Ariel Peterpan & Luna Maya

Jun 10th, 2010, in News, by

Stud Ariel from Peterpan causes national controversy with his Luna Maya/Cut Tari sex tapes.

An explicit video clip in circulation online and from mobile phone to mobile phone appears to show singer Nazril Irham aka Ariel from pop group Peterpan in bed with model Luna Maya (the face of Lux), who is his current girlfriend, while another older video features Ariel entertaining someone who resembles now ex-girlfriend actress Cut Tari. Cut Tari however, who is now married with children, vigorously denies that she is featured in either video.

The rather graphic Ariel and Luna video, which you can download here, has caused a storm of controversy, and Jakarta police have raised the possibility that Ariel, Luna Maya and Cut Tari may be charged under the 2008 Anti-Pornography law, although it seems that police are most interested in who distributed the clips.

Meanwhile among the avalanche of news items on the saga:

  • Internet cafes in Solo doing a roaring trade because of Ariel videos
  • High schools raided in Bandung, 12 out of 700 student phones have the videos
  • Conference of religious leaders in Jakarta deplores the depravity of it all
  • Ikatan Pelajar Putri Nahdlatul Ulama (IPPNU) says porn too easy to access
  • Lembaga Monitoring Hukum in Bogor calls for raids on schools to check student phones
  • Muhammadiyah leader Din Syamsuddin says porn videos are a logical consequence of modernisation
  • Komisi Penyiaran Indonesia (KPI) to take action against TV stations showing parts of the videos
  • Batam Education Department says school raids to begin shortly
  • Concerned parents in Bandarlampung worry about their children’s access to the internet
  • Women’s Empowerment minister Linda Gumelar says videos are proof of moral crisis
  • Mayor of Makassar H Ilham Arief Sirajuddin says Peterpan to be blacklisted in Makassar
  • Partai Amanat Nasional politician Teguh Juwarno demands police interrogate Ariel

  • 77 Comments on “Ariel Peterpan & Luna Maya”

    1. alistair cordon says:

      it’s just sex! jeeezz!
      what about other more pressing matters? like CORRUPTION?

      I hope more beautiful actress / studly actors / singers would record their sex.
      And please someone post them! 🙂

    2. realest says:

      @Patung: remove the link, you’re not supposed to make the video available. Minors are around !!

    3. timdog says:

      A bulwom of my some-time aquaintance once had a… ahem… pleasant evening with Ariel in a five-star hotel in Surabaya… Don’t know if there were any video cameras around though.

    4. Little miss LB says:

      only 3 comments so far?? :p luna maya is one fine lady 😉

    5. David says:

      People here are too classy for this kind of smut. Except Alastair, realist, timdog, and you. And me.

      I notice they’ve all basically admitted that it was them in the videos, so Detik can stop putting “mirip” in every single headline about this story. Cut’s admission was sideways – ‘my husband and family don’t believe that it is me in the video’.

    6. TWOG says:

      /// High schools raided in Bandung, 12 out of 700 student phones have the videos. ///

      Might as well, since the schools are so up-tight about sex education. At least these 12 know about the birds and bees.

    7. Dirk says:

      Sharks can be drawn into a feeding frenzy by just one drop of blood. The Indonesian authorities only need a whiff of sex to go uncontrollably mad with excitement.

      The moral values of a group of retired army officers and their wives frequenting a golf-course are not the same as those of a crowd of art students. What appears permissible in a big city, would be looked on with horror by peasants.

      Of course all these groups must be subject to a basic criminal law ; they must not be allowed to assault or pillage or rob or rape one another.

      But in such a society, tolerance demands that no one group may be allowed to impose its own moral views, however strongly held, upon another.

      No one has ever questioned anyone’s right NOT to read a book, to stay away from a movie or to switch off the television set or surf to another site on the internet.

      The administration of censorship laws entails dividing society into the sensible and the idiotic, the strong and the weaker brethren, and we all know, of course, where we belong.

      The assumption is that there is always a second-class citizen, who, at the glimpse of a doubtful paragraph, a dubious magazine, a movie, a website, would go uncontrollably mad.

