The ample bosom of singer Dewi Persik causes another national controversy; Dewi threatened with prison time and an FPI home visit.
Local boys, not foreigners like bules, are just fine as boyfriend material for starlet Arumi Bachsin.
Actresses Ayu Azhari and Desy Ratnasari have their sights on political power in Sukabumi, who will win?
Man’s man Ahmad Dhani on cowardly monogamists and what men really want, multiple shapely asses.
A shameless harlot woman from Aceh, Qory Sandioriva, is Putri Indonesia 09 causing wailing and gnashing of teeth.
The vanishing of burqa clad actress Soraya Abdullah Balfas or Balvas and possible connections to terrorism.
The bikini debate just won’t quit, Zivanna Letisha Siregar at Miss Universe 2009.
A young, rich celebrity in Jakarta reveals her true at home self to the world in some personal home video, the shocking Marshanda tapes.
As Ramadan approaches Sarah Azhari says Marhaban Ya Ramadan and resolves to cover her aurat.
The tragedy of Manohara Odelia Pinot, her sinetron starring role, and charitable concerns.
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