The following stories talk about the subject ‘Law’.
An Indian expatriate is arrested for insulting the nation and sparking patriotic amok in Batam.
How young can girls be married, NU issues fatwa allowing for marriage below the age of consent.
Foreign men marrying Indonesian women and a $50,000 security guarantee.
Constitutional Court hears case on free interpretation of religions, a human right or recipe for anarchy.
Latest book bannings from the Attorney General’s Office, revisionist history and religious pluralism.
The sad cautionary tale of Anastasia, her Italian lover boy, their bule baby, and her cuckolded husband.
State imposed religiosity and conformity, or freedom from woeful ignorance of holy texts.
Two clouds with silver linings, Tommy Suharto’s bid for Golkar, and sharia stoning laws in Aceh.
Cultural protectionism and Big Brother in Indonesian film making law, the UU Perfilman.
Jakarta’s anti begging law in the light of constitutional freedom of speech.
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Umi on How to Get a Bule Man.. |
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