Gamawan Fauzi

Dec 5th, 2006, in News, by

Combating sin is the top priority for West Sumatra governor Gamawan Fauzi in 2007.

Gamawan Fauzi said on the 29th of November that his provincial administration had set out eight priorities for 2007, and at the top of the list was the implementation of traditional and religious teachings and norms, and the combating of immorality among the populace. The plan for 2007 had already been submitted to the West Sumatra parliament in the form of the annual budget proposal (Rancangan Anggaran Pendapatan Belanja Daerah (RAPBD) Sumbar 2007).

Gamawan Fauzi
Gamawan Fauzi, upon receiving a “sharia award”.

Sin was rampant among the people of West Sumatra and many figures in the province were agreed that understanding of cultural and religious principles was woeful, said Fauzi, who is from the Partai Bulan Bintang (PBB). He blamed the problems on the influence of new technology which brought the worst of world culture right into the heart of West Sumatran society, saying that therefore a great effort was needed to restore the situation and make the people morally upright again.

The role of clerics and religious organisations in the religious education of the young had to be increased and so he advocated setting up a local curriculum for schools. And raids on places where sin was known to be going on would be increased in frequency.

Apart from waging war on sinfulness his eight point plan covered the issues of education, health care, poverty reduction, strengthening micro-businesses, increasing quality of infrastructure, dealing with corruption, re-vitalising the farming sector and developing the agro-business industry, among other things. republika

4 Comments on “Gamawan Fauzi”

  1. O. Bule says:

    How about fighting corruption and religious intolerance?

    O. Bule

  2. Tomaculum says:

    O. Bule:
    you know surely, that (perhaps at least) 99% of his coworkers are corrupt, aren’t they? So it would be a slap at his own face, isn’t it?
    And about religious intolerance: do you really so naive? One more slap on his own face?
    Besides: to fight against such “minor” matters is not striking enough, isn’t it? It is not good enough for a head line.
    I don’t know till now, that the faith and the moral of the west sumatran people are soooo weak, that such “garbages” brought by the new technology (read: new media) can destruct it.

    Apart from waging war on sinfulness his eight point plan covered the issues of education, health care, poverty reduction, strengthening micro-businesses, increasing quality of infrastructure,dealing with corruption,re-vitalising the farming sector and developing the agro-business industry, among other things.
    Why dealing with corruption? Why not annihilate? Maybe he is just too undiplomatic and too honest he knows that it is impossible.
    Sometimes words betray the mind, isn’t it?

  3. Mohammed Khafi says:

    Why do these leaders always try to work from the bottom, up, rather than from the top, down? Don’t they realise that if they themselves were setting a good example then the people would follow them?

    I like this comment:

    He blamed the problems on the influence of new technology which brought the worst of world culture right into the heart of West Sumatran society

    So much of West Sumatra doesn’t even have electricity or telephone lines, how is the new technology corrupting them in that case? It seems that he is looking for another ‘kambing hitam’ instead of facing the reality that we are the cause of our own problems.

  4. Grace and Mercy says:

    The article said

    He blamed the problems on the influence of new technology which brought the worst of world culture right into the heart of West Sumatran society, saying that therefore a great effort was needed to restore the situation and make the people morally upright again.

    Where he should have blamed the hardness of human heart. That’s why we need a saviour.

Comment on “Gamawan Fauzi”.

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