The following stories talk about the subject ‘Poverty’.
Why Indonesians are not big book readers; ‘Reading Ambassador’ Tantowi Yahya holds forth on the issue and blames poverty.
Movement of village dwellers to cities like Jakarta to be welcomed say urban planners.
Jakarta’s anti begging law in the light of constitutional freedom of speech.
Is Jakarta one of the worst third world hellholes?
Another East Timor in Papua, lack of development in the province, and racism by other Indonesians towards Papuans.
Politicians waging war on poverty via billboards, and bus riding buskers in Jakarta.
Timdog on popular stereotypes about Madura and the Madurese, and the rumoured sexual prowess of the women.
Purba Negoro on how expats in Indonesia can lend a hand by helping and contributing to charitable organizations.
Callum foresees rising levels of poverty and social unrest as the consequences for Indonesia of global warming.
Callum on the inter-relation between rising food and energy prices, and climate change.
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