The following stories talk about the subject ‘Noordin M Top’.
Noordin M Top not dead after a Densus 88 raid in Temanggung, in another raid in Bekasi a car bomb is found.
Noordin M Top discovers blogspot and complains of American plunderers and soccer Crusaders.
Alternative views of the terror attacks in Jakarta, Islamic extremism or rogue political and security forces.
The United States Department of State Office of the Coordinator for Counterterrorism country report for Indonesia, April 2006.
Jemaah Islamiyah, JI, is believed to have a two-pronged strategy in its war in Indonesia, that is, it seeks to attack western interests, as well as stoke the fires of sectarian conflict among Indonesians.
Senior Commander Petrus Reinhard Golose of the Indonesian police has said that Al-Qaeda provided much of the funding for the string of terrorist bomb attacks in Indonesia since 2002.
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