The cases of the twenty-nine wanted Muslim extremists in Poso, Central Sulawesi.
One of the twenty-nine men sought by police in Poso is in custody. Andi Lalu, or Andi Lolu, or Andi Bocor, take your pick, gave himself up to police in Mapane, Poso Pesisir, Central Sulawesi on the 14th. He was straightaway taken to Palu, the provincial capital.
Andi is accused of being involved in shootings in Landangan, Poso Pesisir, 29th September 2005.
Previously the police had given a two week period for the 29 wanted men, most of whom are wanted for attacks on non-Muslims, to give themselves up. Andi has been the only person, if a little late, to obey the order. L6
November 21st
Andi was released today due to lack of evidence connecting him to the shooting of Hasrin Ladjidin at Desa Landangan, Poso Pesisir. L6
November 28th
Two other men on the wanted list gave themselves up in Poso, Iskandar alias Ateng and Nasir, and were then flown to Palu for questioning. It appears likely that their families co-operated with police in handing them over. antara
They are believed to have been involved in bombings and robberies in Poso. kompas
4th Dec.
Nasir and Ateng Marjo were released today after a week’s detention. Not enough evidence is said to exist against them to lay charges. Their families are said to have guaranteed that the two men will keep themselves available for any further questioning. l6
6th Dec.
Another wanted man, Syahrir, or Ayi, Lakita, gave himself up today in Poso. He is wanted in connection with a terrorist related robbery in which 500 million rupiah of state funds was stolen in 2004. l6
Twenty-five men remain unaccounted for.
January 16th 2007
Over the past week there has been considerable tension between security forces and some Muslim residents of Poso, to the point of firefights (on 11th January two men were shot dead by police), as police step up the effort to arrest the remainder of the suspects, who now number eighteen. As usual activity is centred on the Gebangrejo district of Poso, the heartland of Muslim militancy in the city. vhr
February 20th 2007
14 men on the list remain wanted – Taufik Bulaga, Nanto Bojel, Agus Jenggot, Enal Tao, Iin Brur, Iwan Asapa, Hamdara Tamil, Wahono, Rizal Inong, Mujadid, Sanusi, Kholik, Alex and Zulkifli. antara
February 23rd 2007
Agus Nur Muhamad alias Agus Jenggot, and Inong alias Rizal, have given themselves up to Kopassus, a military special forces unit, in Poso, and were then handed over to police. The two men were among the most wanted men on the list. Agus Jenggot is believed to have been involved in the schoolgirl beheadings, for which three men are currently on trial.
Twelve men on the wanted list now remain at large. mediaindo
August 2009.
Six men remain on the list. Brigadier General Suparni Parto made a plea for the six, – Taufik Bulaga alias Upik Lawanga, Iin alias Brur, Nanto alias Bojel, Iwan Asapa alias Ale, Enal alias Tao and Hamdara Tamil alias Papa Yus, – to give themselves up. gatra
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Why they can’t stand on the neutral stance. Tibo Cs = death sentence. Bali bombing = max 19 years. I don’t see any prudence in the justice system on the sentence passed on them. It showed favoritism and sangka buruk.