Five national figures will have the opportunity to meet president George Bush.
US president George Bush is visiting Indonesia, specifically the Bogor presidential palace, for ten hours on 20th November and Indonesian president Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono will bring five important national figures to meet and talk with Bush.
Presidential spokesman Dino Patty Djalal said:
We and the US government have already agreed on the names of the five public figures (who will meet Bush). antara
But the names have not yet been released. The last time Bush came to Indonesia, in Bali in 2003, he met a number of religious leaders. One of those religious leaders was Hasyim Muzadi of the NU. This time though he has said that he would refuse to meet Bush if invited to do so, because, he says, Bush is too stubborn and, presumably, doesn’t listen to Muzadi’s wise words of advice. detik
In any case this time, Dino said, Bush would talk with public figures from the education and health areas. Put in your nominations here.
kim jong ill!
I bet bush wont have the nerve to meet with those people, he’s only brave behind his desk, with his army infront of him!
bush sure have lots of enemies.
well this is a little bit out of topic
but it looks like Democrats are taking over the House, and if Webb and Tester hold on to their leads, Senate will be taken over too.
now, if only the right-wing, religious conservative in Indonesia can also be beaten as comprehensively, that would be great.
it’s instructive that NONE of the people you mentioned in your comments are good human being.
– osama is a disgusting terrorist
– kim jong il, castro, saddam are world’s biggest human rights violators
– chavez is using populist sentiments to drive his country to poverty
– ahmadinejad is a holocaust-denying nutcase.
So, maybe Saddam Hussein will be hung. Maybe not, if Amrozi Cs’s lawyer comes help him with any kind of peninjauan kembali. I say that because Bush could have shared the rope… If Saddam’s killed, I’ll be sad because his trial will be so incomplete and all the Kurds and Druzes, etc. he killed, etc. wan’t have their cause exposed to the public. So, the Bush won’t go to Jakarta’s monsoon puddled streets, Bogor is nicer to show on TV througout the world; thousands of TNI troops will protect him against the love he inspires : will he give money and weapons to the Indonesian military-industrial lobby ? Will he help Sidoarjo people & give their heads back to the beheaded. We should take care, he might die of a heart attack if suddenly he understands something (that for instance bin Laden is not a real good friend of his…) Among all these rotten lies how can we choose the less dicouraging “truth”. And if suddenly Kopassus descends from heaven and murders the Emperor of the World ? No, I totally disagree with “killing” : be it by an individual or by “justice” : why the hell are we impressed so much by the so called “state reason” ? So much “munafickery” everywhere. For the French “Anarcho-Buddhist” I try to be, hate (which rhymes with “state”) looks like a mental disorder that should be cured at the quickest. So I send my best salam to everyone here (and there), and especially to Czeslaw whose pacifism I do enjoy. And if I were asked what I prefer in Islam, I’d answer “shariat in balance with haqiqat” — so nothing too much shi’i but nothing too much sunni. Euh, wassalam !
anonymous_alloy: that’s exactly the point. it would be interesting to see bush meets up with his sworn enemies without his troops protecting him, which i doubt he will have the nerve to do.
btw, bush is not much of a saint himself. personally, I think he is in the same league as the other people i mentioned. what you think is up to you.
Bush meets with his enemies everyday in the US where noone really appreciates his stupidity. As for his troops, there’ll be indifferent snipers hidden everywhere on the roofs in Bogor. So, good people, take care if you’ve got the slightest need to cough or spittle, that they don’t take it as a gesture of terroristic aggression ! …
Hassan, I definitely don’t think Bush belongs in the same league at all with those people. Bush is a democratically elected leader (okay with some help from the SCOTUS in 2000) of one of the most democratic countries whatever you want to say about him.
For me, what would be interesting is if those five national figures chosen to meet with him would use the results of today’s election to ask hard questions about his policies.
For example, ask him,
1. “If even your own people do not trust you anymore on Iraq, why should Indonesians?”
2. “Do you think you should lecture us on corruption when your own party was brought down by scandals?”
3. “Do you think the world is safer now because of your war on terror or do you agree with the majority of your own people that your approach was too simple minded?”
4. “Why are you lecturing us on religious extremism when your own administration chose to abandon science to appease the religious right” (see Schavo, intelligent design, stem cells etc)
Things like that. In front of international TV. That would be much more interesting.
I doubt there are many leaders nowadays who are willing to do their own fistfight. It’s not something to be ashamed of, it is just not the norm anymore.
