War Criminal

Nov 23rd, 2006, in News, by

Hidayat Nur Wahid says the Indonesian parliament should report George Bush to the International Court, as a war criminal.

Hidayat Nur Wahid, who is the speaker of parliament (DPR RI) and a former leader of the Islamist Prosperous Justice Party (PKS), said in Magelang, Central Java, on the 23rd of November, that president Bush of the United States was a war criminal and the Indonesian parliament should take the initiative and report him to the International Court of Justice in the Hague, Netherlands.

Hidayat Nur Wahid
Hidayat Nur Wahid.

Speaking after he had officiated at the opening of the Jami mosque at the Gontor VI Darul Qiyam Islamic boarding school in Mangunsari, Sawangan, Magelang, Hidayat opined that taking George Bush, and also Donald Rumsfeld, to the ICJ constituted a form of representing the people’s will, this being something that parliamentarians were required to do.

The mass anti-American protests that had occured during Bush’s recent visit had pushed legislators into considering this course of action. The demonstrators had not only been Muslims, he said, but included people from the secular based PDI-P such as Mbah Tarjo/Tardjo, (Soetarjo Soeryoguritno). He claimed, approvingly, that a “fatwa” had been issued, which said that George Bush’s life could legitimately be taken by anyone.

Reporting Bush to the ICJ would be a way of putting the 1945 constitution into action, he went on, saying that the constitution forbade all forms of colonialism and aggression and allowed for legal measures to be taken against such things. Indonesia had a role to enforce peace and justice in the world, and a legal obligation, according to the constitution. antara

13 Comments on “War Criminal”

  1. Oigal says:

    Perhaps he should starting worrying about the crimes by public officials in his own country and representing his people as he is supposed to do..

  2. Fanglong says:

    This is a nice “should”. All leaders & State reasoners should be reported to the International Court of Justice. And to what or whom should the corrupted members of that Court be reported? All pageants for High Naivety Contest?

  3. Andrew says:

    As if we didn’t have enough crooks and issues to take care of domestically.

    Hidayat Nur Wahid SHOULD deal with Indonesia’s own domestic criminals first (i.e. corrupt officials), only then he can talk about others.

  4. Lotus 7254 says:

    Since he bears a very high level of leadership position in this country, I wish he should be able to figure out what most important or essential /urgent things to his country or people of his county with respect to putting 1945 contstitution into action. There are in fact a lot, ii.e. attacking corruption (for prosperity of people of this country), law enforcement, no gender discrimination, freedom to exercise religon, national unity, etc. This is a lot like the way of thingking to send troops to Lebanon costing hundreds billion rupiah than helping natural dissaster victims that are yet struggling in Aceh, Nias, Bantul, Yogya, and many other areas in this country.

  5. Anonymous_aloy says:

    “..As if we didn’t have enough crooks and issues to take care of domestically…”

    Agreed, but let me go further and rewrite the sentence:
    “..As if we didn’t have enough crooks and issues to take care of in the parliament..”

    or even:
    “..As if he didn’t have enough crooks and issues to take care of in his own party…”

  6. Andrew says:

    Anonymous_aloy, you made it very clear ๐Ÿ™‚

    I was trying to be subtle ๐Ÿ˜€

  7. Molisan Tono says:

    he looks like criminal him self… why don’t report his ass to international court for it? what a jobless :p

  8. Hassan says:

    Molisan Tono: a bearded person always looked like a criminal to you. ๐Ÿ˜‰

    but if someone said men with small eyes and yellow skins looks like a criminal then you would call him a racist, now wouldn’t you?

  9. Molisan Tono says:

    nahhhhhhhhhh… i my self have beard. i looks like sh*t with it. hahaha…

    racist? no such comment like that will turn my head. criminal can be anybody…

  10. Rockstar says:

    but if someone said men with small eyes and yellow skins looks like a criminal

    hehehe we’ve already been branded a criminal already, so what’s new? (-hint- corruptor -hint-)

  11. Robert says:

    Hidayat opined that taking George Bush, and also Donald Rumsfeld, to the ICJ constituted a form of representing the people’s will, this being something that parliamentarians were required to do.

    For example: maybe the victims of the Suharto regime want their oppressors to be brought to the courts too. Maybe that’s also the will of the people. Apparently the people’s will is only taken into consideration when foreign – preferably American – matters are concerned and not domestic.

    Reporting Bush to the ICJ would be a way of putting the 1945 constitution into action, he went on, saying that the constitution forbade all forms of colonialism and aggression and allowed for legal measures to be taken against such things.

    It was a good thing that Bush dropped by, so finally the 1945 constitution can be put in action after all those years. No more colonialism and agression, so there is a chance now for the Papuan people.

    Indonesia had a role to enforce peace and justice in the world, and a legal obligation, according to the constitution.

    Good idea, let’s start in Indonesia then.

  12. Dragonwall says:

    that president Bush of the United States was a war criminal and the Indonesian parliament should take the initiative and report him to the International Court of Justice in the Hague, Netherlands.

    Indonesia is a member of UN. I also remember Indonesia sent the Garuda Force for peace keeping.

    So how does that make Indonesia looks like?.

    Put religion aside.

    When the US takes action against Iraq when the latter tried to take over Kuwait in the Desert Storm. Isn’t that the same as when the Muslim sent Jihad fighters to Ambon or Maluku. The difference is in scale. Each one is protecting their interest. right!

    But look on the broader side.

    The US is in fact killing several bird with one stone. Going after Iran, Iraq, Saddam Hussein, Osama and so on. These actions are chain reactionary and one leads to another.

    Indonesia should be more concern about the domestic affairs than into such craps like copycat trying to bring those Nazi criminals to justice.
    If the Indonesian Muslims are able to see the damage their fellow muslims in foreign countries did, I am sure you will stand by the side of US. Not because I favor the US but looking at the scenario as a bystanders.

    Indonesian politician tends to try and make their presence felt. You create more enemy than making friends. Not forgetting Indonesia’s current economic situation is not that favorable at all.

    Understand one thing the Jews (Israelis) controls the largest mining, banking, commodities and industries in the world. They are small surrounded by Arab nations and how come they are that prominent and their presence were being felt everywhere without them making any unnecessary move. In terms of retaliation, I am sure Indonesian did most of that domestic and foreign.

  13. penggunabusway says:

    or even:
    โ€œ..As if he didnโ€™t have enough crooks and issues to take care of in his own partyโ€ฆโ€

    Unlike most political parties in indonesia, there’s no significant issues in his party, PKS

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