Abdel Kareem Nabil Suleiman

Nov 8th, 2006, in World, by

An Egyptian blogger is arrested for insulting Islam.

Abdel Kareem Nabil Suleiman, 22 years, was arrested recently over writings published on his weblog karam903.blogspot.com in which he criticised the Egyptian government and some senior religious figures.

Abdel was once a student of al-Azhar University, the most prestigious seat of Sunni Islamic learning in the world. But in October 2005 Abdel was expelled from al-Azhar, and briefly arrested, for publishing a web article which criticised al-Azhar university’s dominance in religious thought and said Muslim clerics at the university were partly responsible for murderous attacks on Egypt’s Coptic Orthodox community.

Abdel Kareem Nabil
Abdel Kareem Nabil.

This time, on the 6th of November, Abdel was arrested again in Alexandria for making critical remarks about Islam, although it is unclear exactly what he said.

He is believed to be the first person arrested in Egypt for saying things purely on the internet, not in print. iht One wonders whether Indonesian police have ever given any thought to applying the country’s blasphemy laws to those who publish writings on the internet.


February 23rd 2007.

Suleiman was sentenced to four years prison. detik

3 Comments on “Abdel Kareem Nabil Suleiman”

  1. Anonymous_aloy says:

    Don’t give them (the police) ideas! haha.. Worse still, if some of the FPI goons read this post (assuming they are literate) they might be inspired to do it

    But then if they were to do this, the JIL would’ve been targeted a long time ago wouldn’t they?

  2. Aluang anak Bayang says:

    One wonders whether Indonesian police have ever given any thought to applying the country’s blasphemy laws to those who publish writings on the internet.

    In Indonesia, we can always bribe our way out.

  3. Ihaknt says:

    Hooray another money making tool for the government!!!

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