Muslims are numerically superior in Indonesia but quantity does not lead to quality, says Muhammadiyah boss Din Syamsuddin, nor does it lead to power, says Abu Bakar Ba’asyir.
Despite the fact that Muslims were overwhelmingly the majority in Indonesia their contribution to the nation was not in accord with their numbers. Din said:
Even though Muslims make up a majority compared to other religious groups they are left behind in various fields in terms of their quality and performance.
(Meski jumlah umat Islam Indonesia mayoritas dibanding umat lain, tapi secara kualitas dan mutu mereka tertinggal dalam berbagai bidang.)
Din Syamsuddin.
But Din wasn’t laying the blame on Muslims themselves – the government was at fault for discriminating against them.
Muslims are left behind (hidden) because the development agenda of the government is not focused on the people[‘s welfare]. It only benefits certain interests, Muslims are harmed by it.
(Umat Islam terpuruk karena proses pembangunan negara yang kurang berpihak pada rakyat. Akhirnya hanya menguntungkan pihak-pihak tertentu, umat Islam yang dirugikan.)
He said that it was high time the government focused on improving the position of Muslims through emphasis on education and the economy.
Meanwhile, in a somewhat similar vein, Abu Bakar Ba’asyir of the Majelis Mujahiddin Indonesia, bemoaned the number and extent of disasters that had recently struck Indonesia. He also blamed the leaders of the country, but said that they were at fault for not being strong enough in their faith, and for allowing the people to be industrious sinners.
Allowing people to sin and ignore [the precepts of] their religion as they please, which does dirt on Islamic law and means that the leaders invite disaster for all citizens.
(Membiarkan warganya berbuat maksiat dan kemungkaran di sekelilingnya, melecehkan syari’at Islam berarti mereka (para pemimpin) mengundang bencana bagi seluruh warganya.)
Abu Bakar Ba’asyir.
By “leaders” Bashir said he meant from the president all the way down to neighbourhood and village heads. Such people paid lip service to the Quran, he said, they observed various religious festivals, but they refused to put the law of God into practice, as the basis of the state system.
He advised that Muslims take a good, hard look at themselves and question why it was that they were continually being defeated. As an example of defeat, he mentioned that it had been promised that the RUU APP, anti-pornography law, would be passed into law by June, but, as of October, there was no sign of it. Muslims couldn’t even manage to force that law onto the statute books, he said.
Both of these guys are nuts.
O. Bule
Indonesia is traditionally a subjugation culture. Indonesian groups traditionally view technology with some skepticism and conform their behavior to existing environmental conditions. These traditional norms remain firmly in place in most of the country. They expect government handouts for being “good Muslims”. They have no interest in being good students and researchers, hard workers, techno-savvy entrepreneurs. They want to be rewarded for laziness, corruption and memorizing Arabic fairy tale verses.
This letter below was sent to me via email from a guy “named” Chris Crusader, (and put on and while it’s not directly about the RI Muslim situation, it certainly seems appropriate for Din and his dimwit gang:
“….The argument that “we can’t get jobs” isn’t bogus, it’s actually correct.
Yeah, lil’ Ahmed, you’re right. You can’t get a job. You’ll never get a f*cking job in a functioning technological state, Ahmed. You’re unemployable, you stupid little sh*tbag. Know why? For the same reason your “Palestinian” heroes will never have a state:
(1) Your parents cocked up your upbringing by filling your little Muslim head with all kinds of sh*te about entitlement, and a colossal superiority complex over Blacks, women, gays, Jews, etc.
(2) Working, like managing a state, is too menial and unglamorous for you. It’s dirty, often thankless and unglorious WORK. You have no interest in working – the “intifada” is simply too much fun. …”
Thats the full lessons of Muslim Indonesians. It is good for them, like all killed by tsunami in Aceh, Yogyakarta and by most deadly disease, BIRD FLU (FLU BURUNG) only Muslim Indonesians actually. ha……ha…….ha……ha….ha….ha…ha….this last/final laugh is mine forever agianst all bad Muslim Indonesians. In demography, Muslim Indonesians are the shortest life expectacy, I really sure! Muslim Indonesians are the highest fertility rate of all Indonesians of all Indonesiams, it is because of very high standard of sexual morality and of their being hypocritic people. I really saw bold pictures which the models are nude Muslim Indonesian boys and women doing orgy. Now many non-Muslim Malay race Indonesians are very fierce, more severely fierce than ABU SAYYAF in the Philippines. Those very fierce non-Muslim Malay race Indonesians are such Dayaks in Indonesian Borneo which they killed Madurese which are all-Muslim ethnic group. Those three Christian Indonesians executed by stupid injustice are the most excellent example of God’s punishment against iblis-iblis in Indonesia. Remember, Indonesia will achieve a fully unity, if Islam will completely eradicated forever to be the 100% non-Muslim country.
