Bali Beach Gigolos

Apr 28th, 2010, in News, by

Woe befalls Kuta Cowboys as a documentary shames village officials into action against them.

On 27th April twenty-eight men (and one woman) were rounded up by public order officials on Kuta beach, the raid apparently carried out in shamed reaction to a spate of publicity over the premiering of the documentary film “Cowboys in Paradise” at the DMZ Documentary Film Festival in South Korea last week.

“Cowboys in Paradise” chronicles the lives of some “Kuta Cowboys” or gigolos who entertain foreign tourist women in Bali. Village and tourism officials are unhappy at seeing Kuta portrayed in the film as a haven for male prostitutes.

‘Cowboys in Paradise’ trailer.

Said Kuta village head Gusti Ketut Sudira:

We found 28 men whose identity was unclear but none of them has confessed to being a gigolo.

In future young men, especially “dark and muscular” ones, hanging around beach areas had better have a good reason to be there: vivanews

We will intensify monitoring of the beach and those who are neither tourists nor vendors will be questioned

Meanwhile the Singapore-based Indian director of “Cowboys in Paradise”, Amit Virmani, claims to have received death threats and hate mail from ashamed Balinese, while the contents of the film’s website have been removed and (melo)dramatically replaced with:

Cowboys in Paradise

Governor of Bali, I Made Mangku Pastika, said that he would order an investigation into “Cowboys in Paradise”, to determine whether the producers had had the necessary permits to make the film.

63 Comments on “Bali Beach Gigolos”

  1. Oigal says:

    Hang on a minute… that short, retarded looking white pillow biter in the clip..thats Dikki senior isn’t it. He is handsome in a retarded I take it everyway kind of manner..

    Ok thats it. I can only allocate so much time to troll baiting particulary with poor qaulity trolls

  2. @ Oigal,

    Yes, fair enough, I threw it out on the offchance you were a footy homophone. But ha ha ha, I knew you’d bite on the first one, even though I didn’t mention u ! : )

  3. ET says:


    There is murder and sexual violence, lots of crime targeting foreigners, within the tourist industry there is thuggery and premanism that puts even Jakarta in the shade, and the corruption at all levels is staggering… And then of course there’s epidemic rabies, dengue and suicide.

    Well, we finally agree on something. How’s that for a change?

    And an ugly spectre rises its head again, pungli (pungutan liar), meaning a couple of thugs setting up road barriers at the entrance of a vilage or dusun, probably with the blessings of the local banjar, demanding money to enter the place. I can eaily name a few places where it happens.

    I don’t have much time to elaborate cause I’m on the move and my browsing possibilities are limited.

  4. Dirk says:

    You’ll have to admit that the gender balance has been restored, because usually people complain about sex tourism in Bangkok involving elderly men and young girls. In Bali it’s the other way around.

    Did anyone mention exploitation ? Sex slavery ? Now then, everything is OK. What’s the problem ? Everybody gets better from it, the women who get what they want, the boys who get the money, and the Balinese economy benefits from the money !

    Another day in paradise…

  5. Dirk,

    Well said. The Kuta Cowboys are the heroes of Melayu Seksiness !

  6. venna says:

    You’ll have to admit that the gender balance has been restored,
    Amen, Dirk. As a whitewashed girl with PhD hat, I’ll be happily sitting on a chair at Kuta beach, watching RoboCops patrol along the beach. It is a rare event and need to be documented well. And the female prostitutes there would be happily said to the boys: I told you, but you not listen to us. Now you got the message.
    But wait, can I request to replace those male RoboCops with the female one?

  7. Dirk says:

    Venna, I am a barrister and as a lawyer I tend to defend people.

    Regarding the law in Indonesia, I intend to write an essay about the way Indonesian lawyers see their job

  8. bayuputra says:

    I berap these events is not true, since Bali is one of the famous tourist attraction.

  9. Bayuputra,

    Yes, the Bule will go to great lengths to bring Indonesia down, even working through an Indian filmmaker.

  10. diego says:

    That curry-smelling keling (indian) who said “I’m 50-years old okay. I’ve tried to understand women…, I’ve not understood even a percentage of that. And these little f*ckers on the beach — sorry for the language — they seem to connect to these women, and the women connect to them so instantly. ”

    I was like: “this guy is so…, sad”. Maybe he’s the one that should be called “little f*cker”.

    And the way he dressed, emulating an english-man / bule, shows that he’s having a brown-men inferiority complex.

    Oh wait, was it brown? I haven’t finished identifying the exact CMYK-value of the color of their skin.

  11. Diego,

    Let’s focus on the positive: the Bali Beach boys are doing a job bule can no longer perform. As I said earlier on, ‘men of a certain age,’ will find the film threatening because the Bali Beach boy highlights their inadequacies in a primal test of manhood. But really, Bali Beach boy is performing a service, in the same way Indian phone banks do. Outsourcing such tasks allows Bule to fume and hyperventilate on the computer about corruption, inefficiency, frothing going all beetroot and raising his blood pressure.

  12. Hans says:

    Tis better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all.

  13. fanglong says:

    The frantic moves of police and officials are indeed ridiculous.

    I agree with the guy who said the cowboys are kind of not protected by the filmmaker.

    I don’t really see Diego’s point on the color of any bloody skin.

