DC Guy on what foreign correspondents are not telling you about Indonesia, and employment prospects for westerners in Asia.
Rhonda flies into Bali and becomes romantically entangled with cabana boy Ketut.
The most corrupt parties, political corruption rates: SBY says Partai Demokrat is far from the worst.
Grumblings about the frequent and now large remissions for Marijuana Queen Schapelle Corby.
Lady Gaga banned from Jakarta, unlike similar “controversial” performers.
Sumanto the cannibal as he is today, at residence in a Purbalingga pesantren.
The Vice President asks Indonesian mosques to turn down the volume of calls to prayer, as in Egypt.
1970s classic rocker doesn’t hide his feelings about Barack Obama and his Indonesian background.
Three months before he stands for re-election, Jakarta Governor appeals to the youth vote… by flipping them off!
Mixed nationality families still waiting for the 2011 Immigration Law to be implemented, one year after it went through parliament.
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