Author Archive for Arie Brand

A Pre-War “Mixed” Marriage

Tuesday, February 15th, 2011, by . 19 Comments
Willem Walraven & Family in Indonesia

I have translated part of a story entitled “The Clan” in which Willem Walraven tells us about his Indonesian in-laws. In the part I have translated we are told how he met his Sundanese wife Itih.

Surabaya Johnny

Sunday, November 28th, 2010, by . 35 Comments
Bertolt Brecht & Kurt Weill

Is there any non-Indonesian song that has the name of an Indonesian city in its very title? The only one I can think of (and if it is not the only one it is certainly the most famous one) is Brecht and Weill’s “Surabaya Johnny”.

Indonesia’s Claims to Papua

Saturday, October 30th, 2010, by . 100 Comments

The tangled logic of the state of Indonesia’s assertion of sovereignity over western Papua.

Free Speech & Begging

Monday, September 7th, 2009, by . 39 Comments

BeggarJakarta’s anti begging law in the light of constitutional freedom of speech.

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