Batam Radio

Sep 14th, 2007, in News, by

The Batam airwaves are often a mix of foreign and religious content.

What is broadcast on the radio stations of Batam island (map) has frequently been raised in the media of late, with specific concerns related to foreign use of Batam airwaves.

Falun Gong

In May of 2007 Chinese embassy officials complained that the station Radio Era Baru 106.5 FM (Xi wang zhi sheng, New Era Radio) was being used by members of the Falun Gong movement to spread criticisms of communism and the Beijing regime. The Indonesian Broadcasting Commission (Komisi Penyiaran Indonesia, KPI) vowed to monitor the station’s broadcasts.

One Hendryanto of the Riau branch of KPI said it appeared Radio Era Baru was done 90% in Chinese language, whereas the law stipulated that foreign languages could only be used on occasion, for the specific purposes of a segment, and, that Law No.32/2002 on broadcasting required stations to be neutral and forbade them from harming Indonesia’s relations with other countries. antara

In June Radio Era Baru, which seems to be connected to the “Epoch Times” group based in the USA, signalled an intention to sue the Chinese embassy. erabaru beritasore The station appears to be still operating as of now.

Mandarin & Nationalism

Later, in early August, the Director General of the National Unity and Politics Department of the Home Affairs ministry, Sudarsono, said in Jakarta that too many radio stations in Batam were using Mandarin in their broadcasts, and he questioned media companies’ commitment to being nationalistic generally.

He also worried that the content of the Chinese language broadcasts often focused on social conflicts that arose locally, that they repeatedly broadcast news of such sensitive and potentially explosive topics. What was worse, foreign news agencies often got involved once the local news spread outwards, and they tended to connect reports of current disturbances in society with past events, such as terrorist bombings, and all in a foreign language.

It has to be asked what kind of ideology do the press adhere to now. It’s all connected to the freedom of the press which they now enjoy.

The image of Indonesia and socio-economic conditions in the country could only suffer if the situation persisted, he said. antara

Religion & Singapore

Then on 13th September our friend Hendriyanto of the Riau province KPI stated that out of the 14 private stations in Batam five were selling air time to Singaporean religious groups, who broadcast sermons and such like in Mandarin or English, aimed at listeners in Singapore.

One hour is sold for 60-100 Singapore dollars….the broadcasts are of a Confucian, Christian, or other nature.

He said the law in Singapore forbade religious programs on radio stations, and that broadcasts in Batam could easily be picked up in Singapore.

Selling air time to foreign groups is humiliating, it’s like we’re selling our territory.

He said the law on such matters needed to be revised, particularly for the time allotted to foreign religious broadcasts, but that they should not be forbidden altogether. antara

71 Comments on “Batam Radio”

  1. HeavenlySword says:

    There are a lot of spanish radio here and a few mandarin which I don’t understand any of them.

    But hey, since God gives me 2 hands, here’s what I usually do. I use one of my hand to push the ‘Scan’ button to skip stations that aren’t in English and play a good old rock music.

    There you go. I found the solution.


    He also worried that the content of the Chinese language broadcasts often focused on social conflicts that arose locally

    And that’s wrong? People need to know the truth. If local media couldn’t provide it then I’d look for an alternative. Although it’s just too bad I’m chinese but don’t speak mandarin. How ironic.


    Selling air time to foreign groups is humiliating, it’s like we’re selling our territory.

    There are tons of more important issue than this. Oh by the way, here’s the bad news though selling territories isn’t new at all. We have sold our territories to some terrorists. 🙁

    But it’s true.

  2. Andrew says:

    Sudarsono, said in Jakarta that too many radio stations in Batam were using Mandarin in their broadcasts

    SO WHAT? why doesn’t anyone say anything about English-language broadcast? Isn’t it time to acknowledge that Indonesian Chinese is just part of Indonesia, just like any other ethnic groups do. If we allow broadcast in Javanese or Sundanese or whatever, why should Chinese be singled out and discrimated against?

    What has that got to do with nationalism? we don’t need another stupid minister in our cabinet.

  3. WP says:

    What has that got to do with nationalism? we don’t need another stupid minister in our cabinet.