    And I feel Timdog’s exagerating when denouncing Bali’s horrific murders, etc.

    I too appreciate the phrase “f*ck-and-vomit” —
    and I’m really bored by the stupidos attending so-called yoga classes in Ubud…

  14. Odinius says:

    With regards to the violence in Bali, let’s also not forget the rather nasty practice of gatherin’ up the village posse to string up the ol’ hapless-Javanese-who-found-himself-in-the-wrong-village-at-the wrong-time, shall we?

  15. diego says:

    Time for music… (a relevant one), Anak Pantai (beach boy), from Imanez…:

    Hang on there, I almost finish identifying the color of their skin….

  16. perseus says:

    Did they arrest that infamous solicitor of bule women’s favours, Achmad Sudarsono? Is he rotting in the Bali clink next to Schapelle Corby and the Bali Nine?

    I would pay for that footage 🙂

  17. Perseus,

    Pak Achmad has been on a sabbatical. But as pointed out in his malls and chicks post, he prefers to practice new moves in the Glodok walkovers and then go for gold in DragonFly and upmarket malls.

    I ever mention Bali Beach Boys in my Bulwom thread. I say I respect the pros, but they’re in a league all of their own. For most people, best to master 101 tricks of Seksiness before going pro.

  18. deta says:

    Outsourcing such tasks allows Bule to fume and hyperventilate on the computer about corruption, inefficiency, frothing going all beetroot and raising his blood pressure.

    Outsourcing is a rather appropriate term within the context of the labour day commemoration. Sounds very pro. (this ‘pro’ is for pro-fessional, not pro-stitutes)

  19. perseus says:

    I am sure I read a story somewhere in the Jakarta Post about a Ukelele player getting locked up for adultery and being banned from running for political office.

    If Pak Achmad needs political asylum due to vengeful Balinese governors and other running dogs of the repressive establishment then perhaps he should seek refuge in Australia where he can immerse his melayu seksiness into the endless rolling flesh of Mrs Bule.

    Bondi Beach Gigolo perhaps??

  20. @ Perseus,

    Good idea !

    I will pass on your thoughts to Mas Achmad.

    He can use his Bondi Beach Gigolo persona as a cover to gather intelligence for…

    The Invasion of Australia…

  21. Heh Friend….

    Amit, Amit !


  22. diego says:

    I don’t really see Diego’s point on the color of any bloody skin.

    There was no point, indeed. I just don’t like his face and his language.

  23. Mr. Diego,

    Wait until you read his blog ! Amit Amit deh.

  24. timdog says:

    Story’s gone international, even in the heat of a general election the Daily Mail picked it up:

    This is the kind of story that gets the British tabloids into a state of heightened contradictory arousal – phwoaaaar, sex story, boobies, phwoaaaar, prostitution? rant-roar-rant-family values broken Britain, feminism ruined everything, could-there-be-an-immigration-angle? HORDES OF ASIAN GIGALOS ARE SWAMPING BROKEN BRITAIN’S SOFT TOUCH ASYLUM SYSTEM, soft touch? phwoaaaaar boobies!!!

    The broadsheets picked it up too (to be fair, they all obviously got it from the same agency story)…

  25. Gurkha says:

    As usual, the powers that be have brought attention to the issue by bringing attention to the issue. So much easier for the cops to go and roust some poor guy who is just working as part of the hospitality industry, instead of trying to catch rapists of little girls.

    And these Kuta Cowboys should get medals for gallantry – Have you seen some of the expat women with whom they hang out ?

  26. deta says:

    Wait until you read his blog !

    What is the address, Pak Dikki?

  27. fanglong says:

    Gurkha : “hospitality industry” : nicely phrased.
    (BTW : have you seen the new chaos in Nepal ?)

    Hey Diego : why don’t you like Amit Amit deh‘s face & language ?

  28. mingo says:

    Bulwom, as a Bulwom in the documentary said, doesn’t feel like a real woman in the West. She is frustrated, so she comes to Bali beach for a dose of real manhood and will pay for the priviliege. It also explain about Indonesia-corruption-Indonesia-inefficient-bad-infrastructure, because of this inadequcacy compared to Bali beach boy.

    The reason she dosent feel like a real woman in the west is due to the fact that she is butt ugly. In the west she wouldnt stand a snow balls chance in hell of finding a decent man and has to go to Bali and buy a bit of attention Same as the many fat old age men who go there, with their money they can feel like a king and or queen, whatever the case may be.

  29. inez says:

    Look at this pathetic bule complaining :

    “The reason she dosent feel like a real woman in the west is due to the fact that she is butt
    ugly. In the west she wouldnt stand a snow balls chance in hell of finding a decent man and has to go to Bali and buy a bit of attention Same as the many fat old age men who go there, with their money they can feel like a king and or queen, whatever the case may be.”

    Look at the mirror yourself eh… I bet you can’t also get a decent woman in your country that you have to come to Indonesia and get the left over woman there …

  30. inez says:


    mind you that there are lots of young sexy bulwom came to Bali to have fun with a real men with manly attitude and gorgeous body..

    That Bali beach boys you condemned are way more sexy than you. They are tanned with muscled six packs body unlike you with your beer guts and pale pinky skin… They are fun, romantic and at the same time dominant and controlling.

    They are real men, not like pussified western men. That’s why bulwom loves them….

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