I’m from Saudi Arabia and I’m a Muslim, but really hate all radical Muslims like FPI and Laksar Jihad because I really hate discriminatory law of Islam from my country and I should be rebellious agianst this pure evil culture of using Islam for evil purposes only!
FPI, Laksar Jihad and RUU-APP, go to hell! And sexual morality in Indonesia should be go to hell and live to hell forever, morality have no right to live in Indonesia!
rotfl -> fag faced Din
If Indonesian Muslim could work or learn at least as much as they pray…
Once, I asked my students (in Semarang) their daily activity from wake up to sleep. Their were spending much more time praying than learning. Most of them didn’t even seem to realize they had to work of their own when not in the classroom. Nobody never teached them.
First: prayer;
Second: watching gossip on TV,
Third: gossip people with friends.
No wonder 90% could barely speak a word of french after 4 years of teaching.
Karlira Kanakahuko: you are obviously not from saudi Arabia, you are just saying that you’re from saudi Arabia to gain credibility over your nonsense rantings, so people will believe your words. you said that you’re a Muslim, but you don’t know anything about Islam. maybe you’re lying about that too.
you must be an Indonesian, and your words sounded like a non-Muslim with a grudge against other religions. didn’t your mommy told you that hatred is bad for you?
anyone who lies to gain credibility so that people will believe their words is pathetic.
Riccardo: your statement was a quotation from some other website, isn’t it? I bet you copy pasted the whole lot. because the tone of your words seriously resembled the western anti-Islam rantings. the thing is, those doesn’t really “connects” with the current conditions here in Indonesia. my God, you didn’t even have the intellect to come up with your own original statement, and you dare call us lazy, mr, copy paste?
“(1) Your parents cocked up your upbringing by filling your little Muslim head with all kinds of sh*te about entitlement, and a colossal superiority complex over Blacks, women, gays, Jews, etc” that is a typical accusation made by anti-Islamic westerners towards ARAB Muslims. Indonesian Muslims were never accused of that by anyone! because Indonesian Muslims were always portrayed as moderate by westerners. try to relate the context of the statement before copy pasting it…sheesh, why did I waste my time on you, i never know. simply pathetic.
“(2) Working, like managing a state, is too menial and unglamorous for you. It’s dirty, often thankless and unglorious WORK. You have no interest in working – the “intifada” is simply too much fun. “¦” another obvious copy pasted comment made by someone else. dude, ARAB Muslims had always been stereotyped by anti-Islamic westerners as people who didn’t like WORK. Indonesian Muslims were never portrayed that way, do your research before propagandizing. again, pathetic.
“I’m neither Jew, Christian, or Moslem.”
may I guess that you’re a Buddhist? nothing, just a curiosity.
quote of the century:
“morality have no right to live in Indonesia!”
yeah, immorality should rule here. way to go!
seriously, who would say such a thing?
Hassan, in your haste and hatred you were obviously blinded, again! If you had been able to read carefully what I posted, you would’ve seen quite clearly the qualification I gave before those paragraphs — Now relax, take a deep breath and read it again and try to comprehend the meaning of the words:
This letter below was sent to me via email from a guy “named” Chris Crusader, and while it’s not directly about the RI Muslim situation, it certainly seems appropriate for Din and his dimwit gang:
Now the point of it here that I was trying to make, was that all Muslims, like yourself and those that Din bemoaned for falling behind in terms of development, have incredibly similar problems to those described Chris Crusader in the email.
richard doe’s generalization is sickening like the smell of cow dang. What if someone said: “all the Jews are greedy untrustworthy stingy exploitative spineless bastards”?
