Bird Flu

Jan 16th, 2007, in Internet, News, by

About half the regions of Indonesia have endemic bird flu.

It is claimed by Memed Z.H., the Head of Public Communications for the Bird Flu Campaign Management of the Department of Agriculture, that up to 223 out of 444 regencies and cities in Indonesia are Avian influenza endemic areas, that is, areas that have had cases of the virus and in which there is a possiblility that new outbreaks will occur without transmission from outside.

Only three provinces are free from the disease, they being Maluku, North Maluku and Gorontalo. Of those provinces that are affected Memed said that they are divided into two categories, high-risk areas and areas with low intensity cases.

Meanwhile Musni Suatmodjo, the Director of Animal Health at the Agriculture Department, said that as of November 2006 the government had distributed 48 million doses of vaccine to 14 high-risk provinces, as well as 191,000 rapid test kits (bird flu detectors) to 33 provinces.

Musni said that the Agriculture Department does not yet have a bird flu hot spot map of all provinces due to lack of time and resources, as well as deficiencies in reports of the virus spread from regional authorities.

A commentator, C.A. Nidom, who is a molecular biologist at Airlangga University, believes that Jakarta and Tangerang are the worst affected areas, based on the results of model simulations he had conducted using bio-informatics calculations.

He claimed that 70% of the inhabitants of Jakarta could be carrying the virus, even though they show no symptoms. tempo Normally the symptoms of bird flu, – heavy, difficult breathing, – do not appear until the infection has reached an advanced stage.

Since the New Year four people have died from bird flu, all in and around Jakarta, the most recent a 27-year-old woman from South Jakarta, who died on the 12th, a day after entering Persahabatan Hospital in East Jakarta for treatment, says the Jakarta Post. The same hospital’s isolation wards are said to be currently overwhelmed with bird flu cases, with nine people being treated for the disease, one of them a five-year-old girl.

Muchtar Ichsan, the head of the bird flu ward at Persahabatan said that any new cases would have to be referred to Sulianti Saroso in North Jakarta, the country’s main bird flu treatment centre. peninsulaqatar

The Health Ministry’s director general for communicable diseases, I Nyoman Kandun, urged people to have themselves checked up, especially people who live near poultry farms.

Today Aburizal Bakrie, the coordinating minister for people’s welfare, announced that backyard or home poultry farming in Jakarta and its satellite cities might be banned.

This is already a situation of health emergency, and we hope that the protection of humans will be much better if birds and humans are separated

Bakrie said the economic impact of the move had to be calculated by the affected regions.

Health minister Siti Fadillah Supari agreed, at least “in principle”:

In principle, there should be no birds in residential areas.

World Health Organization representative Georg Petersen was happy to hear of these good intentions: antara

It is important to reduce contact between birds and people and restrict the raising of chicken in highly-populated areas.

The total number of deaths from the H5N1 bird flu virus, which re-emerged from dormancy in Asia in late 2003, has reached 161, 61 of these being Indonesians.

59 Comments on “Bird Flu”

  1. Ihaknt says:

    The American must be behind this again!!! Those damn yankees!!!

  2. Andrew says:

    Nah, it must have been the Israelis… 😀

  3. Achmad Sudarsono says:

    Hey, let’s not rule out Americans using a biological weapon to undermine our country. Various Western powers want to see Indonesia disintegrate. It would be an excuse to create a power vacuum and then expand their sphere of influence. Bird flu would be an obvious way to do this.

    The game plan would be to:

    – Weaken the regions and overburden the emergency response system, including the TNI.
    – Gradually expand military presence in the Malacca Straits, and around the peripheries of the country.

    Why is this so far-fetched ?

  4. Naga says:

    Why is this so far-fetched?

    Because no neigbouring country could cope with the massive refugee flood that would occur following the supposed disintergration, that’s is their greatest nightmare.

    Australia can barely deal with East Timor and the Solomon Islands, how on earth could it deal with millions of Indonesian refugees? it can’t..simple.

    No western country wants to see Indo disintergrate, it’s not in their interests, the burden outweighs the benefits.

    But so long as nationalisit politicians, BIN and the TNI leadership makes you’re paranoid and insulated mind think they do, then you won’t be focused on how much $ the nationalist politicans are stealing, how much illegal $ the TNI is making and how much untaxed $ Indonesian companies are making in Indonesia’s protected and uncomptetitive economy.

    The emergency response cannot be overburdened..BECAUSE THERE ISN’T ONE TO doesn’t exist.

