The government plans to build nuclear power plants on Java and Madura.
Research and Technology minister, Kusmayanto Kadiman, says that up to four nuclear power stations can be built on the Muria Peninsula on the northern coast of Central Java province:
On this 600-hectare area, you can easily accommodate four nuclear power plants and if each has a capacity between 1,000 and 1,500 megawatts, you can have a nuclear power plant area with a capacity of between 4,000 and 6,000 megawatts.
Another place being considered as a location for plants is Bangkalan, on the island of Madura in East Java.
These two areas have been selected because they are not on earthquake fault lines nor near active volcanoes.
Java is energy hungry, says the minister:
Java is the hungriest place for electricity and reports say that 60 percent of the energy consumption of Indonesia is on Java.
It is expected that by 2008 companies will be invited to bid on the construction contracts for the power plants at Muria. Construction is hoped to begin by 2009 with the plants coming on line in 2016.
Previously, in the mid 1990’s, the Suharto regime conducted a feasibility study into constructing 12 nuclear power plants, but the plan was postponed indefinitely due to criticism from environmentalists and the Asian regional economic crisis in 1997. antara
February 19th 2007.
General Electric has expressed interest in building a 1,600 megawatt Fin 5 type reactor, priced at $1.4 billion (12 trillion rupiah). Chief Executive Officer of General Electric International Ferdinando Beccalli-Falco said at Bangkok that GE was ready to compete with Mitsubishi Heavy Industries of Japan, Areva of France, and Toshiba of Japan for Indonesian nuclear plant contracts.
The minister for Energy, Purnomo Yusgiantoro, has on several occasions recently said that nuclear reactors will go into production from 2010 or 2011, coming online in 2015. Gunung Muria in Jepara is named as the ideal place for the first reactor. tempo
And we believe that Merapi will never erupt again and we believe that the tsunamI was just a long time ago fairy tale.
And if this all happen again, then we still have men and women like Ki Gendeng Pamungkas and like those some mystician from Sumatra (?), who stopped the mud flow in Sidoarjo/Porong by throwing a living goat and some living chicken into the hot mud (sorry, it haven’t jet stopped?). And I’m sure we can fight nuclear disaster with their help! Lets be optimistic!
But I’m sure there was already a serious geographical analysis about the targeted areas (like in Porong).
This is another disastrous hazards hits Indonesia. Indonesia will be the second “North Korea” if they will build nuclear plant there. IF you want Indonesia stay away from criticism and puinishnet given to you by International?worldwide law, stop building nuclear plant!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
well… don’t worry, trust it to aburizal bakrie — that mango faced sh*thead — to handle this. — btw, isn’t he of Arab descent?
anyway, the worst thing that could happen is…. uranium flow in your neighborhood.
it’s not as bad as it sounds…, really.
Indonesia has a BATAN for a decades, this must be important learning for establish/continuing a nuclear power plant in Muria which once stopped during Suharto step down. If it will need another lesson, Indonesia could go to N. Korea, Iran, and China to learn, no other places. If Muria is not appropriate, I suggest Batam or Bengkalis island which I believe is geologically stable.
Yeah, maybe Merapi power plant is enough
karlira kanaka.. (i give up!), i think we can’t stop building the nuclear plant simply because we haven’t begun it yet…
Guys it’s just about a done deal. Does anyone know which way the wind blows from Muria? Just want to be sure that I am out of the fallout blanket.
I am just read this. Friend, you are all not be Good Nationalist. We Indonesians are capable of anything. We are a great nation. Are you saying we are not equal to the Japanese or the Bule in matters of technology LOL. The Bule lacks moral fibre and we can learn from the Japanese.
Friend, Indonesia has the right to have anything the Bule does. The Bule has nuclear power since he dropped a bomb on an Asian nation in 1945. Now he tells us not to develop and to stay in grass huts. Is this what you want? We need the electricity, Friend. How will you do the internet without electricity?
Indonesia needs an additional power supply and I think it is a good Idea to think about nuclear generated power plant.
If planned and monitored carefully, everything should be run smoothly.
Suggested location: Borneo Island
Why? 1. Least populated 2. In the Center of Indonesia 3. If (and only if) disaster happened, it is far enough from the capital, Jakarta.
More power means more infrastructure, more infrastructure leads to development.
Energy is the key for Indonesian development is reliable energy source and Nuclear plant is one of the option.
Dear mulyana ilham,
The difficulty of planting nuclear power plant (NPP) in Borneo is the power transmission system. As we know, and written in the article, the need of electricity is centered in Java island. And we have no transmission grid to connect electricity generated in other island to Java island, viceversa. We are planning to build a Java-Sumatra HVDC interconnection, but it is still far from reality. So, the best solution is still to build it in Java island.
It is true that nuclear power plant may give a tremendous threat to humanity. And perhaps we still have another alternative coming from renewable energy. But still, nuclear power plant is a solution. For me, it is one of the best. Since the growth of our electricity demand is too fast compared to our supply. And I think nuclear is the fastest way to reduce the deficit of Indonesian electricity demand.
It’s just about a done deal. Does anyone know which way the wind blows from Muria? Just want to be sure that I am out of the fallout blanket.
As long as they’ve got some good outside help to oversee the operation and maintenance, they’ll be fine.
Dear Mr. Fikar,
That is the price that we all have to pay. The power transmission technology is better now and we should have any problem to built the transmission grid to achieve that connectivity. If weighing the risks and benefits, it is worth to pay extra to transmit those powers generated in Borneo to Java (and maybe all five major islands if we built many in Borneo).
hahaha nice try ET. currently. I’m living in the US.
It’ll be okay, besides, we have plenty of our own resources of plutonium & uranium. Or is it????
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Indonesians need to learn the importance of MAINTENANCE before building anything this risky – I suggest they start with the fleet of trains.
Millions of lifes are at stake here.