Ujian Nasional Plus in Depok

Feb 18th, 2010, in News, by

Criteria for passing in Depok schools, Ujian Nasional test results plus religious knowledge.

In the Jakarta satellite city of Depok in West Java students are no longer graded purely on their performance in the National Exams, as in most other places, (Ujian Nasional, UN), but also on their moral and religious fitness, among other factors.

Farah MulyatiA head of the Depok Education Department, Farah Mulyati, says that if students are judged to have poor understanding of religion, they may be failed, regardless of their national exam results.

Poor religious knowledge, good exam result, they may still fail.

In deciding whether students move on to the next year of schooling, there are a total of four factors considered:

  • participation level in school activities
  • faith and moral fitness
  • school exam results
  • national exam results

Farah says that in 2009 there was one case of a boy who had passed his national exams, but whose knowledge of religion was judged to be so dismal that he was kept back a year. He did not protest at this, she says.

This year about 13,000 Depok students of middle and senior high schools will sit their exams between 22nd and 26th March. tempo

6 Comments on “Ujian Nasional Plus in Depok”

  1. diego says:

    Jesus (a mexican) f*cking christ (a gringo). Yes they’re lovers, gays.

    Oh my god. Shouldn’t there a law / a pressure group that make sure that the principles of “estado laico” are being respected?

  2. ET says:

    I guess not wearing a jilbab is already enough to fail.

    Kasihan Jawa.

  3. mugiyono says:

    it is a good education. since education is aimed to teach its students to be good students. a good student will be good at knowledge, capability and moral. how clever a student, without a good moral it won’t be useful for good life. it mean that good moral will guide knowledge to give its use to the world.

  4. ET says:

    it mean that good moral will guide knowledge to give its use to the world.

    The Head of the Depok Education Department doesn’t talk only about morals but also about religious knowledge, which are different subjects. Because a lot of good use has also been given to the world by people with morals but without religion, or should I say by people without your specific religion.

  5. nike says:

    People complain if some group sick sicko misunderstand Islam and do suicide bomb. But they also complain when Indonesian government want to educate Indonesian citizen properly about their religion. BTW religion course is compulsory, Christian student must obtain their mark from their priest, Buddhist students from Biku and Hindu student from their preist also.

    I bet, you imagine that religious course in Indonesia is backwater, bigotry and dangerous. Oh well, prejudice is always assume the worse one. Quite contrary, those who learn Islam properly in the class (SD,SMP,SMA) will have modern knowledge about Islam, open minded, peacefully and far far away from violence.

    The Head of the Depok Education Department doesn’t talk only about morals but also about religious knowledge, which are different subjects. Because a lot of good use has also been given to the world by people with morals but without religion, or should I say by people without your specific religion.

    If you know Indonesia, then you should know that every student get religious teaching accordingly to their own religion.

    This post is fail, or should i say

    you doing it wrong


  6. nike says:

    To clarify this fail article. Religious course is subjected to religion of the student. Muslim students learn Islam, Christian students learn from their priest, Buddhist students from Bhiku, Hindust student from their priest also. Other minority believe like Jew or animism, also teach by their own priest.

    There is no big deal or objection about this in Indonesia. The best mind in Indonesia, in every religion, try to make a modern curriculum that suitable to nowadays era. Also the teacher very please in giving mark for religious subject. The question is easy too, very basic and almost like asking student about 1+1 is equal to what. No one want to fail in religious subject, because it so easy, your friend will tease you if you fail. As matter of fact it will upgrade your CGPA.

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