    It’s just a way a minister can say that if your radio is coordianting an invasion from Mars, then he wants to be able to know 😀

  4. Enigmatic says:

    Andrew Says: +3

    September 14th, 2007 at 3:31 am
    Sudarsono, said in Jakarta that too many radio stations in Batam were using Mandarin in their broadcasts

    SO WHAT? why doesn’t anyone say anything about English-language broadcast? Isn’t it time to acknowledge that Indonesian Chinese is just part of Indonesia, just like any other ethnic groups do. If we allow broadcast in Javanese or Sundanese or whatever, why should Chinese be singled out and discrimated against?

    Well said. Im a Chinese by race, but my nationality says Indonesian. Yet the people here refuse to allow the Chinese language to be used so often there.

    Currently Im in Singapore. And yes, you CAN hear the broadcasts here, in English, Chinese or Bahasa Indonesia. But only a few care. After all, the local radio stations provide better stuff like all genres of music and so on. Also, Singapore is a society where people of different religion mix together. It’s common to see people of different races hanging out together at shopping malls, and the local government consists of people of different races. And I mean DIFFERENT races. The parliament consists of people of all racial backgrounds and this political, religious and racial stability is the reason why I study here.

    Unlike in Indonesia. The racial stability is really crappy. Discrimination against local Chinese is the only deterring many from going back to help after their studies.

    DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT YOU LOCAL AUTHORITIES… Before many talents are gone. For good…

  5. Aluang Anak Bayang says:

    Good, by you own admission, you are an Indonesian Chinese. Mix around with the locals in your adopted land. Do not stereotype us. That is all we ask.


  6. Enigmatic says:

    Aluang Anak Bayang Says: +0

    September 14th, 2007 at 7:12 pm
    Good, by you own admission, you are an Indonesian Chinese. Mix around with the locals in your adopted land. Do not stereotype us. That is all we ask.


    Hmm by your own ADMISSION… is that supposed to mean that there’s a ctime worth prosecuting by being an Indonesian Chinese?
    If so, I dont see why Indonesia is worth helping in future.

    Look whos stereotyping, or rather discriminating against whom now.


  7. Andrew says:

    Aluang said:

    Good, by you own admission, you are an Indonesian Chinese. Mix around with the locals in your adopted land. Do not stereotype us. That is all we ask.

    This is the famous ‘chicken or egg’ debate. Who’s stereotyping who is a moot point, and will not end for as long as we think we’re right and the other side is wrong.

    BTW, I did NOT have to admit, it is a fact that will not change no matter what. People need to make a differentiation between us being ethnically Chinese (which is who we are) and politically Chinese (who we are not). We NEVER deny that – we are in fact proud of the fact that our ancestors were once part of the 5000 year old civilization. Just like any Javanese who’s proud that his/her ancestors once rule the island. Any problem with that?

  8. Aluang Anak Bayang says:

    I am refering to this statement by Enigmatic in ‘Put Downs and Insults’,

    Do you have a life though? Do you have a wife and kids? Has the thought to improve the life of your family ever crossed in your mind?

    A formed perception of ‘poor kampung tiko’.

    Hmm by your own ADMISSION”¦ is that supposed to mean that there’s a ctime worth prosecuting by being an Indonesian Chinese?
    If so, I dont see why Indonesia is worth helping in future.

    whoa .. quick on the defence. Jusuf Kalla might be right.

  9. HeavenlySword says:

    Good, by you own admission, you are an Indonesian Chinese. Mix around with the locals in your adopted land. Do not stereotype us. That is all we ask.

    I’m sorry, I prefer not to assimilate nor would I like to be related with a Jihad freak.

  10. Aluang Anak Bayang says:

    Will need more comments by the Cinas. I am interested to see what else they think of us.

  11. HeavenlySword says:

    Will need more comments by the Cinas. I am interested to see what else they think of us.

    If this was directed to me, I probably should clear up one thing.
    If you look at my post carefully. I quoted your previous post. So that one was directed to you.

    It’s funny that you always think that you represent people by using words such as “WE” “US”. I sense this as an act of provoking others with something that isn’t even right.