    So long as supply lines are not threatened, then there is no need for extra military presence in the MS.

  5. Daryono says:

    Notice how only three provinces are free from the disease, they being Maluku, North Maluku and Gorontalo and they being mostly Christian.

    America’s blood soaked history of foreign policy is that of trying to destroy Asian people, create genocide, train torturers, protect corrupt tyrants and kill Muslims.

    But now; as thousands of their soldiers have been killed in Iraq and their country is more and more despised around the world, why would they not resort to this kind of cowardly terrorism by infecting our mainly Muslim population with this strange new avian influenza. A conspiracy theory? The CIA helped Saddam Hussein develop poison to use on Iranian soldiers and they tried to poison food and crops in Cuba numerous times.

    Now; they don’t have the money, support or troops to invade another country ever again, so while they and their Jewish lackeys murder Muslims in the Middle East; why not try to covertly use this American made disease against Muslims in other countries”¦

  6. Colson says:

    Achmad Sudarsono and Dartono: Have you ever considered the possibility of a career as stand-up comedian?

  7. Naga says:

    Notice how only three provinces are free from the disease, they being Maluku, North Maluku and Gorontalo and they being mostly Christian.

    Notice how Suharto’s transmigration program and the TNI’s jihad program reconfigured the balance in supposedly Christian majority areas in Maluku, Sulawesi… which are now approximately 50/50 Christian/Muslim?

    America’s blood soaked history of foreign policy.

    America’s blood soaked foreign policy has always been about promoting US economic interests, yes, they have been extremely clumsy doing it, but you can’t trade with people that don’t exist, in other words, it is indifference to suffering, not genocide.

    Just like there was no Achenese genocide at the hands of the TNI, no East Timorese genocide at the hands of the TNI, and just like there is no current Papuan genocide by HIV and the hands of the TNI.

    A conspiracy theory?

    Yes, mainly because simple things like hygiene are ignored in Indonesia.

    If people stopped spitting in public, blowing their nose in public, urinating on the street, stopped wiping their ass with their hands (and not washing them with soap) and stopped having infected animals living with them, then they wouldn’t have this problem!

    The CIA doesn’t need to teach you that.

  8. Achmad Sudarsono says:

    Dear Friends,

    Daryono expressed this more eloquently than I did, but basically, the U.S. has its strategic sights on the Malacca Strait as a chokehold on China’s energy supplies. As Mr. Daryono pointed out – the U.S. has intervened before, why wouldn’t they do so again ?

    Naga, you wrote this: “But so long as nationalisit politicians, BIN and the TNI leadership makes you’re paranoid and insulated mind think they do, then you won’t be focused on how much $ the nationalist politicans are stealing, how much illegal $ the TNI is making and how much untaxed $ Indonesian companies are making in Indonesia’s protected and uncomptetitive economy.”

    I can’t believe you would smear our hard-working soldiers and intelligence agents !

    I suggest you to study the Pancasila to purify your mind.

    But just to set you straight – As pegawai negeri, BIN and TNI officers have studied Pancasila and have been exposed to its healing powers. They would never betray the nation, friend.

    Increase Da Peace
    Sava Da Flava

  9. Naga says:

    I can’t believe you would smear our hard-working soldiers and intelligence agents!

    Who would dare do that, I mean Munir obviously committed suicide, right?

    I suggest you to study the Pancasila to purify your mind.

    That is designed to control YOUR mind, not anybody elses.

    But just to set you straight – As pegawai negeri, BIN and TNI officers have studied Pancasila and have been exposed to its healing powers. They would never betray the nation, friend.

    As pegawai negeri, they are indoctrinated.

    Benadryl has healing powers.

    They would never betray their commanders.

  10. Achmad Sudarsono says:


    Are you suggesting that Pancasila is some sort of conspiracy ? That the Pegawai Negeri including BIN and TNI, who work hard for our country are some how involved in a conspiracy to control us.

    Friend, I like you, but I suggest with friendship that maybe you are getting a little paranoid. (I hope that’s not rude).

    It’s just not Pancasilais or Indonesian to be so cynical. As people of the East we are not like Westerners – divisive and always keen to argue. Our democracies, as Pak Lee Kuan Yew has pointed out are based on harmony.

    I thank you, Friend.

  11. Daryono says:

    Dear Colson,

    My name is Daryono not Dartono; please do use your reading glasses when you peruse my highly informative posts; as using the correct name and title is important in our country and culture.

    Secondly; I don’t understand your “comic” reference. There is nothing remotely funny about the distinct possibility of one country infecting another’s livestock with a manufactured disease in order to cleanse its population because of its majority religion.


