The following stories talk about the subject ‘Protests’.
Firebrand activist and PAN politician Nurdiati Akma calls for more killing of Ahmadiyah people in Indonesia.
Israel causes traffic jams in Bogor; one Indonesian volunteer hurt in the Mavi Marmara incident.
Protests against the Israel attacks in the Gaza Strip mirror those over the 2006 Israeli invasion of Lebanon.
Provocatively titled film “ML” (Mau Lagi) excites protests and has its release postponed.
Confusion reigns as to whether Bali gubernatorial candidate I Gede Winasa is Muslim or Hindu, or both.
Julia Perez distributes free condoms with her latest musical masterpiece, “Kamasutra”.
Rogue Wan sees sinister forces behind the anti-Jamaah Ahmadiyah witch hunt.
Lairedion on the gathering storm over Geert Wilders’ upcoming anti-Islam film “Fitna”.
The Miss Indonesia beauty contest in Palembang is accused of spreading syphilis.
Why there are so many attacks on churches in western Java.
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SimoneB on Royal Doulton | |
Tim Tomlinson on Surabaya Johnny | |
Mimi Anzel on Duncan Graham in Indonesia | |
daryl traster on Voodoo Spell | |
Umi on How to Get a Bule Man.. |
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