    And here’s the thing, I didn’t say Jihad freak for no reason. Let me refresh your memory by bringing up your post and bold the sentence (from a different discussion)

    My fellow Muslim Indonesians,

    If one could read the depth of this message, Ross was trying to caution us on the Asian Jews’ conspiracy. The Red army is part of worldwide crusaders trying to usurp us stealthily, and what better way to do it through medias which we don’t understand.

    Jihad on standby.


    Oh BTW the term is Cina, there is no such a thing called Cinas.

  12. Aluang Anak Bayang says:

    Duh .. you will get a free English lesson this once. Next time I will charge.

    See this (in bold),

    If one could read the depth of this message, Ross was trying to caution us on the Asian Jews’ conspiracy……

    Have you done ‘summarize’ exercise in your English class before? Summarize means to ‘outline’, or to ‘state or express’ in a concise form. I am reinterpreting the essence of Ross’s message. If you think the interpretation was wrong, you can always object.

    Oh BTW the term is Cina, there is no such a thing called Cinas.

    Cinas is plural of Cina. It is in urban Indon-English context for our consumption. Aren’t we all in IM?


  13. HeavenlySword says:

    The sentence that I refered to was “Jihad on Standby”. But thanks for the free English lesson, I really appreciate that! It saves me a couple of hundred bucks.

    Urban Indo_English? yay I’ve never heard of that. But it’s good to know, thanks for saving me from another humiliation 🙂

  14. Aluang Anak Bayang says:


    Here is another free lesson on Islam re Jihad on standby.

    By your term Jihad freaks, you are branding all muslims as ‘retards’ as jihad is fundamental to the practice of all muslim. I take that you do not understand our religion at all, so you can be excused this time. For better clarification, see this link.

    Urban Indo_English? yay I’ve never heard of that. But it’s good to know, thanks for saving me from another humiliation

    For more info on urban language, see Neologism. It will help you better understand what others are writing.


  15. HeavenlySword says:

    What do you mean branding all muslims?

    Here’s another argument, if I said to someone, “crusader freak” does it really mean I branded all christian crusader? HECK NO! And more over did I ever mean freak = retard?
    For a person who teach another English, you also need to double check before you said something that can lead to a worse case misunderstanding!
    Freak means: a devoted fan or follower; enthusiast: Please check point B.
    Your definition is so far way off.

    Again before you said something that may provoke and lead to a misunderstanding, I’d suggest you double check everything.

    And why do I need to be excused either? I just don’t get it.

  16. Sylvester says:

    Why should care about what aluang post?
    He/she is just trying to get attentions, maybe nobody care about him/her in the real life. Maybe.

  17. Andrew says:

    Looks like I’ve missed the party, but Sylvester is right.
    This Aluang isn’t the same Aluang a few months ago 🙂

  18. Aluang Anak Bayang says:

    It is okay if you prefer the ‘other’ meaning.

    Calm down. The English lesson was not a bitter pill. It was a placebo, to see if there is any sincerity in your ‘thanks for saving me from another humiliation’ reply. I see a world of difference. Humility is absence.

  19. Enigmatic says:

    Firstly, thanks to the people who agreed with me. It was really heart warming to see that all is not lost.

    Hmm by your own ADMISSION”¦ is that supposed to mean that there’s a ctime worth prosecuting by being an Indonesian Chinese?
    If so, I dont see why Indonesia is worth helping in future.

    whoa .. quick on the defence. Jusuf Kalla might be right.

    Right about what? Foreigners helping Indonesia? I may be educated outside Indonesia, but my nationality still says Indonesian. Not other countries. Your negative discriminatory comments repel those who really want to help Indonesia in future.

    Aluang Anak Bayang Says:

    September 14th, 2007 at 11:37 pm
    Will need more comments by the Cinas. I am interested to see what else they think of us.

    OK Aluang, you asked for it. Here’s what I think of YOU.

    You think your English is SO great you want to give others free lessons on English. I think you are like a frog in a well. You think you’ve seen the world, but fact is you havent seen half of it. In Chinese we call people like you who think they’ve seen it all the 井底之蛙 (jing di zhi wa). If your computer doesnt support Chinese input then try using a different encoding. No this is not a free Chinese lesson. It’s just my comments about you.