    Pak Harto’s brilliant transmigration policy did indeed try to equal the balance of the Christian/Muslim populations in those areas; that was the objective and it worked well. However, once again, those meddling devils; the CIA provocateurs successfully managed to provoke the local people into killing each other after Pak Harto’s honorable resignation and after decades of living together with mutual love, respect and understanding; as is the Indonesian way. The occupation of East Timor was, as is well documented, ordered by the then American secretary of state; Henry Kissinger in 1975. Pak Harto was threatened by Kissinger that unless he went into East Timor; he would be overthrown, by you know who, and all aid to Indonesia would be cut off.

    And are you seriously suggesting that HIV infections in Indonesia are due to the TNI? That is an outrageous accusation and I don’t believe that you are a real Indonesian! Again, as everyone, except you, knows; HIV was created by American homosexuals; as a result of their deviant sexual behavior; who then spread the disease to heterosexual communities; through drug use and bi sexual behavior; that is common in Western societies but completely alien to our culture and values. If there is now HIV in Indonesia; then it is the result of Western foreigners and their fornicating ways; in places like Jalan Jaksa and Blok M; who proposition our poor innocent Indonesian girls with marriage and a happy life in return for their cherished virginity.

    Finally, you may enjoy mocking our “unhygienic” ways, as you see them; but we are a poor nation and we don’t have the luxuries that Western countries have. And why is that? Because, as Pak Achmad has explained in the past, we have been saddled with crippling debt and our hard working administrators have been encouraged to be corrupt; so that Western countries and their unscrupulous corporations can steal our bountiful natural resources.

    You ask any proud, honest Indonesian and they will acknowledge all of this. You are obviously not one.

  12. Achmad Sudarsono says:

    Once again, The Admirable Pak Daryono provides brilliant synthesis and analysis. It’s finally good to see ‘Pak Harto’s reputation gradually restored. I’d say more, but there’s little more to say. Let those of us who speak The Truth not crowd the airwaves. The Truth can stand alone. Only silence will follow.

  13. Andrew says:

    Daryono said:

    And are you seriously suggesting that HIV infections in Indonesia are due to the TNI? That is an outrageous accusation and I don’t believe that you are a real Indonesian!

    If you call that “outrageous”, then the same can be told for your accusation of CIA. Remember that being Indonesian does NOT mean that people have to right everything the government concocted. People think what they think, not what or how the government want them to think.

    You seem to be just another person who likes to blame others for Indonesia’s downfall. Maybe it will be best if you focus your energy to improve Indonesia internally.

  14. Daryono says:


    I would not normally respond to such a vacuous posting as yours, but as I kindly gentleman; I do pity your sad lack of education; when it comes to world history.

    The CIA is world’s most evil organization. They have trafficked drugs, murdered democratically elected leaders and trained murderous death squads all over the world; causing misery to millions of innocents.

    What on earth are you rambling on about? My mission in life is to encourage our people to think for themselves and not be infected by evil Western influences.

    There are two ways to improve Indonesia internally; to free ourselves form foreign debt that deliberately tries to enslave our people; recolonizing us actually; and to take back our resources from foreign corporations who are stealing what is ours.

    Do not bother to reply to this post until you have studied something about the old cold war; in particular regard to imperialism and economics. Only then will you have understood why our country is the way it is, who is to blame and what Indonesians need to do about it.

  15. Colson says:

    Dear Daryono,

    It would be very unwise, or even stupid, to start a disease that may well turn pandemic. Because you can’t control it and in the end it may kill yourself as well.

    By the way, destabilizing is not in the interest of a superpower. It is much better to control the local leaders ( Nicollò Machiavelli, V). A virus, to ruin RI economy for example, would be extremely counterproductive.

    I don’t think sensible people can be serious as they say Bird Flu is a devious scheme of western powers. It is a way of thinking that reminds me of the president of South Africa who denies the occurence of HIV in his country.

    So, you being a sensible person, in my opinion you must have been joking.

  16. Andrew says:

    Meneer Daryono,

    If you didn’t get my drift in the previous post, let me say it again: you accuse the CIA of doing bad things and blame it for Indonesia’s situation, but turn a blind eye on other causes.

    Sure the CIA has done “something”, I never say it has not. That’s what they do, and so do other organizations of that nature. Whether or not it is morally right is another discussion, but every government will do whatever it takes for its survival of its people – and yes, it does include eliminating enemies by all means possible. Hasn’t the Indonesian government done something evil as well?

