How young can girls be married, NU issues fatwa allowing for marriage below the age of consent.
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As long the objective of marriage is positive then its allowed. As its said the girl need to mature mentally to be responsible to husband and their children. How you expect a child to be responsible for other people if they barely to take care/responsible for them self?
They can get married at any age, even girls who haven’t started menstruating. And they can have intimate relationships and intercourse, as long as they are able.
This is my big concern. At any age? Does it include toddler age? And who decide they’re ready? the girls? the parents? the husbands?
I have no problem with people who try to obey the shariah law or religion rule, just wish that they can come up with better products.
Sometimes it’s just taking religious orders into context and following them piously. I believe the NU endorsed underage marriage for the exact same purpose.
A lot of people condemned the burqa for muslims – particularly the headscrarf which became the center of objection – and france has even taken steps to have it outlawed(sarkozy mentioned particularly of the inferiority towards women) What most ppl chose to ignore is that the Bible also makes it compulsory for women to cover up their head(1 corin 11).
In a nutshell, hypocrites are acting ridiculous by condemning others for being pious.
With regard to this underage, i’ll cite a typical example of the syekh puji-ulfa case. If we observe using skeptic glasses, ulfa didnt seem to mind and looks quite content with the position she’s in. It’s the outsiders that’s making a huge fuss of the situation.
Most village girls live under extreme poverty, bearing children they can barely feed much less give them proper education for a better future. Their children will most likely be the apple of their parents, toiling all day for scraps of food and being stuck in the cycle of poverty. What’s wrong with marrying someone rich even if you’re underage? Most girls would actually kill to be in ulfa’s position – again a fact which people conveniently chose to ignore. in my opinion, this underage marriage fiasco has nothing to do with pedophilia. There are a lot of outlets readily available if you knock on the right doors – suburban villages, remote bars in smaller cities, adoption …. where one can get in and pull out easily without getting any unnecessary attention.
Im one of those lucky ones who didn’t have to live through this shit, but i doubt all of you could say the same when put under similar circumstances as ulfa is – Being poor, having the possibility of marrying another redneck brute(who’ll prolly treat u like a cow anyway), maybe working out of town or overseas(and ended getting raped or beaten up or both), having a major headache should the price of egg rise by 10 cents, having children and feeding them with rice water instead of milk, being poor and being poor ….
I just read Patung comment about Madurese-underage marriage-NU.
Yes, among Madurese we can say that underage marriage is quite common, as well as nikah siri. But I don’t think it is the reason NU declares this fatwa. Lots of Javanese people also doing this, and I think their percentage is not any lower than the Madurese. In my opinion, this fatwa is for accommodating their followers that still practicing underage marriage style, especially among the religion & social leaders (kyai, rich men, local political leaders). Something that I choose to oppose because they fail to give enlightenment for their people that there are alternatives that they can do rather than simply giving permission for underage marriage (or worse, ANY AGE marriage).
I hate to say this, but yes, marrying them (the rich men) is a way to climb higher social status and escape from poverty. Another version of girls looking for sugar daddies to solve their financial trouble, but at different level or different reason. Or can I say it as not different than trafficking? Exchange their daughters/girls for some money and status. Yeah, it sucks to be poor. Having many kids to increase the chance for survival, and use them as economic asset thru marriage.
I don’t blame those girls that choose to be married by older rich men, but it doesn’t mean I agree with this fatwa. NU as the biggest social organization has lots of capacity and human resource to create changes and introduce different perspective. They should be able to do more than this. We live in different era than the prophet’s and we know a lot about health research, social studies, about the risks faced by women when they married at very young age. What was maybe “good” for women in Arab doesn’t necessarily good for women in Indonesia, especially right now. Underage marriage is not the only way to cut the poverty cycle. Poverty is complex, it’s not only about not having enough money to buy food but also habit, lifestyle, and culture. Maintaining social status like this actually contributes to poverty, because only those who willing to be married by the rich folks has chance to access the money and opportunity, and the rest will be left poor unless they make a deal to exchange it. And it is not free, I’m pretty sure. The power is in their husband’s hand.
And it is not merely about following religion law or not, or being obedient or not. Ok, it has good intention. A way to help them from poverty. A way to protect those girls from being forced into prostitution or cheap-abusive domestic work sectors. But, that’s it? No more? How about start to think about using their power and wealth to create better opportunity for those girls, like helping them to get better education and better access to economic sectors without having to marry them, so they can cut the poverty cycle by themselves? Thus it can be a proof that they really have good intention and not expecting something in return. Ikhlas, men, ikhlas.
Willing to kill to be in ulfa’s position? Yeah, I bet some will do it. It is prestigious, and money will be available at any time. Forget the grin of that old man, like he just hit a jackpot. Forget it, just focus on social status and money. Focus, focus, focus.
Should they semi-democratically represent the interests of their followers, which given it’s conservative NU Islam is likely going to mean men, and men as you say who are “specifically religion & social leaders (kyai, rich men, local political leaders)”, or should they as presumably moderately well educated possibly worldly (?) men try to lead their backwoods followers in a better direction…
I was thinking a lot last night, and still cannot help myself to see that this fatwa is issued to accommodate mostly the elites’s interests (those men). If FPI that declared this fatwa, I can see the consistent pattern. But NU? No, oh please. NU is conservative, indeed, but not that backward. They have lots of young scholars, excellent women activists, that actively involved in grassroot movements; campaign about reproductive health, women’s rights, children’s rights. This fatwa annihilate all of those efforts.
But you know, it reminds me on something. Long time ago in East Java, I spent quite good times hanging out with some friends from NU. They were young, smart, and had lots of brilliant ideas. They’re pretty progressive and open minded, but when it came to the hierarchy, all stopped. The kyais are the final decision makers, whether they like it or not. So I think the same pattern happened again here.
This fatwa is about endorsing Mohammad’s marriage to Aisha. They issued this fatwa because they have no other choice, being followers of a prophet who has to be a shining example in all matters concerning daily life.
A big loophole, and it’s a pity if now his followers have to rationalize it at any cost and sacrificing their rational. The prophet lived in Arab, at that era where not much information available, and their culture was of course very different. He would follow the culture and did what was necessary at that time. It would be different maybe, if he lived in another continent. I don’t see any logic when people trying to copy it blindly just because it was what he did or just to defend him from irrational attackers.
But wait, Patung & Ross, you’re not interpreting my ‘understanding’ here as a support, right? Because it is really different. You understand why people doing this and that, doesn’t mean that you choose the same side.
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Amazing the length of argument they will go to bring their fatwas in line with Pedomo’s example of marrying a 6-year old child.