Police Cooperation

Jun 15th, 2007, in News, by

The Australian and Indonesian police forces are firm friends.

With the recent arrest of Abu Dujana, (which the Australian government was informed about a few days before the Indonesian public were) likely as proof of the co-operation between the Australian and Indonesian police forces Australian ambassador Bill Farmer says the Australian Federal Police (AFP) has the best relationship in the world with Polri, their Indonesian counterparts.

General Sisno Adiwinoto of the Indonesian police recalled a conversation with Farmer in which the latter is given to say:

The relationship between our two countries’ police forces is an example to the world.

The occasional political problems between Australia and Indonesia (like over Papuan refugees and hotel room visits, and likely the mutual distrust of their peoples) had no effect on the policing relationship, it was claimed.

In the area of crime-fighting Polri and AFP cooperated most on dealing with terrorism, human trafficking, and narcotics. Siswo said:

Just recently we helped the Australian police intercept some human trafficking from Sri Lanka via Indonesia to Australia.

Outside of crime fighting Polri and AFP also worked together in training and education with the JCLECB (Jakarta Center for Law Enforcement Cooperation/Pusat Kerja Sama Penegakkan Hukum Jakarta) being an example of this joint effort.

Over 200 recruits had graduated from JCLECB so far and while the original focus of the institute was on anti-terrorism training it was now extending into anti-corruption education for policemen. antara via republika

4 Comments on “Police Cooperation”

  1. Sylvester says:

    Good, hope this cooperation will bring security for both countries. Particularly in dealing with the terrorists. Good relationship with your neighbors are always good.

  2. Dimp says:

    I hope this is not just a media stunt to patch things up in respond to “Sutiyoso’s room incident”. What I want to know more is what will the police actually do to these captured terrorists. How about Amrozy, Imam Samudra and the rest?

  3. Janma says:

    The balinese were hoping they would just let them go, amrozy and the rest… too late now, they could be anywhere… but when they were in bali, the balinese were all for letting them go…. “just let em out” they cried “we’ll take care of them!”

  4. Dragonwall says:

    I suppose “just let em out” is a way of taking the law in their own hands and the authority and clerics all knew well that that would happened. Like in the case of guy who was release from prison and went straight to the English Embassy. You know the guy who became president of no man’s land.

    I hope they won’t get some scapegoats to replace them…

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