The following stories talk about the subject ‘Hindu’.
Travelling to Bali brings Hollywood star Julia Roberts to embracing the Hindu religion, possibly.
Constitutional Court hears case on free interpretation of religions, a human right or recipe for anarchy.
Some of the last holdouts against Islam on Java convert under the guidance of Hidayatullah.
The building of specifically Hindu religious schools for primary and secondary education in Bali.
Purba on eating habits and foods of Indonesians, prevalence of diabetes and obesity.
Muslim yoga enthusiasts are asked to suspend their yoga activities while the MUI examines whether it is haram.
Two religion based political parties deciding to become more diverse and inclusive, or not.
Ramadan etiquette for unbelievers, by Purba Negoro.
Confusion reigns as to whether Bali gubernatorial candidate I Gede Winasa is Muslim or Hindu, or both.
How many men taught the Javanese their Islam, how far they succeeded and whether the Javanese are really just heathens.
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