The following stories talk about the subject ‘Education’.
Senator Barack Obama’s Muslim past in Indonesia is being used against him.
Disaster prone Indonesia is populated by people weak in faith, or weak in honesty, depending on your view.
Poverty is the cause of terrorism, says a former Muhammadiyah chairman, not Islam.
Javanese language and script are dying and president Yudhoyono is one who is concerned.
A study of youth political & religious affiliation.
Kim Cordell on Barry Soetoro | |
Louis on Syech Puji, Pujiono Cahyo & Underage.. | |
Dekyffe on Royal Doulton | |
Charles on Barry Soetoro | |
Helmut on Surabaya Girls | |
SimoneB on Royal Doulton | |
Tim Tomlinson on Surabaya Johnny | |
Mimi Anzel on Duncan Graham in Indonesia | |
daryl traster on Voodoo Spell | |
Umi on How to Get a Bule Man.. |
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