Israel causes traffic jams in Bogor; one Indonesian volunteer hurt in the Mavi Marmara incident.
In response to the Israeli boarding of Comoros flagged ship “Mavi Marmara” – part of the “Freedom Flotilla” ferrying relief supplies to Palestinians – in international waters off the coast of Israel on May 31st hundreds of journalists and university students staged a pro-Palestinian demonstration in Bogor, West Java on 1st June.
Anti Zionists
In a news report, “Roads Jammed in Bogor Because of Israel“, it is said that traffic on Jalan Sholeh Iskandar was backed up five kilometres, due to the protests, or Israel.
Meanwhile of the 12 Indonesians on board the “Mavi Marmara” one among them was hurt in the incident, and is currently being treated at the London Hospital in Haifa, Israel, and will likely be deported once recovered.
Possibly one of these fellows.
The Indonesian volunteers travelling on the boat came from various organisations including Friends of Al-Aqsa, the Medical Emergency Rescue Committee (MER-C), and the Indonesian Committee for Solidarity With Palestine (KISPA).
Awww Diego u are rock!
10000% agree with you
just if I tell/share this to my Indonesian fellow or bule fellow they will think I have illness on my brain
From CNN:
“One casualty, a 19-year-old dual national Turkish-American citizen named Furkan Dogan, was found to have bullet wounds in his head and multiple bullets in his body, Ince said.”
It is hard to believe that it was merely a self defense.
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Hey-Ho! I was rather expecting somebody to post on this issue, and am glad to have the opportunity to weigh in early due to my habitual insomnia.
I really can’t see why Israel should be condemned so roundly for this incident.
My own views tend to tilt towards the Palestinians in general, partly because of the sheer injustice which we Westerners perpetrated against the Arabs whom we were mandated to look after post-1918, and partly also because of the brutality of the Jewish occupation forces, going way back to the massacre of innocents at Deir Yassin in the Forties.
But having seen the video on YouTube of the louts on board the vessel laying into IDF personnel as they landed on a ship which had been clearly warned not to proceed, I have to conclude that the people involved were not ‘charitable activists’ so much as pro-Hamas thugs. IDF misread the nature of the protests and were armed with paint-ball rifles, expecting nothing worse than minor scuffles. Only when the ‘peaceful activists’ arsenal of clubs, bats and sling-shots was used to do serious harm to their fellow-troops did more lethal weapons come into play.
If some of the ‘activists’ were indeed peaceful in their intent and were injured in the resulting violence, that is of course sad, but they ought to have been more careful in the company they chose to keep.
That brings me onto the demos which appear in the picture above, with the usual jilbabbed selective indignation on display.
Such fierce outrage over fifteen deaths – where were these protestors demonstrating after 9/11, when rather more, and more innocent, civilians were murdered in cold blood by Islamonazis?
I don’t recall traffic-jams in Bogor or anywhere else in Jabotabek caused by rallies condemning that real atrocity.
Interesting too, to note that ‘journalists’ were out there belly-aching in Bogor, instead of objectively reporting.
Given the lousy bias in the media here, with that dirge about how they ‘won’t go down’ played incessantly on tv news channels, and absurdly slanted items about Zionist aggression’ – why don’t some of these pathetic apologies for ‘journalists’ demand that their employers apply impartial standards in the media they operate.
Like I say, what Israel has done over the years to Palestinians has been manifestly unfair. but this maritime incident just doesn’t merit the hysterical outrage we are witnessing.