      This attitude of censorship depends on the assumption that there is a superior type of person qualified to tell the rest of us what is good for us to read or watch or do.

      Most law system’s definitions of porn are very vague. There is a reason for that. It allows the law to adapt to a changing society.

      In most European countries pornography is defined as “any act contrary to public decency”

      In the 1890’s this meant that a woman showing her ankles on a beach committed an immoral offence and would be arrested by the vice squad.

      In 2010 in Europe, women may sit on a beach in monokini, showing their nude breasts.

      And yet the same definition of porn is in use.

      And it is obvious that most authorities like governors and bupatis have no clue that the internet shows heaps of porn. They only focus on websites where Indonesians are involved !

    8. Nay says:

      You have to admit, that porn is a great scapegoat for distracting the public discourse away from issues of government corruption.

      Porn and pictures of the Prophet.
      Pretty much anything that flies in the face of Islam, really.

    9. venna says:

      # Women’s Empowerment minister Linda Gumelar says videos are proof of moral crisis_

      this made me laugh hard. Did she really found it now that those videos are proof of moral crisis? c’mon, everybody who has access to internet can easily found Indonesia version of homemade porn videos if they want, way before Ariel version. There are lots of them. And to make it worse, since around ’85s, some of my classmates in elementary and junior highs schools sometimes brought porn magazines and novels they stole from their parents. And what did they receive when parents and teachers know about it? Corporal punishment, judgment, negative labels, sneer. No dialog at all, and even there was a dialog, mostly in a style of lecturing rather than encourage kids to express their opinion and made their own conclusion. I think that’s the period kids learn about taboo and hypocrisy.

      I actually felt sorry for Luna. As usual, woman always the first one that got negative stigma and of course, lots of venom from public. But later I feel relieved when public made fun of Ariel more by popularizing “peterporn” rather than luporn or cutporn. Gender balance LOL

    10. diego says:

      Thanks patung,

      I actually haven’t seen the video until you posted it here 😀

      Not my cup of tea anyway…. 🙂

    11. Winmar says:

      I always find it amusing how all the holier-than-thou types get in a huff about things like this, yet all the ordinary people love it.

    12. Swagman says:

      What’s not to like? She is hot!

    13. diego says:

      What would happen when similar video(s) involving indonesian gay celebrities come out…? I wonder.

    14. Swagman says:

      We should ask Ross for his opinion on that … he has done all the research on homosexuals.

    15. tee are says:

      ridiculous thing that they do… (nottalking)

    16. David says:

      Not my cup of tea anyway….

      Not mine either, that video shows far more than anybody needs to see.

    17. timdog says:

      People here are too classy for this kind of smut. Except Alastair, realist, timdog, and you. And me.

      Mister Patung, shame on you sir – I am too classy for this kind of smut; I merely wished, for the edification of your readership, to share my one and only titbit of rather stale celebrity gossip.
      I am deeply offended… 😉

    18. Ross says:

      Swagman, I assure you that digging up that poof-stuff for Oigal was hardly a pleasing task. I have better things to do over a weekend.

      More to the point, I am getting totally pissed off with the carry-on about these videos.

      Assuming they are genuine, only a dork would have made them, given the risk of somebody stealing the laptop or h-p, but these two gals are being dragged through the mire, with Luna losing her Lux contract as a result.
      (though I do feel sorry for Cut, since she is Acehnese and it is refreshing to come across a lady from up there who behaves like a normal person. No offence to Acehnese ladies, but in general they are not allowed to be normal)

      The way the media are suffocating us with the saga too is mind-numbing. All the corrupt rats in the establishment must be delighted that the spotlight is focused on trivia instead of KKN.

    19. diego says:


      This — I think — what we can expect from cities in west java…: hypocrisy (gone wild).

    20. Winmar says:

      Blimey, that’s just ridiculous. Just when I thought people in power there couldn’t be any more idiotic. How embarrassing.

    21. madrotter says:

      oh that doesn’t surprise me at all, they banned dewi persik and julia perez in bandung too…

    22. diego says:

      Just when I thought Roy Suryo couldn’t be more hilarious…:

      Roy Suryo — the ‘telematic expert’ — confirmed: there were only 2 persons in the ‘arielluna’ sex-video.

