Film Tiran Mati Di Ranjang

Apr 8th, 2010, in Asides, by

A review of “Tiran Mati Di Ranjang” starring Dewi Persik and Indra Bruggman.

At Bioskop Slipi watched a genuinely horrific horror movie, “Tiran (Mati di Ranjang)”, starring the delightful Dewi Persik as well as Indra Bruggman.

Although it succumbed to the Indonesian insistence on sticking in slap-stick interludes, the story-line was kept intact.

Briefly, a pregnant lady was left to her still-born (and herself doomed) fate, because her man was acting the Jakarta Sucker with a prostitute in his boarding house. He returned too late, chopped up the corpse and disposed of the bits in a suitcase – nice chap!

As you’d expect, there are thus two restless spirits on the prowl, and their vengeance focuses on the mattress she and the babe met their fate on. Hence the title, Tiran (Mati di Ranjang) Dewi and Indra Bruggman buy the thing, and inevitably our heroine is possessed and mayhem ensues.

The gory scenes seem unclipped whereas the sexy scenes are fairly obviously subject to meddling, but you know what’s going on and Dewi is pretty scary, but still pretty, as she goes about her ghastly ghostly business.

Much better than Jupe‘s current movie, “Te Rekam”, and this would make a good launching pad if she listens to my calls for her to exorcise the dead hand of the current political establishment!

11 Comments on “Film Tiran Mati Di Ranjang”

  1. Chris says:

    Hi Ross,

    Have you seen “The Sexy City” yet?

    If yes, would you care to share your thoughts on this movie too?

  2. Ross says:

    Not yet, Dude!

  3. David says:

    These horror films, they just keep churning them out, must be money in it but considering most people end up seeing them in pirated versions I’m struggling to imagine that there’s a lot of money in it. Do they have much of an overseas market? Maybe they do but still.

  4. Ross says:

    There is a real domestic market, Patung, mostly teenagers, from what I’ve seen in the bioskops here.
    I was once told that the intrinsic merits of the movie don/t matter to these youngsters, who merely appreciate the opportunity provided by the scary moments to clutch each other in fright!
    But most of them are quite good films, the Pocong series, 1,2,3 and similarly the Kuntilanak series. Since then, the quality has varied, but Dewi’s was fine.

  5. ET says:

    Nice picture Patung. I must have looked the same after eating my first rujak.

  6. deta says:

    I was once told that the intrinsic merits of the movie don/t matter to these youngsters, who merely appreciate the opportunity provided by the scary moments to clutch each other in fright!

    I always hate horror movies, but will learn to put more appreciation from now on. They promote love and peace!

    I must have looked the same after eating my first rujak.

    No, you looked even worse with your tongue hanging. Check the gravatar.

  7. ET says:

    No, you looked even worse with your tongue hanging

    You really don’t like cartoons, do you? Not intellectual enough for a PhD?

  8. deta says:

    You really don’t like cartoons, do you? Not intellectual enough for a PhD?

    Laugh. What does PhD (no matter what it stands for) have to do with cartoon?

  9. ET says:

    Laugh. What does PhD (no matter what it stands for) have to do with cartoon?

    Use of imagination.

  10. deta says:

    Laugh (again). Why should I use my imagination when everything is right there? You’re the one who has a wrong imagination.

  11. deta says:

    Okay, okay, ET. I feel bad for talking bad about your gravatar. I should’ve known you’re so fond of cartoons. My apology.

    PS: I am bloody straight.

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