Indonesian newspaper Rakyat Merdeka’s website publishes the Muhammad cartoons.
The website version, not the print, of the Indonesian newspaper Rakyat Merdeka (Free/Independent People/Society), a pro-Western tabloid, showed the infamous Muhammad cartoons which sparked protests at the Danish Embassy in Jakarta.
The publication of the cartoons on the Rakyat Merdeka site came to the attention of the ever-vigilant Laskar Front Pembela Islam, or Islamic Defenders Front, who staged a protest in front of the newspaper’s office and extracted an apology from the newspaper’s editor.
The Jakarta police force are apparently also taking an interest in the matter and have declared they will investigate to ajudge whether the newspaper has violated the blasphemy law, recently employed in the case of Lia Eden.
In his apology the chief editor, Teguh Santosa, of the online newspaper said that it had published the cartoons only as part of its duty to inform the public on current events and had not wished to offend anyone.
Don’t ask smart question to dumb assed person, they will think you are stupid and brainless. Check out their head…. you’ll find nothing there…. check out their pocket, maybe they just got brand new 50 from their chief.
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The ability of Islamic people to be offended seems to be in direct proportion to the number of interpretations of the koranic verses they pretend to defend. It would be interesting to ask those guys if they know what part of the Koran has been offended. Or are they just there to look fierce and intimidate people?