    Your mission in life may be noble, but you are not showing people the big picture of the whole situation. You are presenting bits and pieces of information that are in favor of your personal agenda, and hiding others that don’t fit your story line. Your point of view is very biased – your theory very much sounds like an indoctrination. If you’re in politics, that approach is just fine, but if you truly want to educate people, that’s wrong. Education is about presenting truthful information, and not about shaping people’s opinion to suit your agenda.

    Like I (and a lot others) have said: it is easy to blame others, and it is difficult to look in the mirror and find one’s own blemishes and imperfections. But if you read and learn enough, admitting mistakes is a trait that you see more and more in developed countries around the world. Admitting a mistake is halfway correcting it.

    That’s not happening in Indonesia yet, thanks partly to people like you.

  17. Andrew says:

    There are two ways to improve Indonesia internally; to free ourselves form foreign debt that deliberately tries to enslave our people; recolonizing us actually; and to take back our resources from foreign corporations who are stealing what is ours.

    Are they forcing us to borrow their money? NO.
    Did the foreign corporations go in just like that? NO, it was the Indonesian government who allowed them in – for whatever reason it was/is.

    The answer to both is NO – then why are you blaming them? shouldn’t you be blaming the government who made the decision?

    Enslave our people? recolonizing us? NOT EXACTLY. We should blame OURSELVES for being an idiot if we let them do that. Blaming them is a lame excuse, an indication our insecurity from being perceived as inferior to other nations.

    Did we get our independence by blaming the Dutch? I don’t think so.
    Then why should we blame others now for all the issues we have?

  18. Tomaculum says:

    I don’t like CIA, I don’t like Mossad and their partners. They have done and still do evil things.
    But accusing CIA for the bird flu?
    The birds, the ducks and the chicken are CIA agents? Kamikaze agents?
    If the CIA wants to attack Indonesian stability (where is it?) with biological weapons, then there are more virulent viruses carried forward from human to human they can use.

  19. Ali says:

    Achmad Sudarsono & Daryono: have you been smoking crack? America doesn’t really want Indonesia to be weak.

    But wait a minute, maybe you’re right – perhaps Merapi is controlled by the US, too; they might have drilled a hole from New Mexico across the core of the earth, all the way to the bottom of Merapi and insert a remote-controlled device in there.

    Aceh’s tsunami might be caused by them, too.

    Oh, and that Lapindo Brantas mud, they actually pump it up from the other side of the earth, their main goal is to flood the whole island of Java eventually.


  20. Mohammed Khafi says:

    Since late 2003 we have suffered 61 deaths related to Bird Flu, that is not to say that there were no deaths before that time, as we were not looking for them. In the same period we have had tens of thousands of deaths from:

    Food or waterborne diseases: bacterial and protozoal diarrhea, hepatitis A and E, and typhoid fever.
    Vectorborne diseases: dengue fever, malaria, and chikungunya.

    At present, H5N1 avian influenza poses a minimal risk, but is consuming considerable resources, in both monetary and human terms, this amount of effort and money spent for instance on Mosquito eradication programmes, would have considerable effects on death rates from vectorborne diseases, and would have significant cost saving benefits to the healthcare services in this country. The provision of clean water supplies would have the same effect on the food and waterborn diseases.

    Why are we spending so much on a theoretical threat but ignoring the problems which we already know exist? These other problems could be, if not eradicated completely, significantly reduced to the great benefit of our country.

  21. Ihaknt says:

    Daryono, Dartono, Sudarsono, or whatever ono, Naga was right. Simple personal hygiene is clearly and largely ignored in many parts of Indonesia. Even to the metropolitan areas, where suposedly many are living the high lives or middle-upper class. So it’s no surprise to see this breakout happening again. And yes CIA doesnt need to teach you that. So do you blame USA again if there’s a flood in JKT after a 3 hour rain? Or would you actually think that maybe if people didnt litter everywhere then the waterways wouldn’t be clogged up? Again this is an example for blame other people.

  22. Dimp says:

    And judging that the Avian Flu is actually a problem in Thailand, parts of Europe, and Africa, this means that the CIA is trying to wipe the entire population of earth… It think they are working together with the penguins, which explains why they are using Avian Flu as a weapon….

  23. Achmad Sudarsono says:


    Ok. I’ll grant you. The CIA is not responsible for everything. They might have manipulated our leaders into being corrupt, infiltrated our NGOs and media. For now, only the TNI and BIN stand firm against the foreign incursions. They were also assisted by American homosexuals in creating the disease of AIDS. Authoritative television shows such as ‘Alias’ and ’24’ – available on DVD – prove that the CIA is active in such activities.

