All posts by Timdog.
Why does Indonesia inspire so little quality literature, except novels about sexy bar girls?
Suggestions to while away the lazy holiday days engrossed in worthy tomes of literature.
Timdog on popular stereotypes about Madura and the Madurese, and the rumoured sexual prowess of the women.
Timdog gives Pramoedya Ananta Toer the literary parody treatment.
Timdog enthuses over the brothel district of “Dolly” in Surabaya.
Timdog on world religions and local beliefs in Nusa Tenggara.
Kim Cordell on Barry Soetoro | |
Louis on Syech Puji, Pujiono Cahyo & Underage.. | |
Dekyffe on Royal Doulton | |
Charles on Barry Soetoro | |
Helmut on Surabaya Girls | |
SimoneB on Royal Doulton | |
Tim Tomlinson on Surabaya Johnny | |
Mimi Anzel on Duncan Graham in Indonesia | |
daryl traster on Voodoo Spell | |
Umi on How to Get a Bule Man.. |
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