Ratu Atut Chosiyah

Nov 28th, 2006, in News, by

The pairing of Ratu Atut and M. Masduki look likely to win the Banten governor’s election.

Although much of the previous media attention, including here, had been on the Islamist duo of Zulkieflimansyah and Marissa Haque, representing the Partai Syarikat Islam (PSI) and the Partai Keadilan Sejahtera (PKS), it appears, according to the latest results, that the team of Ratu Atut Chosiyah (who is the present governor) and M. Masduki (deputy governor), from the “secular” parties of PDI Perjuangan and Golkar respectively, have won the day in Banten, on the far western tip of Java, near Jakarta.

Ratu Atut Chosiyah
Ratu Atut Chosiyah.

Ratu Atut had previously again won the PDI’s nomination for gubernatorial candidate by beating out Marissa Haque, 714 to 543 votes, earlier this year. Marissa’s defeat had caused her to jump ship, joining the PKS instead, but her move appears to not have met with success. indonesia.go.id

As of late in the evening of 27th November almost 2 million votes have been tabulated, about half of the total, with 40.6% going the way of Ratu Atut and M. Masduki, and 31.7% being taken by Zulkieflimansyah and Marissa Haque. In third place come the team of Tubagus Tryana Sjam’un (Partai Amanat Nasional (PAN)) – Benyamin Davnie (Partai Persatuan Pembangunan (PPP)) with 23.35%, and trailing badly are the unpopular couple of Irsjad Djuweli (Partai Demokrat (PD)) and Mas Ahmad Daniri (Partai Kebangkitan Bangsa (PKB)), with 4.29%.

Although the results are far from complete the polling agency, Lingkaran Survei Indonesia (LSI), predicted a 39% to 32% win for Ratu Atut’s ticket over that of Zulkieflimansyah’s, based on a “quick count” carried out at about 250 polling stations across the province. jawapos

The regencies of Serang, Tangerang, Lebak, and Pandeglang seem to have gone to the incumbent Ratu Atut while the young chap Zulkieflimansyah has managed to win the cities of Cilegon and Tangerang. detik

The winning pair, while they are the nominees of Partai Demokrasi Indonesia Perjuangan and Golkar, also received the support of the Partai Bintang Reformasi (PBR), Partai Bulan Bintang (PBB), and Partai Damai Sejahtera (PDS), among other small parties, a motley group containing opportunistic Islamists (PBB) and small church Christians (PDS).

The poor performance of the candidate from president Yudhoyono’s party, Partai Demokrat, may be an interesting sign. The election seems to have been based largely on personalities however, rather typically, with most candidates’ platforms emphasising the same themes, education and investment.

Full results of the election are available at http://www.banten.go.id/pilkada_detail.php

5 Comments on “Ratu Atut Chosiyah”

  1. Parvita says:

    The only thing I hope, whoever wins this election, they can manage Banten. It is such a rich and beautiful area and so far I don’t see the place has been properly managed, especially for tourism.

    I agree, it is interesting to knoow that candidate from PD did not come to surface. What sign is this?

  2. PerempuanRantau says:

    I don’t know much about the politics as such in Indonesia at this moment. But I’m really glad to see lots of female leaders that come forward such as Ratu Atut or the contender Marissa Haque. Despite the result, I’m happy that women are taking more seriously in the parliament and government. Not only to fulfill the quota for diversity purpose but actively take an action to make it a better government.

    On the issue about the candidate from PD were not came to surface; I guess it is a point that even though our country is taking lots of step for a better democracy system, it is still personality what taken to regards. Ratu Atut if I’m not mistaken come from a reputable and influential family of Banten. So I think at some level of Bantenese it is still about the personality (including family personality and so on). I do sincerely hope that Ratu Atut has a good program which came together with her background and capability as next term governor.

  3. EMO says:

    hmmmm….. Banten need a serious person to do serious job. Hope that whoever elected as governor of Banten State will dedicate them self to the Job. There are so many problems that need to be solved, there are so many things that need to be done.
    I, myself, I’d rather go for Marisa Haque than this woman whoever her name is.
    She looks fake to me.

  4. EMO says:

    additional ;
    there was one time, where she complained to a stewardess after the stewardess announcing the the arrival of the flight : Welcome to Jakarta International Airport.
    And this women said : ” excuse me, this air port is in Banten , not in Jakarta, so you have to announce, ” Welcome to Banten International Airport “.. then the stewardess grumbling : ” This women is either brainless, or idiot “.
    The Fact is, some other airport such as Kuala Lumpur International Airport, is not in Kuala Lumpur, but in Selangor Darul Ehsan, but they still Announce ” welcome to KLIA ( Kuala Lumpur International Airport ” Not Welcome to Selangor International Airport “.
    And I heard some rumors, that her diploma is fake, as well as her face.

  5. Md. Asep says:

    This woman is complete fake. You can see self now and how they are moving like octopus in Banten region and pity to the fools those have caste their ballots. Banten is a province where most people are poor and away from education and sanitation and this Lady did nothing for them except exhorting the aids funds, sucking the govt. development funds, taking contracts on own family members name. Banten Looks like a CV Company, Kentut as the Head. God bless KPK and give all strength to kill this octopus.

    This lady face is fake, breast is fake, certificates S3 is fake. And won the election on a fake way with fake votes.

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