Bali Raw: An exposé of the underbelly of Greater Kuta

Jun 27th, 2012, by Patung, 32 comments

Bali Raw

A good bloke in Greater Kuta; a review of the book “Bali Raw: an expose of the underbelly of Bali, Indonesia”.

World’s Happiest People

Mar 9th, 2012, by Patung, 89 comments

Of modest means, relatively, but Indonesia leads the world in levels of reported happiness.

Can Love Transcend Cultural Barriers?

Feb 22nd, 2012, by apollo23, 89 comments

How Indonesian women view foreign men, are they low class trash, are the cultural barriers too great?

Suster Ngesot Strikes Again

Feb 15th, 2012, by ET, 9 comments

A security guard leaps into action against a possible crawling nurse ghost on the loose in a Bandung hotel.

Top-rated Indonesian Cuisine

Jan 21st, 2012, by Guest Writer, 21 comments

Indonesian Buffet

Indonesian cuisine highly rated by CNN Go travel magazine, but perceived to need promotion.

World’s Friendliest People

Nov 10th, 2011, by Patung, 13 comments

Flying over remote areas east has a local journalist questioning the supposed friendliness of Indonesians.

Educated Woman’s Lament

Oct 21st, 2011, by Patung, 34 comments

The conundrum of a feminist woman seeking love, and the dismal male specimens on offer.

Indonesian Memories

Oct 1st, 2011, by Guest Writer, 35 comments

Expat D.C. Guy returns to the States, and western women, and bemoans the loss of the sultry pleasures of Jakarta and its womenfolk.

Upper & Lower Body Pride

Jul 25th, 2011, by Patung, 128 comments

Indonesia ranks at the bottom for both womanly upper body pride and its manly lower counterpart.

Beer & Baconless: Mr Bule Flees Ramadan

Jul 4th, 2011, by Patung, 17 comments

As the holy month looms an Australian journalist plans his escape from the restrictions of Ramadhan.

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