Tommy Suharto walked free from prison today. Look out ladies.
The youngest son of former dictator General Suharto, or Soeharto, Hutomo “Tommy” (or “Tomi”) Mandala Putra left the Narcotics wing of Cipinang prison in Jakarta at around 13.55 on the 30th of October. He fulfilled a number of duties relating to the conditions of his release and was an almost footloose and fancy-free man by around 16.00 Tempo. He will not be formally free until Monday, and from then will be on parole for one year.
Tommy Suharto.
As he walked out of the prison scuffles broke out between his bodyguards and some of the dozens of reporters who had been waiting outside the prison gates since morning. The reporters demanded that Tommy speak to them, but he refused.
Tommy was originally convicted on weapons and corruption charges and sentenced to fifteen years in prison. The supreme court justice who convicted him, Syaifudin Kartasasmita, was later murdered by gunmen on a motorcycle and the same august body later reduced Tommy’s sentence to ten years. Thereafter he received a number of remissions and by the time of his release had only served a third of his original sentence. Yahoo
Vice president Jusuf Kalla said that the matter of Tomi’s release was none of the government’s concern.
If someone has served their time then he is automatically freed. The government does not make distinctions between people.
(Jika seseorang sudah selesai masa hukumannya, otomatis dia bebas bersyarat. Pemerintah dan hukum tidak membeda-bedakan orang.) Tempo
Tommy’s wife, Sandy Harun, is said to be very pleased that her ex-husband has been released. Detikhot A number of other women are also likely to be feeling this way.
“Tommy Suharto walked free from prison today. Look out ladies.”
hmm I think it should have been “Look out gentlemen” than “ladies”.
another devil comes down to the earth to save women !
no Riccardo, you ain’t funny at all, my chrizzie homie!
btw, have been copycating the term “muzzie” from a foreign website again, haven’t we?
It’s funny you should inquire about that term — muzzie. I first visited Australia in the 80s and was fascinated by the way the locals created funny slang terms out of almost everything, Aboriginal folks became Abbos, Woolworth Dept. Store became Woolies, Swimming Costumes became Cozzies, Mosquitoes became Mozzies…. etc, etc… So I thought this is great, Muslims can be (almost like pesky little pest mosquitoes) “muzzies”!! Therefore and whenceforth, I got a copywright and patent on it for coining the term. So now, every time you see it on a “foreign” website, be kind enough to let me know, because they owe me royalties.
Riccardo : then i shall call you a hateful chrazzie chrizzie. you had to admit, it had more ring to it than “muzzies”.
btw, does it feel good to spread hate all the time? didn’t your religion taught you to spread love? i know, bashing other people’s faith might seemed fun (for a ten year old). but, wasn’t that sinful on your religion? if you believe that your religion is the best then proof it! not by bashing others. slandering other religions is an act of self righteousness, and very very close to fascism.
you know Riccardo, the last time i directly heard someone insulting other people’s faith is when I was still in my 4th grade, elementary school. i never heard anymore since then. I guess some people never grew out of it…
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Let’s not mock Mr. Tom, he and I bonded well in prison. He has since become a Jew, I’ll have you know, and the next president of Indonesia is going be a Jew — that’s right ladies and gents and muzzies, my boy Tom.
It’s a funny ol’ world ain’t it.