The following stories talk about the subject ‘Ahmadiyah’.
Andreas Harsono on whether Muslim journalists cover up or distort stories of religious violence.
Authorities in Cianjur take a tough stance, formally, to any possible outbreaks of sectarian type violence.
Firebrand activist and PAN politician Nurdiati Akma calls for more killing of Ahmadiyah people in Indonesia.
Rampage by militant groups in in Bandung & Tasikmalaya, while a senior Democrat Party figure calls for their banning.
Nineteen ‘local’ religions clamouring for state recognition says the NU, but the God of Indonesia is a jealous being.
Looking for deviants in unlikely places, the pursuit of Ahmadiyah in backwoods West Java.
Constitutional Court hears case on free interpretation of religions, a human right or recipe for anarchy.
A new mysterious political movement led by Surya Paloh, Nasional Demokrat, launches.
Ross rails against continued neglect of Ahmadiyah people in Lombok.
Dealing with enemies on the left and the right keeps Nahdlatul Ulama leaders busy talking.
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