The following stories talk about the subject ‘Churches’.
Andreas Harsono on whether Muslim journalists cover up or distort stories of religious violence.
Rampage by militant groups in in Bandung & Tasikmalaya, while a senior Democrat Party figure calls for their banning.
On 8th November about 15 white clad men descended on the Ganjuran Sacred Heart Church in Sumbermulyo village, Bambanglipuro, Bantul, Yogyakarta, and demanded that dozens of Merapi volcano refugees that were being given shelter in the church, – those of them who were Muslim, – leave forthwith.
How separatists are dealt with in West Papua; the torture of Reverend Kindeman Gire.
Who is winning the race to build the most houses of worship: proof minorities are not discriminated against.
The world’s most inspiring ‘tweeter’ is Fahira Idris it seems; her battles with FPI leader Habib Rizieq.
A Christian short stay type complex in Cisarua, Bogor is burned to the ground by the ‘Puncak Line’.
The many low-cost or free tourist attractions in the cities of Jakarta and Surabaya.
Sectarian mapping of cities to prevent conflict, as another church, in Bekasi, is closed.
Latest book bannings from the Attorney General’s Office, revisionist history and religious pluralism.
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Umi on How to Get a Bule Man.. |
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