    You are attention seeking. You try to glorify Islam and you succeed through Introducing JIHAD and arouse controversy after controversy. Yet, you fail miserably as more people are only turned off.

    I didn’t quote the “karma” for your post because it’s now NEGATIVE.

    You think that quoting a wikipedia article makes you look scholarly.

    But heres what wikipedia says about the same article on Jihad.

    This article may require cleanup to meet Wikipedia’s quality standards.

    This article or section contains too many quotations for an encyclopedic entry

    So aluang you think you’re that great? Maybe you are when you compare your English with your family or district. But your english is definitely not the best in your city (you MAY not be in Jakarta) or in Indonesia.

    Cheers. My next reply comes by 12 Nov. That’s when my exams end.

  20. Aluang Anak Bayang says:


    Firstly, thanks to the people who agreed with me. It was really heart warming to see that all is not lost.

    If I am debating and all my brown brothers barrack in with me, I would not be too proud. We certainly think differently.

    OK Aluang, you asked for it. Here’s what I think of YOU.

    You think your English is SO great you want to give others free lessons on English…….

    Must be tough for you that a brown man can correct your English, not just that he can even use the internet! Aren’t they should be in the kampung?

    You are attention seeking. You try to glorify Islam and you succeed through Introducing JIHAD and arouse controversy after controversy. Yet, you fail miserably as more people are only turned off.

    I didn’t quote the “karma” for your post because it’s now NEGATIVE.

    You think that quoting a wikipedia article makes you look scholarly.

    But heres what wikipedia says about the same article on Jihad.

    Why shouldn’t I be proud of my own religion? As for karma, I am not Hindu, and frankly, honey, I don’t give a damn.

    So aluang you think you’re that great? Maybe you are when you compare your English with your family or district. But your english is definitely not the best in your city (you MAY not be in Jakarta) or in Indonesia

    Cheers. My next reply comes by 12 Nov. That’s when my exams end.

    At least I can read better than some of you. Better read properly for your English otherwise you will fail your exam.

    Ciao .. get back later .. out of dinner.

  21. Aluang Anak Bayang says:


    Your negative discriminatory comments repel those who really want to help Indonesia in future.

    O hurt feeling, and your adopted beloved homeland bear the blunt. I wonder how many of you think that way.

    You are attention seeking. You try to glorify Islam and you succeed through Introducing JIHAD and arouse controversy after controversy. Yet, you fail miserably as more people are only turned off.

    You should fire your English teacher for giving you substandard lesson.

    So aluang you think you’re that great? Maybe you are when you compare your English with your family or district. But your english is definitely not the best in your city (you MAY not be in Jakarta) or in Indonesia.

    Did I say I was good or was it too much for you to handle? I am merely pointing HeavenlySword to a new concept. If you can handle a brown man who is a tad better than you, go sulk elsewhere.

    Cheers. My next reply comes by 12 Nov. That’s when my exams end.

    You going to hold your grudges for another 2 months. Gosh, a real gentleman would have moved on.

    Anyway thanks for your response. It is good to know what some locally born non-pris think of my country.

  22. Aluang Anak Bayang says:

    If you can handle a brown man who is a tad better than you, go sulk elsewhere.
    should be,
    If you can’t handle a brown man who is a tad better than you, go sulk elsewhere.

  23. Raden says:

    Here is once more time Raden witness every single sensitive debates related the topic of chinese & pribumi Indonesia.
    The chinese are hard-workers typically with some are really smart people, the 1A=wana=pribumi=bumiputera are soleh, very close to their God for 5 times praying daily with the long list of ‘haram&halal’ guidance in life.
    I said in summary, the two will never be meeting one to another’s priority in live, thus divergence of 2 different direction. Because of the wana population outnumbered cina in Indonesia then until today the wana is more blessed by the government for better & easier life style in every aspects. So it i s a happy story for wana side. For the cina side, why would you consider Indon as your home country? afterall the May ’98 riot was a landmark of how bad the wana have been ill treating you again and again and again … and coming soon it could be another one again. So, why bother to live in indonesia ?

