Murderous menstruating zombies in soft-porn horror flick “Hantu Puncak Datang Bulan”.
The film “Hantu Puncak Datang Bulan” (The Menstruating Ghost of Puncak) according to a spirited attempt at scene setting by a local reviewer:
….tells of a large house. At the end, this house was sold by owner because he was always thinking about Putri, his son.
At that time, Putri’s boyfriend angry because his desire was not fulfilled. Putri was weak because she was menstruating. Finally, it makes both of them died because of fights between them. Putri fell from the top floor, and her boyfriend died of affected electricity.
The new owners of new homes this large house was rented house used as a boarding house for a few young men and women. Since then the young men and women who lived in the house was plagued by a ghost. New home owners to bring the shaman to expel the ghosts, but failed.
It stars the personnel of pop group Trio Macan (right), Andi Soraya (left), Tesa Mariska, Ferly Putra, Rizky Mocil, and Andreano Phillips, is made by K2K Productions, and has the chilling tagline:
Setiap bulan sekali
Ia pasti kembaliKetika para wanita
Merintih luka…
As the trailer suggests “Hantu Puncak Datang Bulan” features much semi-nude sex play and this has excited the thoughts of Majelis Ulama Indonesia (MUI) leaders throughout the country, like in Depok, where local MUI leader KH Muhammad Idris Abdul Somad says that while freedom of expression is permitted within Islam, there had to be limits, limits which the menstruating zombie film had gone beyond.
The ideal form of freedom in Islam is that which does not violate societal norms.
Idris went on to say that the MUI was largely powerless in these matters and could only make representations to the Broadcasting Commission/Komisi Penyiaran Indonesia (KPI) and the Censorship Board/Lembaga Sensor Film (LSF) to improve their standards and consider removing the film from circulation. republika
Meanwhile Amirsyah Tambunan of the MUI Jakarta branch was more forceful in his condemnations kompas
We demand that the LSF withdraw this film because it could damage the morals of the nation and is pornographic.
“Hantu Puncak Datang Bulan” is released nationwide today was scheduled to be released today, 4th February, but the release has been postponed due to threats from the Front Pembela Islam (FPI) or Islamic Defenders Front, to carry out raids on cinemas that screened the film.
FPI probably don’t realize the ironic fact that their antics just give the film publicity and make more people curious about it. That’s something all the religious-indignation-brigades, the world over, have in common.
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Or maybe not…
This article from Kompas says it’s been pulled by the producers due to fears of FPI thuggery.
A shame, IMHO. I think I would have been perversely entertained by the B-grade-ness of it.