    But there’s one group that we haven’t mentioned: Jews. The CIA alone is not capable of manipulating the financial system to destroy 32 years of economic progress as happened in 1997-98. They had to have help from the Zionist community, which controls global financial markets. Let’s not get carried away with conspiracy theories: the CIA is a government agency, made up of bureaucrats, who probably don’t have the expertise to create capital flight of billions of dollars.

    For that they enlisted the Jews in the currency and commodity markets and investment banks. Why ? Because they don’t want to see the world’s largest Muslim country grow strong. Also, a weak Indonesia makes it easier to control our natural resources. Finally, I don’t believe the Zionists totally control the U.S., but they have alot of inluence.

    Thanks, Friends,

    Increase Da Peace.
    Maximum Respect.

  24. Ihaknt says:

    Authoritative television shows such as ‘Alias’ and ’24″² – available on DVD – prove that the CIA is active in such activities.

    HAHAHAHAHA…you made me laugh so hard…are these your reference for real world? Very funny. you made my day!!! Are they a proof are they? AHHAHAHAAHH.

    They were also assisted by American homosexuals in creating the disease of AIDS.

    Were they American were they? Did you know the disease started in Congo from a Capuchin monkey? The gays could just happen to be in America, but were they American?!?!? Seriously.

    But there’s one group that we haven’t mentioned: Jews.

    Here we go, the poor Jews…and yet their teaching is similar to Islam. No pork, grow beard, poligamy, etc.
    Mel Gibson quoted his famous drunken line that the Jews are the core of all problem. Are you Mel Gibson?

    Hey what about Desperate Housewives? Did you use that for your reference too?

    You’re a joke. a funny one tho.

  25. Dimp says:

    Authoritative television shows such as ‘Alias’ and ’24″² – available on DVD – prove that the CIA is active in such activities.

    Are you for real? If this is true then I wouldn’t worry so much, I am more worried with Godzillas attacking us, or when the Aliens start invading the world. How about mutants? I think they are getting pissed-off because they don’t get the attention that they are supposed to get.

    I just hope that the Thunderbirds are going to save us.

  26. Ihaknt says:

    Hey Dimp, what about Team America?

    Sorry people I am still recovering from laughing so hard on the floor.

    What I don’t understand is how Sudarsono was saying America this and that, and yet his reference came from American TV shows! You need to watch world news dude.

  27. Dimp says:

    Team America, they have no “Intelligence”.

    I am more worried with people who actually have no boundaries between fiction and non-fiction, I guess people like Darsono also believes that the Wrestling match on the tele was for real as well.

  28. Miss Indo 07 says:

    Shush Dimp! It’s Daryono! Please use your reading glasses!

    Hey by the way, I went to pan’s labyrinth yesterday, I saw a fairy and I met Jennifer Garner there, she was hiding because she’s tired of the CIA.

  29. Tomaculum says:

    They were also assisted by American homosexuals in creating the disease of AIDS.
    But there’s one group that we haven’t mentioned: Jews. The CIA alone is not capable of manipulating the financial system to destroy 32 years of economic progress as happened in 1997-98.
    Hi, guys, A. Sudarsono is right: don’t you all know, that CIA is Jewish and the homosexuals are Jewish and CIA and all of the birds flying in the sky are Jewish and homosexual?
    And I have read here somewhere in this blog, that Baa’syir is an CIA agent. So he is a bird? Hmm, sorry, ..a Jew? Or what?

    Because they don’t want to see the world’s largest Muslim country grow strong. “?
    Again someone who would like it to be so? Or have I missed something new? CIA? MOSSAD?

  30. Daryono says:


    Did you know that crack was invented by the CIA in laboratories in order to keep the African American communities in urban America down?

    It saddens me to see so many people attacking my country and glorifying the evil American empire at the same time. It just goes to show how those Jews who run Hollywood are turning the world against itself in favor of American values and way of life through the cultural tsunami that is the globalization of the media. Shame on you!

    I just can’t believe that there are people here laughing about Jewish atrocities; as they murder Palestinian and Lebanese women and children; spitting on their Korans and desecrating their Mosques. Shame on all of you again!

    The CIA gives Jews the green light to commit atrocities on Muslims because the American Jews, who run Hollywood, as well as the banking industry, will make more programs like Alias and 24; that expose the evil dark side of these agency spooks.

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