonesia

Of the Malay/South East Asian peoples Indonesians were in a unique and advantageous position to take the lead, because they:

  • have lots of natural resources
  • are in a strategic location
  • are tenacious, tough people
  • have a family-centred culture
  • are very religiously observant

In other Muslim countries Indonesians’ Islamic faith was much respected, he said.

The problem however was that the western world, America and Europe, consistently attempted to thwart Islam’s rise in Indonesia, going back to the Dutch colonial occupation right up to present western efforts to create and promote deviant Islamic sects, presumably such as Al-Qiyadah Al-Islamiyah and Ahmadiyah

Additionally the Americans and Europeans made determined efforts to prevent the leadership of the Organisation of The Islamic Conference (OIC) falling into Indonesian hands. If an Indonesian were to lead the group, he said, the western countries would have to step up their efforts to destroy Islam in Indonesia. beritasore

40 Comments on “Rise of Islam”

  1. Andrew says:

    “Guru kencing berdiri, murid kencing berlari”

    No wonder radicalism is on the rise in Indonesia.

  2. Teng says:

    Does this guy have a degree in Paranoia?

    Jees…. and guys like these are actually leading Indonesian universities?

  3. Sylvester says:

    Even the academic could be a terrorist. It reminds us to Dr Azahari.

  4. Dragonwall says:

    Ya Tidak ada guru tidak ada murid. Teacher teaches you to bomb so the student starts to bomb. Like andrew said it right.

  5. raden says:

    keep on thinking about leading islam ? no wonder our leader never think & act to prevent severely flood in jakarta. Such useless leaders must be sent out to Afganistan to lead Taleban but not here

  6. Sputjam says:

    first and foremost, prophet mohamed did not create a religion called islam.
    Anyone who submits to God by doing good and righteous deeds can be considered a muslim.
    Initially, there were no mosque in Mecca nor medinah. Mohamed tried his best to destroy the kaabah in mecca, as he was against paganism. That was why at the initial phase, islam expanded rapidly amongst the knowledgables(ulamas) in the roman/greek school of thoughts, and their knowledge was quickly absorbed by the muslims.
    As time went on, islam was converted into a religion. Those with deffering thoughts were uprooted/disbanded/threatended or abolished/destroyed and the religion of islam took over. New ideas were not abosrbed as quickly as before and ulamas are now the religious scholars, who issue fatwas(religious edicts) as though they are God. Mosques were quickly built all over and mankind was enslaved again by another religion.
    In the koran, the ulamas are people who are wise and observant to the workings of the heavens and the earth, which means thsoe who are scientifically minded. In present day islamic religion, the ulamas are religious scholars who know nuts about science.
    It is not the west who are destroying the religion of islam, but the people who embrace that religion are the ones destroying themselves.
    The koran stated that some people have eyes but the do not see. Muslims commit paganism in mecca live on televison evey year, but most follow these ritual like a blind man being led astray.

  7. falcon says:

    Since female also play an important role in Islamic life, we all should wonder if more female become Islamic leaders and/or more female Islam voice their opinion, the view how Islam is perceived may be could be different.

  8. Lairedion says:

    The problem however was that the western world, America and Europe, consistently attempted to thwart Islam’s rise in Indonesia, going back to the Dutch colonial occupation right up to present western efforts to create and promote deviant Islamic sects, presumably such as Al-Qiyadah Al-Islamiyah and Ahmadiyah

    New ways are needed to destroy Islam in Indonesia. A very smart person who goes by the name of Professor Dr H Muslim Nasution, MA has exposed Al-Qiyadah Al-Islamiyah and Ahmadiyah as undercover operations set up by the West. The West have met a formidable opponent who cannot be fooled easily and they will need all their powers to deal with Professor Dr H Muslim Nasution, MA, a true Indonesian hero.

  9. Brett says:

    What the frack is a “rise in Islam”? A rise in numbers? A rise in prominence? A rise in acceptance (among non-Muslims)? If idiots like this would just shut up, maybe the paranoid West would stop harrassing everyone who doesn’t fit the WASP stereotype.

  10. Jamis says:

    Huh, he forgot to mention the Jews….he must be new at this.

  11. panji says:

    Prof Nasution has an acute problem, similar to what some other Islamic sholars have in Indonesia: always trying to find scapegoats whenever an issue raises.

    So what if westerners do not like Islam flourishes in Indonesia? Shouldn’t that mean that muslims should introspect inside? What’s wrong with us? Actually, he just tried to find justification to what is written in the Qur’an, typical orthodox, apologetic methodology. He simply forgets (or tries to forget, whatever) that the interpretation should be put in context.

    Well people, here we are in 21th century.

  12. jusuf says:

    Perhaps it is right some westerns don’t like or afraid of rising of islam. Same as the case in life some of we don’t like to see others better than us. same as Islam is afraid of rising of christian in Arab. But it is not the point. There is always situation like that in life.

    So….Mr. Profesor….. this is my humble advice; stop blaming on everything; christian, western, jew conspiration etc…etc… just try to make moslem has better life….. just as life, you never move forward if you keep blaming on people around you..even you can get sick ….

  13. Arief DJ says:

    The Core :

    currently there were two regions that had the capability to lead the world Islamic community into the future, they being:

    * the Indian sub-continent
    * South-east Asia, comprising Malaysia, Thailand, the Philippines, Brunei and Indonesia

    Additionally the Americans and Europeans made determined efforts to prevent the leadership of the Organisation of The Islamic Conference (OIC) falling into Indonesian hands. If an Indonesian were to lead the group, he said, the western countries would have to step up their efforts to destroy Islam in Indonesia.