Osama, on the other hand, not only is he afraid of meeting any leader, he is afraid of even showing up at all.
Great ! Bush will visit Indonesia.Take the opprtunities to voice up our view in positive least bush will hear and listen what’s Indonesian wants.Don’t always demos without proper solution !
Long Live the United States of America!
Resentment is often the out layer and expression of jealousy.
resentment is often an expression of dislike. most Indonesian dislike the american administration not out of jealousy, but because we didn’t like their actions accross the world, and for meddling in other people’s affairs all the time.
what most Indonesian????
just a few, many Indonesians go to USA for study, work etc etc
we all still go to american restaurant, buy US products
practice english
who said most Indonesian? only hardline Muslims hate it, since they know they cant win against US
nope, most genuine Muslims (not just the hardliners) hates bush, you can’t expect to be liked by Muslims the way bush handled things.
anyone can win against the US, when the time comes. the roman empire were invincible, look at where it is now.
I find it interesting that the so-called “most genuine Muslims” hate the US. Why? because the main thing that makes them hate America is its involvement in Iraq and Afghanistan (yes, and its support of Israel, but this has been going on for decades so I don’t think that was the main driver).
I also find it intriguing that their mission is to destroy the US. If they think the US is a threat to them, it is a sign of a chronic paranoia. A feeling of insecurity and fear that the US would engulf them (which it won’t unless it has to defense itself.)
But what I think is NOT done enough is for good Muslims to draw a clear, distinct line between them and those people who have gone bad (yes, I’m referring to Osama and others Muslims who commit horrendous crime against others).
A lot of Muslims still think that they (the terrorists) are their brothers, no matter what they do wrong. I don’t claim to know Islam but I don’t think that’s what the religion teaches.
Whether or not you want to admit it, it is not possible to bring down the US by force. Not only that it is strong, but also because there is not enough reason to do so. Ask yourself this question: if there were no 9/11, would there be US occupations over Iraq and Afghanistan? Who’s the loser here? whoever it is, I think Osama the evil is the clear winner – he succeeded to start the fire, and keep it going at the expense of others. And now he’s hiding somewhere laughing his a$$ off.
So for those of you who scorn the US, you’re probably just hitting the surface of the issue. When weeding, pull the root, not just the stem.
The people are not their chiefs.
When elected at 51 % against 49 %, you just represent a half of the souls you’re supposed to lead.
Take a 200 million people population : 100 millions are “happy”, and another 100 millions are not.
Facts are in such cases not interesting, are they?
Most important is to have a foe of enemy. With such instruments you can influence the people easily and “control” their thinking till to radicalism (think of the nacional-socialism, the Armenian massacre in the Turkey and even the lies in the US-Government to build up even foes of enemy to legitimate deeds and so on).
Btw Andrew,
to my opinion was the 9/11 not an Islamic deed, it was a criminal act. If we still say it was a political attack, it means we elevate these people to a place they don’t earned.
Wasn’t the 9/11 just a legitimation more for Bush and the US-Government to start their long planed aggressions?
And wasn’t Saddam Hussein formerly a pet dog of the USA? He bit, so he has to be euthanised?
And the “Moslem world” has now its foe of enemy certificated. And the world dominance of the Jews is now already prooven.
And the world dominance of the Jews is now already prooven. … What? Interesting planet you are from…
It is very difficult some times to understand an ironic flavour , but please read it once again carefully. And Oigal: I come from a beautifull planet where there is no hate:)
Tomaculum, exactly what I meant: 9/11 wasn’t exactly an Islamic deed, it was done by a terrorists who claimed to do it for Islam’s sake.
Then the US did what it did to Iraq and Afghanistan – to exterminate those lowlifes, not to make enemies with Muslim. But Muslims around the world take it differently. The rest is history.
But I disagree with the second part of your comment – that the 9/11 just a legitimation more for Bush and the US-Government to start their long planed aggressions.
9/11 was the beginning of it – in my opinion.
you’re right, according to the current opinion was the Afghanistan the direct reaction of the USA to the 9/11.
But there is (“I have heard”) also already early thoughts to ovetrthrow the Taliban regime, because the Afghanistan at that time was complex and unconcise, and was suspected as a nest with many training camps for terrorists. And there was (is) a presumption, that many world terrorists (f.e. the red brigade in Italia and the Baader-Meinhoff-Group/Red armee fraction in Germany etc) were trained in one of the countries in the middle east with toleration or actually support of the respective government (Palestine? Afghanistan?Irak?Iran?).
But, Andrew, this is just what I “have heard”.
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