Travelling to Bali brings Hollywood star Julia Roberts to embracing the Hindu religion, possibly.
While filming the movie version of the bestseller “Eat, Pray and Love” in Ubud, Bali, and India, actress Julia Roberts fell in love with the Hindu religion, and soon after converted, now living her life according to ancient Hindu scriptures and practises. She says:
I’m definitely a practising Hindu.
For the movie she also visited Italy for filming, but evidently was left cold by Italian Catholicism, possibly not finding it exotic enough.
After her spiritual awakening in Bali and India she now “chants, prays and celebrates” at a local ashram. Her husband, Daniel Moder, and their three offspring who with one non-egregious exception had relatively normal names for the spawn of celebrities, that is: Hazel, Phinnaeus, and Henry; are not being left out of things either, all receiving instruction from a Hindu holy man in the proper way to pray; and possibly including how to eat, but probably not love. It appears as well that they have received Hindu names: Hazel is now known as Laxmi; Henry as Krishna Balram, while Phinnaeus has not seen much improvement, being lumped with Ganesh.
Not content with renaming her children Julia has also named her film production company “Red Om Films”.
The star has also adopted the belief in reincarnation and has given some thought on the shape of her next, reincarnated life: antara
Golly, I’ve been so spoiled with my friends and family in this life. Next time I want to be just something quiet and supporting.
While international reports are attributing her conversion to Hinduism almost exclusively to her time in India, doggedly patriotic Indonesian media are emphasising the Bali connection, and so are we.
I wonder whether she has put her self to the syudra working class or the noble brahmin or better the pariah….LOL
Who bloody well gives a damn about that bleedin Hollyrottedwood star? Besides bloody Marisa Dumas? And we all know what a bloody pompous, (but bleedin hot one at that) self serving, illusional, dumbstruck, in love with her bloody self that she can be. I swear to the bloody surf gods that bleedin woman drives me? Well bloody well drives me…hahahaha….that’s all……………………..!!!!!!!!!!
“while Phinnaeus has not seen much improvement, being lumped with Ganesh.”
I am pretty sure with a name like Phinnaeus, even Ganesh would be a relief.
Hi Lairedion (spell checked), now I am totally confused? Why? Because dear boy I believe on several occassions you identified your daddy as a Indonesian Muslim married to your lily white Dutch mom. Did I get that wrong?
2nd While I agree with your statement that the majority of parents impose their religious beliefs on their children, I dont agree necessarily with your premise that this consitutes mental abuse, or that parents should not impose their religious beliefs on their children. Are you being specific to Julia Roberts or are you generalizing this to include everyone?
On a personal note being born and raised Catholic is rather special 🙂
@Patung – This could break into a rather interesting topic.
Well, Bali feels very supernaturally “alive” to a lot of people. I mean, I know practicing Muslims and Catholics from other parts of Indonesia who seem to think the authority of their universal god doesn’t quite apply there. On the other hand, those same people tend to find it all a bit creepy, so I don’t think any of them would decide to convert. Probably hard for most people to imagine devoting that much time to ritual obeisance too.
But hey…you know what? More power to Julia, if it helps her feel like a better person and she’s not forcing her views on anyone else. There’s a lot of nice things about Balinese Hinduism, and my opinion of Julia Roberts is–and I’ll agree with realest here–that she’s relatively genuine and thoughtful member of the Hollywood glitterati…
@ Lairedion – I stand corrected & thanks for proving me human & therefore capable of the occasional mistake.
Quotes from Dirk? Really did u mention his name in your comment? I must have missed that or perhaps you footnoted it?
Relationship with Marisa Duma? Now that’s a thought sort of like be in a relationship with an adult version of the character Regan from the movie “The Excorcist”. Ha ha ha I bet Marissa can spin her head faster than you can spin a story Lairedion 🙂
Does anything exist in the evening mist/ foes hidden from the light shadows in the twillight/ ashes to ashes dust to dust flashes of.lust/ who am I say again I am I am/ I am hidden deep in the seems of your dreams/ / I am everything you thought to be/ I am everything you sought in me/ Like your hero Nero you fiddle while I am burns/ you yearn to learn the riddle of who I am/ Who am I say again I am I am 😉
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One could forgive Indonesians for being so proud of a celebrity conversion — after all, the Roman Catholic leadership, at least in the UK, were over the moon when the Rt. Hon Anthony Blair formally converted as well.
Oh well, at least she did not become a Hare Krishna. That’d be on the same level as Madonna embracing Kabbalah.