Ninih Muthmainnah Muhsin

Dec 9th, 2006, in Society, by

Aa Gym‘s first wife Ninih Muthmainnah Muhsin discusses her situation.

Ninih Muthmainnah Muhsin, the head of the Muslimah Center at the Yayasan Daarut Tauhid in Bandung, and normally called Teteh Ninih, said in Batam on the 6th that being a madu, or co-wife, was not a sad thing but beautiful, because she was able to look at things from more than just the physical side.

Ninih Muthmainnah Muhsin
Ninih Muthmainnah Muhsin.

Then she recalled how she felt upon the prospect of meeting her husband’s new bride, Alfarini Eridani, for the first time. Not knowing what to say she just smiled, and, she told her audience, she did not punch her, this last comment being greeted with laughter.

Seeing her husband leave her for his other home was not pleasant:

It hurts when Aa goes there [to his other wife].
(Rasanya panas, kalau Aa lagi di sana. Huhh)

Stoically however she said feeling jealous was just a natural form of love for one’s husband and noted the example of Aisyah, who was one of Muhammad’s numerous wives, and who always felt such a feeling when Muhammad was off with another member of his harem. gatra

63 Comments on “Ninih Muthmainnah Muhsin”

  1. sgn says:

    Parvita Says:

    January 5th, 2007 at 7:48 am
    Hahaha, Hassan, this should go to private discussion!

    sent to this address

    hahahahaaa….. believe it or not.

  2. Chintya says:

    Hi Bill,

    You wrote on your Dec 10 comments

    before judging a person, you should know the whole damn thing, then you say whatever you want to say.

    You are right about that but you are doing exactly the same thing, do not judge the Indonesian for the corroption unless you know the complication of the situation. I am Indonesian spends half of my time abroad and work in Indonesian environment closely with expats from all over the countries.

    You seems to think yourself smart in making all those comments, maybe you are I do not know but becareful in maing comments, not only religion can make people fights. I also can tell you all about the non Indonesian but well we should not start a war in this already full of hatred world.

  3. Gini says:

    Definetely, we live in the sick world, how come you Ninih feel good when your husband abused you emotionally. If I were you, I left him! It is a pity most indonesian women are very submissive with their husband’s authority. Hey women you have choice you have power to do what you want. Don’t be silly such Ninih did. I am sure she is hurt so much, but she pretend to hide it because she confused who will feed her if she divorce from her bad husband, shame on you ninih and gym! I am worry with the future of their children, I am sure they will be affected, probably not now, because they are too young but let’s see the next 10 years, something horrible might happen with that weird family

Comment on “Ninih Muthmainnah Muhsin”.

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