    For the wana, it was too bad, at the first day of the fasting month, Allah SWT had kindly sent waves of earthquakes in the highly dense muslim population in Sumatra again & again to remind them who is the correct & real Allah who like to spread the peace but not ‘the freak Jihad’ ! P E A C E

  24. Pena Budaya says:

    I don’t see the point why Indonesian (government) should be afraid of Indonesian news to be broadcasted in foreign languages either chinese, dutch, english, french..whatsoever, and whereever it is being broadcasted…

    Come on, Indonesia doesn’t want to be like Chinese government that prohibit internet access to google nor wikipedia or does it?? or sounds like the Chinese government in prohibiting the freedom of association for trade unions (labour unions) and freedom of speech.

    If there is nothing to hide in Indonesia and the government is doing well or not violating any international laws or human rights, why should be afraid?

    Sudarsono Hardjosoekarto’s point of view sounds like he is afraid that all violations of human rights practised by the government were well informed.

  25. Hassan says:

    RADEN: the first day of the fasting month, Allah SWT had kindly sent waves of earthquakes in the highly dense muslim population in Sumatra again & again to remind them who is the correct & real Allah who like to spread the peace..

    Let’s see,
    -Yearly floods in the China lowlands mostly result in Chinese Confucians casualties.
    -Tornadoes & hurricanes in the US mostly results in American Christians casualties.
    -Typhoons & earthquakes in Japan mostly resulted in Japanese Shintos casualties.
    -Regular flooding in the Ganges basin mostly resulted in Indian Hindus casualties.

    I assume you can get the picture. I’m afraid disasters don’t actually work quite like the way you pictured it, as they don’t really pick their victims based on religion. Did you know that the worst earthquake that ever happened took the lives of 830.000 Chinese people in the year 1556? Read more in:

    As far as earthquakes in Indonesia is concerned, you seemed to have forgotten about those earthquakes that shattered the predominantly Christian areas of Papua not too long ago.


  26. Aluang Anak Bayang says:

    Assalamualaikum Mbak Hassan.

    The tsunamis and earthquakes was a punishment from Allah for celebrating Christmas. It was confirmed. Have you ever asked yourself why the Arab countries donated almost no help or money – although many victims are Muslim?

    You have to refute this guys first.

    1. Sheik Ibrahim Mudeiris, Palestinian cleric.
    2. Ibrahim Al-Bashar, an advisor to Saudi Arabia’s Justice Minister.
    3. Saudi Professor Sheikh Fawzan Al-Fawzan.
    4. Saudi Cleric Muhammad Al-Munajjid.
    5. Egyptian nationalist weekly Al-Usbu’ correspondent Mahmoud Bakri.

    There are dozens more.


  27. Andrew says:

    The Indonesian government has been having a difficult time differentiating “Chinese” as an ethnic group & culture from the current China as a country/political system.

    Or maybe it knows exactly the difference, that’s why the effect is so typical: “if you can’t beat China (as a country), hit the (Indonesian) Chinese who won’t fight back.”

  28. Odinius says:

    Hassan said:

    I’m afraid disasters don’t actually work quite like the way you pictured it, as they don’t really pick their victims based on religion.

    Conclusion A: God spends little time or effort intervening to save anyone on this earth, so save the prayers for what happens in the next life…a good reason for everyone to stop fussing over what other people believe in.

    Conclusion B: God hates everyone equally, meaning what he hates is likely our intolerance of each other and idea that “our” group is special, another good reason for people to stop fussing over what other people beleive in!

  29. Raden says:

    Raden just received wangsit, there could be another earthquakes sent by the almighty GOD on the first day of Hari Raya Lebaran. The first taste was very well done during the 1st day of the fasting month, walahualam, Indon people are fighting all the time with their brothers, let see what else GOD may sent his message to Indonesia.

  30. Hassan says:


    Or Conclusion C: Because life is a test of one’s faith in Him, then God was merely giving a severe test of faith for the faithful. It was also a warning for those who had strayed from His way that death can reach them in anyway, to remind them to make amends before their turn finally comes. A good reason to keep the faith 🙂


    Nope, Ki Joko Bodo and Mama Loren said that the earthquakes shall come in the end of the year, which we can conclude that would be on the Christmas day. Really.

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