    23. queen says:

      kalo memang ariel n luna bnr dlm video itu emang nya kt semua mau apa? krn cm mrk adalah public figure makanya di bsr2kan cb kt org baisa yg begitu emangnya akan serame ini? sy pkr kt org indonesia terll sok suci emang nya siapa yg tdk berbuat slh?
      bkn kah ada hal yg lbh berguna kt pkrkan yaitu bgmn membr makan pd keluarga kt drpd teriak rame2 menuntut ariel n luna hrs di penjara atau apalah, sy pkr kt tdk berhak menghakimi siapapun dia, krn yg berhak menghakimi hny Tuhan sj.
      seperti si lawyer farhan emangnya dia itu tdk berbuat slh? n roy suryo emang nya hny dia satu2nya org yg ahli dlm soal pengcheckan video itu bnr atau tdk? kalo pun spi bnr emang nya mrk2 yg nuntut ini di rugikan?

    24. Lairedion says:

      videos like these are great for exposing hypocrisy…

    25. rayner says:

      It never ceases to amaze me that we allow our children to watch violence in all of it’s manifestations, with out a qualm or a voice raised in protest. Then we wonder why, when they turn out to be violent. Prescott came out with a theory years ago that society functions by frustrating the male, so that he will work hard, in order to acquire the goods, and wealth, in order that women will find him attractive sexually!

      What is the harm in allowing children to watch movies which have sex in accord with the story line? Where will they learn how to be sexual, and intimate like that movie displayed? I saw no violence in it.

    26. diego says:

      This one:

      Sebelumnya, kira-kira 50 orang yang tergabung dalam berbagai organisasi massa Islam di Kota Bandung berunjuk rasa di depan rumah Ariel. “Pemberitaan tentang video-video seks itu telah mempermalukan Indonesia di luar negeri,” ujar Wakil Ketua FPI Kota Bandung Muhammad Anshori ketika berorasi di depan rumah Ariel. Selain di depan kediaman Ariel, unjuk rasa juga diadakan di depan kafe milik Luna Maya dan DPRD Kota Bandung.

      WTF? Katak dalam tempurung…, as if “luar negeri” care about this. Of course there news around. I read one in mexico, but the news is not exactly about what Ariel & Luna did. Instead, it highlights the (over) reactions of several elements in the society. The hypocrisy. That’s what embarrass me. Not Ariel-Luna video.

      I vote for mass killing of those FPI thugs. Screw human rights. In my eyes those wahabi slaves are not human anyway….

    27. realest says:

      Miyabi actually got wind and watched the video. surely it counts as luar negeri :p

    28. diego says:

      What I mean by “care” is like: “Oh, look, poor indonesia, their celebrities made a sex-tape. Oh no, that’s so disgusting….”

    29. justme says:

      Some Indonesian citizens have opened an online petition calling for the FPI ) to be disbanded. who im sure have enjoyed watching these videos also

      Those who are interested in adding their signature – the quickest way to find it is to Google ‘petition disband FPI’

    30. diego says:

      Again, from West Java…:

      Wow…. I remember someone said here: only boobs, tits, penis, and cartoon of mohammed fly in the face of islam. How true!

      Now they’re offended by a statue in Bekasi. I suppose it shows boob and tits, hence it is offensive. This is the “offensive” statue “tiga mojang” (three young women):

      Tiga Mojang

      It reminds me when I studied in a junior high school in Bandung. I was a new student there, coming from Bali, and we were walking passing by Taman Maluku (Maluku Park). There was a statue of catholic priest in that park. A school friend mentioned there were actually two statues of that kind in the park. But people protested and managed to get rid one of the statue. He told me that with a glimpse of “feeling proud” of that. Being a courteous person that I am, I just nodded and said “aahh…”. At the same time I found it was amusing…. a 2nd-year junior high school student has shown that level of fanaticism and narrow-mindednes???

      I can’t imagine if we put a statue like this one below…. I guess their head will explode of anger…. (a pic from shanghai sex museum).

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