Falun Gong in Jakarta

Aug 7th, 2006, in News, by

A meeting of the Falun Gong was broken up by demonstrators in Jakarta.

Yesterday in Glodok, Jakarta, a meditation session of the group was set upon by about 100 local people and forced to disperse. A number of Falun Gong people were assaulted. The meditation session, at an old market site in Glodok, was being held to protest against the trade in human organs supposedly carried out by the Chinese government, and the general persecution of the group in China. Upon arriving at the scene Falun Gong members were greeted with banners that said:

Glodok people totally reject the activities of Falun Gong.
(Warga Glodok menolak keras aktivitas Falun Gong.)

Threats were screamed, and then dozens of people descended on the Falun Gong groups, who numbered about ten, and assaulted them.

A representative from the Falun Dafa, Tata Ermanta, claimed that the Chinese embassy in Jakarta had paid the protestors, and said the Chinese embassy had business interests and connections in the Glodok market. He said:

Glodok is a centre of the Chinese community, the Communist Party of China finds it easy to influence people there.
(Glodok pusat etnis turunan. Partai Komunis Cina paling gampang mempengaruhi warga di sana.)

Tempo says this is the fifth time this year Falun Gong people have been at the receiving end of intimidation. All episodes were reported to the police but, Tata says, no action has ever been taken.

The Metrotv report claims that the breaking up of the meeting was done because traders in Glodok accuse the Falun Gong of disrupting business activities. They also distribute leaflets and the report suggests that locals are fed up with them. Locals had long ago made known their objection to the group but the Falun Gong had distributed a leaflet that made threats against them and this caused the attack on the meditation session. Locals are said to hope that the government will take action against Falun Gong and prevent them from disturbing the life of the area.

3 Comments on “Falun Gong in Jakarta”

  1. Sunardi says:

    Since March this year, witnesses have disclosed the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) crimes of organ removal from living Falun Gong practitioners. To expose such atrocities and call on the public to help stop the CCP’s crimes, Indonesian Falun Gong practitioners have been exposing the CCP atrocities in Glodok, Jakarta’s Chinatown, since April 22, 2006. But these truth clarification activities have been interfered with frequently. The CCP instigation and lies are evident in these incidents. The following is a summary of recent incidences of interference with practitioners’ truth clarification in Jakarta. ………………….http://www.clearharmony.net/articles/200608/34765.html

  2. Daimond says:

    This about balance news than epoch time news only one side story, the Indonesia matter have more balance news cover both side argument than falun gong and epoch time did only one side story. And as you see before the incident in jakarta china town glodok have welcome falun gong activity in glodok area such exhibit painting and else but this incident proves falung gong did legal dirty way to push and to disturb the businesss community.

  3. Colin F says:

    I have many good friends who practice Falun Gong, and are from Indonesia. They are very nice people, and they taught me a lot about Indonesian culture. These Indonesian Falun Gong practitioners are some of the nicest people I have ever met! The peaceful and tranquil meditation of Falun Gong is a gift to mankind. Meditation is a part of traditional Chinese culture and is a great way to be at peace.

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