Expat men in Indonesia and their love affairs with lower class women, opposites attract.
The Friend,
Late one night as my Kampung friends and I were guarding our neighbourhood, the age-old question came up: why does the Bule Man (Bulman), like the Pembantu (maid) face ? We contemplate many such questions as I tap on my Bongo drums and my friends sip their Kratingdaeng, staring out from our little pos jaga (guard post) at the corner of the street under the Jambu tree.
Indeed, it is like Yin and Yang: white (or pink), tall, educated, from the city, versus dark, short, from the village. For me, the Bulman’s taste is his own business; that is how our Indonesian system of Bhinekka Tunggal Ika, or Unity in Diversity works. But many big-haired society Matrons, funky university hipsters, and ordinary Indonesian people alike wonder about the strange attraction of the White Man for his maid.
At our guard post, we try to help the country, so for you, my Indonesia Matters friends, I return to this burning question.
Many writers ever addressed the Bule-Pembantu phenomenon before. The prominent columnist and thinker Thang D. Nguyen ever wrote about Westerners and maids, putting the attraction down to the law of relativity. Mr. Thang defines Pembantu characteristics as,
a dark complexion, buck teeth, and a high forehead typically found among remote mountain villagers in Java
adding that his Indonesian friend finds such features,
not beautiful.
But, Mr. Thang says:
Beauty, like many things in life, is bound by the rule of relativity. In other words, what one man considers beautiful is ugly in the eyes of another.
Elsewhere in the Blogosphere and Chatosphere, Java Jive, and Unspun, and Detik, have all discussed the Yin and Yang syndrome.
The Detik chat is an online version of thoughts going through the minds of many Indonesians as they see a fifty-ish Om-Om, or even a debonair well-dressed Bulman mas mas (young man), with someone who looks like a rejected audition from the 1970s classic film Si Inem Pelayan Seksi (“Inem the Seksi Server”). Si Inem was like an Indonesian Cinderella, or the 1990s Julia Roberts film ‘Pretty Woman’, where the poor girl gets the prince. (Personally I want to see Julia Perez do a Dangdut version of Pretty Woman – Astaga and Aduhai !)
Here are the thoughts of my neighborhood watch group and hang-out friends.
The Bule cannot find it in his own country.
Ever since Bule Belanda (Bulbel) came to the Spice Islands to trade nutmeg, Bule has ever come to my country to find something he doesn’t have. In his country, the woman is tall, White, likes to argue and not follow what he says. She threaten him with divorce and instead of being allowed to perform manly night-guard duties, like us, he must do housework while she watches “Desperate Housewives”. Maybe for Bule with his maid it is different.
Opposites Attract
I ever read that primates seek to make up for shortcomings in their genetic makeup by finding a mate with different DNA characteristics: thus opposites attract. Maybe the maid wants to improve her bloodline (memperbaiki keturunan). Bule subconsciously does likewise. Just like Bhinekka Tunggal Ika teaches us, there is unity in diversity.
Beer Goggles (Alcohol Induced Judgement Lapse)
Friend, we Betawi warriors don’t drink much more than the occasional shot of Arak in our Kratingdaeng, so we are not experts in beer drinking. But for hundreds of years, Bule has soaked himself in gin, rum, or recently beer. In fact, friend according to Mike Dash, author of the history ‘Batavia’s Graveyard‘, there was one tavern for every seven Dutchmen in Batavia in the 1770s. Drunken opponents – as well as Silat – was one reason the Betawi hero Si Pitoeng was so easily able to defeat Tuan Scott (see clip below).
At the popular Bule meeting places like Jl. Felatehan Blok M, Bule crashes into everything – the walls, the Preman, and, yes, the one who looks like Maid. Sometimes true love can blossom and he will marry her. Then the relationship becomes more like one and two above.
A Call For Discussion
Remember, that not all Bule are alike. There are short, tall, and even vagrant and poor – known locally as ‘Bule Jaksa’. In turn, some Bule marry the Cinetron star, big-hair high society matron, or local aristocrat, be it from Bali or Java or whereever. Friend, that is the beauty of Bhinekka Tunggal Ika.
There are many mystery in Indonesia. Why wasn’t a single member of Dono, Kasino Indro given a cabinet post ? Does Wiranto, Hanura chairman and retired general, wear a toupe ? Why is Ulfa so annoying ?
Friend, our late-night guard post Bongo session was an open discussion. I now call on You, Indonesia Matters reader to share your own insights and thoughts on the Yin-Yang phenomena.
Come on ladies and gentleman…
Hummm .. How can you call a dark skin short Indonesian woman a “pembantu” and no ones seems to react to that.? You are judging someone negatively to say, just by the way she looks and assume wrongfully that she is somewhat of a lower category woman.
I think its somewhat a primitive approach not to say racist to your own race, only the tall, white and long nosed woman deserve respect? If that was the case all foreign women would be beautiful, and that’s far from being true.
I think something is missing in your analysis of the problem, I do not think that you have any experience with foreign women, if you did you would appreciate what you have at home a little bit more.
The so called primitive low class uneducated pembantu most often have qualities and values that are very respectable and they highly qualify as a human beings, as much if not more than their foreign counterparts.
Judging a book by its cover will take you nowhere, as the article indicates it, and finishes with a big question mark, as would an unresolved and misunderstood enigma.
Philippe Jgja.
I just have to say
99% of Kuta cowboys are UGLY! I don’t know what the attraction is?
@ Justme
Lol, nice video…
Not that all those bule girls shown on the vid are as ugly as those Indonesian ‘stallions’ usually get… but they’re still not what I’d consider as ‘attractive’ ones. See how the piggish bellies are already farming the fat… the same probably occur in the skull, inwards.
Next post please: why Indonesian men are sooo attracted by ugly bule girls? ROFL
Gosh, when I read and see all this, I wonder if a brain is required to qualify as a Homo sapiens.
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@ Oigal: Ha ha ha ha….poppy, grand pa..isn’t life tough too as ex army in OZ, thts why u stick ur bloody arse here….kasiiiiaaaaannn deh lu opa….ha ha ha. I’m not flipped out of what u said to me..Ha ha ha. Giddy up grandpa!! Lol my ass off.