Leaders of a Sundanese nationalist group have gone on trial.
The Tangerang state court on the 28th of November convened tempo to begin the trials of four men, Ahmad Sujai, Sahrun Asihin, Badri and Suhaedi, arrested for their membership of a Sundanese nationalist group, Gerakan Sunda Nusantara, in late May 2006 in towns around Jakarta. (Sundanese Nationalism, 27th May)
Map of Java showing language/ethnic divisions.
During questioning of witnesses the head of the village of Pabuaran, in Jayanti, Tangerang, said that he didn’t know about the existence of the traitorous Sunda Nusantara group. However, it seems the group has been active in the village for five years and claims a membership of 400 active members and 30 million passive ones.
The royal emblem of Sunda Nusantara.
Evidence brought to the trial against the men included confiscated Sundanese flags and organisation membership cards
The men are charged under article 106 of the criminal code dealing with attempts to permit or cause the separation of one part of Indonesia and if convicted face a punishment of up to life imprisonment. However, oddly, the group do not appear to be separatists, but instead are supposed to believe that two types of Sunda exist, “Sunda Kecil” (Little Sunda), which covers all of Indonesia, and “Sunda Besar” (Greater Sunda), which covers not only Indonesia but also the Philippines, Singapore, Papua New Guinea, and Brunei. What they seek is to replace the present national system with that of a Sundanese monarchy, a socialist monarchy it seems: sundanusantara
The Empire of Sunda on mainland Sunda, Sunda archipelago, the Empire Socialist from the Sunda – Land of Malacca including Singapore up to the Sunda Island of New Guinea, also called the Empire of Bantam as it’s capital and Emperor’s palace were in Bantam.
I was born and raised in west Java in small town called Sukabumi. Little did I know that there is such thing as Sunda Nusantara, I am however, Sundanese by birth. I like a picture of the royal emblem I saw in this page. Does it have anything to do with Parahiangan?
[pariban’s comment is at address below]
I am one of the sundanese young generation, still don`t know the real history about this sundanese kingdom, i hope some one in the future can explain it the whole fact, without make it separtisme movement, just to make people realise the truth history about Indonesian things, and warn the government to be transparant & open mind about the fact even feel so bitter to make good solution in future, not only make new conflict base on rasisme with the big ego
In my humble opinion, Pariban forgot to mention ‘Prince Uti’ and/or ‘Princess Puput’…
Dear Sundanese, I am living in Sarawak (Part of Malaysia in Kalimantan) and I was surprised that two ladies aged 21 and 23 were retained in Malaysian Prison in a city call Miri. They declared themself as Princess from Sunda Empire (which is not recognised by Malaysia Government) on their journey to Japan. Could anyone help them?
I pity the two girls. Any one can help them? please.
I really hope someone who know the two ladies by the name Lamia Roro Wiranata (age 22) and Sathia Fathia Reza (age 23), approaching the Immigresen of Sarawak to help them back to their country. They really need help, or let us know if we can help. Thank you.
Or at least someone can help to identify their nationality so that our country can proceed to ‘send’ them back to their home town. Really pity them, whoever they are. Please help them to go back to their home town. That’s what everyone’s hope, I guess. Thank you.
Dear concerned people,
We have just today, 28th August, 2007, been appointed to act for Princess Fathia and Princess Lamia (as they call themselves).
Anyone who knows their background and family contact, kindly give us the details or contact us at the following phone numbers:
(1)Shankar Ram Asnani – 6019-8567143
(2) Keith Chin – 6019-8546211
The trial of the two Princess’ case is fixed on 10th September 2007 – Kindly respond as soon as possible.
I saw from the news but can’t help much, my question is: why are them handcuffed? What is mean by human-rights? I really don’t understand why all these happened to them. Please help them, anyone?
Hi all, I am quite happy because the two ladies temporary free from the nightmare, but I also worry until when they can back to their home town I try to search for their family but in vain, try to help but can’t do much, those who are helping them, you got my full respect. TQ.
I have been friends with Princess Fathia and Princess Lamia for some time. I spoke to Princes Fathia Yesterday, she said she had been working hard with her lawyers preparing for court today. I do Hope things have gone well.
I know that she will be touched by your concerns, please continue and spread the news about this injustice.
Princess Fathia is God Mother to my daughter Kirana Hannah.
She is a very gentle young woman with a deep love people, particularly those who are oppressed.
Hi, I may be familiar with their names (Putri Lamia & Putri Fathia). I heard their names when I was in Bandung, West Java. And I think they come from Bandung.
Because of the legal situation of the case, I am not at liberty to comment, I have not been given authority by the Princeses to offer any information . I do not want to fuel the wild speculation about the origin of the two Princeses.
Hi, does the name Nasri Beng (Coet Nya’ Dien Foundation) have any connection with these two princesses?
Hi Mr Shankar,
I am not in Sarawak at the moment so I can’t get any latest update of the two princesses. Therefore, can you update us on their status? What else we can do for them? Do you think United Nation help? Pardon me if my question seems foolish, thank you.
Wah susah deh, Miri supposedly a nice place to stay for holiday or transit, I know all Miri people are nice people, but the local authority really face headache because there are so many illegal prostitutes from Pontianak / Kalimantan / other Indonesia. They might think they are just another prostitutes.
To all those who symphatise with the so called “princesses”, i would like
To the lawyers-Mr Shankar & Mr Kevin,thank you for being GENEROUS enough
for representing the 2 ladies!
I would suggest we all chip in to give token or generous donations for
the 2 ladies, maybe to credit the monies into the BANK ACCOUNT of
the 2 LAWYERS! please furnish your Bank account and Tel.number so
that the GOOD SAMARITANS will be able to help the 2 SUNDANESE
I have had several letters from The Princesses from prison, they are well and in good spirits.
If anybody would like to send the princesses any letters of support they can email them to me at this address firestarters999@aol.com and I will forward onto the princesses.
Dear Gentleman/Madam,
I’m a Descendant of Exiled Prince Jebeye Abdoella from Bantam to Ceylon by the Dutch in 1786 A.D.He was a Cousin Brother of Crown prince Amangkoerat 3rd Exiled to Ceylon in 1708A.D( Same Family). I ‘m searching for his Geneology from Archives- Sri Lanka, But still unable.any assistance from Royal Family Will be Appriciate.
I really surprise reading this, in my Country (Indonesia) I often meet him, A man who always tell me this histoey. So, Indonesian Archipelago call Sunda Nusantara is really the history.
Conern for the two ‘Jelit’ believed to be from Bandung, Jawa Barat have been well expressed by many. Perhaps it would be useful if someone could give some light as to their real origin. According to local news report, they have claimed to have relatives in Hong Kong, Sri Langka, Switzerland but the all contacts have drawn blanks. They have to be truthful. Are they running away from some problems in their real country or just confused with their illusions? In court they claimed that they are senior ranked members of the Sunda Emire Army and should not stand trial in a civil court but to stand trial in a court marshal. Little wonder why they should not be allowed to roam freely on the streets of peaceful Miri. Perhaps Max could make arrangement for them to join him and family in Germany or they could remain in protective custody for quite a while.
Unbeliveable,so the story was true??sunda nusantara kingdom really exist?plis give me futher information would you,,,
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