The following stories talk about the subject ‘Political Parties’.
Who is behind the recent violence in Aceh, and the sharia laws.
The alignment of forces for the 2009 elections, the ‘Golden’ coalitions of political parties.
Usage of religious symbolism in politics, examples of election campaign posters.
President Yudhoyono’s Demokrat Party has no real political enemies and appeals to everyone.
Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono X of Yogyakarta goes online to launch his bid for the presidency.
Celebrity Islamists, including mother daughter team Emilia Contessa and Denada Tambunan, line up for the Development Party in 2009.
Has Megawati got the necessary Islamic credentials to be president, again, or does she like shopping too much.
Two religion based political parties deciding to become more diverse and inclusive, or not.
Two aspirants for the presidency, Soetrisno Bachir and Prabowo Subianto, put themselves about.
Results for the East Java election and photos of some campaign banners, posters and slogans for each team.
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