The following stories talk about the subject ‘Partai Demokrat’.
The most corrupt parties, political corruption rates: SBY says Partai Demokrat is far from the worst.
Wikileaks revelations: SBY protects Taufik Kiemas and spies on Yusril Mahendra; Mrs Ani accused of being a new Ibu Ten Percent.
Rampage by militant groups in in Bandung & Tasikmalaya, while a senior Democrat Party figure calls for their banning.
The debate over whether to award former president Soeharto national hero status; the full list of names to be considered.
Sri Mulyani about to leave for Washington as a Managing Director of the World Bank Group.
Co-wives battle it out in Kediri elections while their husband takes a well earned rest.
Doubts raised over president Yudhoyono’s ability to win re-election,.. and an IM voter poll.
BI governor Boediono for vice president, whether a neo-liberal and not religious enough.
Is political Islam down and out in 2009? Islamic parties look for reasons for their failure.
Quick counts for the 2009 national parliamentary general election have Demokrat leading the way.
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