    ..Well. back to 45′, who has defeat an army which has been destroy Hitler with just using a “bamboo” ?.. Well, here we are in 21th century, and now not just a “bamboo” that we have.

  14. Stuart says:

    The only thing holding back indonesia is indonesia – self governed now for over 50 years.

  15. Teng says:

    ..Well. back to 45″², who has defeat an army which has been destroy Hitler with just using a “bamboo” ?

    What does this sentence mean?

  16. Cukurungan says:

    Teng said:

    ..Well. back to 45″², who
    has defeat an army which has been destroy Hitler with just using a “bamboo” ?What does this sentence mean?’

    me :

    In the past when Indonesia muslim had only “bamboo” we can kick out the infidels Dutch from this land while now in 21st century we have many thing not just only bamboo therefore there’s no reason for us to fear of anything include onslaught by the infidels.

  17. Lairedion says:

    In the past when Indonesia muslim had only “bamboo” we can kick out the infidels Dutch from this land

    With the help of Indonesian infidels such as Alexander Kawilarang, Slamet Riyadi and I Gusti Ngurah Rai among others….

  18. Aluang Anak Bayang says:

    Mas Cuk,

    me :

    In the past when Indonesia muslim had only “bamboo” we can kick out the infidels Dutch from this land …


    The army who routed the Mongolians in Kalimantan were a combination of Dayak and Javanese warriors. On Jawa, it was Javanese only. Same as infidels Dutch, they were driven out by Javanese heroes, not Muslims. Arabs didn’t help us. They only know how to touch our ‘Muslim’ sisters working as maids in their land.

    From your brown brother.

  19. Cukurungan says:

    They only know how to touch our ‘Muslim’ sisters working as maids in their land.

    That is not true because Javanese Heroes deliberately send her Javanese Sister to touch the Arab Boys in the Arab land and not the other way around.

  20. Odinius says:

    Either way, someone’s sister is getting touched!

  21. TheWrathOfGrapes says:

    Imagine how much better Indonesia would be if the West has succeeded…


  22. Saipul says:

    I spent the weekend pondering the last 59 years of self-rule and found myself truly amazed at how absolutely pathetic this country is. We should be building our infrastructure, promoting investment, establishing law and order, but instead we have to listen to people like this “Dr.” People say they are a minority but I hear this kind of talk every day. I used to be hopeful, but not anymore. I’m becoming more convinced that this country is doomed to a future that mixes religious fanatacism with mob rule.

  23. dewaratugedeanom says:

    TheWrathOfGrapes said

    Imagine how much better Indonesia would be if the West has succeeded”¦

    Yeah, let’s wrap it up and give it back. 😉
    That is, if they still want it. Could be a poisoned gift, like East-Germany after the fall of the Berlin wall.

  24. Odinius says:

    Despite all the loonies on the fringe, Indonesia is actually in pretty good shape. Compare it to other large, unwieldy developing countries: Brazil, India, Pakistan and Bangladesh.

    Bangladesh and Pakistan are exponentially worse off. India has a stronger economy, but only about 70% literacy and more riots than you can shake a stick at. Brazil also has a stronger economy, but approx. 50,000 murders a year. 50,000!

    In those stakes, Indonesia is doing all right…

  25. Andrew says:

    CukCuk said:

    In the past when Indonesia muslim had only “bamboo” we can kick out the infidels Dutch from this land while now in 21st century we have many thing not just only bamboo therefore there’s no reason for us to fear of anything include onslaught by the infidels.

    LOL – if you learned from the right, unbiased source, you’d know that it was an infidel who kicked the Dutch out from our land, and it was yet another infidel who kicked that other infidel.

    And even now, in the 21st century, you still need the infidels even for your basic needs.
    Sad isn’t it, you won’t eat tahu and tempe if the infidels won’t sell you soybeans. You’ll be eating your pants if infidels didn’t sell you rice. Oh, I forgot, even your pants are coming from the infidels. Oh well, you’re lost in an infidel’s world.

  26. Cukurungan says:

    LOL – if you learned from the right, unbiased source, you’d know that it was an infidel who kicked the Dutch out from our land, and it was yet another infidel who kicked that other infidel.

    Yes the unbiased source fabricated by the infidels

    And even now, in the 21st century, you still need the infidels even for your basic needs.
    Sad isn’t it, you won’t eat tahu and tempe if the infidels won’t sell you soybeans. You’ll be eating your pants if infidels didn’t sell you rice. Oh, I forgot, even your pants are coming from the infidels. Oh well, you’re lost in an infidel’s world.

    Ok fair enough, I would stop to take or eat anything made by the infidels, if the infidels are also stop to breath using Air/Oxygen made by Allah.

  27. Janma says:

    Allah made the infidels too Cuk, and he made em with lungs…… wonder why?

  28. Goobers says:

    Allah made the infidels too Cuk, and he made em with lungs”¦”¦ wonder why?

    I do not believe that allah is the creator. I believe that the ALMIGHTY GOD is the Creator. He created the infidels and the moslems.

  29. Cukurungan says:

    Imagine how much better Indonesia would be if the West has succeeded”¦

    It is not that hard to imagine…..Indigenous Indonesian would sniff kerosene under wreckage building and our family would live in a restricted area for endanger species of the Javanese Muslim like what happened as we spoke for the indigenous aboriginal and red Indian

    Aborigin Warrior

  30. sputjam says:

    Wrath states –

    Imagine how much better Indonesia would be if the West has succeeded

    To do that, the dutch would have to totally anhilate the indonesian natives, like what the europeans did to the native americans and australians, import millions of poor desperate immigrants from europe, preffereably those who speak dutch or german, and destroy rainforest in the billions of acres and turning it into rich farmland.

    Fortunately, the hot and humid weather is unsuitable for the europeans.

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