I bet that richard doe has never gotten out of his house in west jakarta and made friends. The only thing he does is: wankering helped by his Indonesian of Chinese descent wife, while spreading his sh*ts over the internet (wash that keyboard, doe).
may I guess that you’re a Buddhist? nothing, just a curiosity.
I’m just a nonMoslem-nonJew-nonChristian Indonesian who got fed up with the conflicts rooted in those semitic belief systems (Zionist Jews vs. jihadist Moslems) — where are the fcking fanatic Christians? Well, they’re like coward sissy sheeps, taking the side of the Jews simply because they feel more closer to it (Jesus is — or was? — Jew). So I despise fanatic Christians as well.
My hope is that people of Indonesia will realize (again) their true identity, and dis-attach themselves from semitic belief systems (thus they can concentrate on something more positive in life). Semitic belief systems are for the… well… semites. Not for the native people of Indonesia.
Apparently, some people — esp. jihadists and Zionists — don’t want that. Instead, they put turds like richard doe, abu bakar basyir, and din samsyudin in Indonesia to drag Indonesian people deeper into that spiraling conflicts.
That’s it. I’ve said it all.
Din and Ba’asyir are nuts indeed! Don’t know why some people still follow them.
I think Hassan is much better than that dude richard doe.
That richard doe really gives Christian, Jew, and other expat a bad name, so shallow unmanly sissy perspectives what he has. But unlike richard doe, I don’t want to make generalisation.
I heard blame game always happens in an oppressed marriage life.
Someone seems so expert of that game here 😀
Like in Afghanistan, taliban the extreme only 10% from population but they fanatic and cruel so the majority lost, because they only silent and afraid, that case afghan can and will be happens in Indonesia, its only a matter of time, taliban Indonesia like partai keadilan sejahtra (pks) will be rulling Indonesia within 10 years from now.
To Hassan: I’m from Saudi Arabia, but we Saudi women hates Muslim men’s cruelty. We are rebelllious against this stupid law.
I know your Islamic sect is an evil cult. I hate hardline Indonesian Muslims, but I reallly hate western people like Americans too, because both Indonesian Muslims and western people are both imperialist!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You are SEmite hater too, because you hate Jews and Jews are the same to us as Semitic, but We are the same as Middle Eastern and you are different from us, because you are Asian. I’m an anti-Islamic imperialist and anti-western too, but I’m a pro non-Muslim Asians, inclyding all non-Muslim Indonmesians only.
Karlira, how did you come to the point of hating people?
There are good and bad people in every country, race/ethnic, religion.
Wow, so much and so intensive hate.
Let’s pray together, that God (any God) soon ends this stupid human being.
Karlira Kanakahuko: who are you trying to kid anyway? you’re from saudi Arabia and you’re a Muslim, yeah and I’m the pope.
kalira, a Muslim from saudi Arabia don’t talk like you do.
my Islamic sect is an evil cult? I don’t divide Muslims into cults. we are one. plus, who the heck are you to judge my belief that way, you don’t even know me.
I had already said that I don’t hate the Jews as an ethnic, but for what they had done all these time.
To upgrade/raise the quality needs qualified leaders, isn’t it?
Liberal Saudis exist too people and I wouldn’t be surprised if most are women! Look at how they’ve been treated like shit by their menfolk! If there’s any doubt about Karlira, she is probably a Saudi educated abroad! Go Karlira! Keep up the good fight against your country’s evil regime!
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“harmed by it” my @ss. That fag faced din syamsudin needs to learn to shut his front orifice off, or we’ll need to stick something juicy into it.
Just compare the amount of money allocated by the government to “departemen agama” (ministry of religious affairs) for Islam-related stuffs….. tens times bigger than the allocation for other religions….
(Just liquidate that hypocritical useless dept., and allocate more resources to general education for gawdsake)
And we know that “departemen agama” — which I suppose have be the most “moral” among others. hahaha (moral my ass) — is one of the most corrupt ones. The circle jerk among those corrupt high-rank officials takes place every year during “ibadah haji” (Islamic pilgrimage) event….
And I strongly believe that ibadah haji is just a scam by kingdom of saudi Arabia to enrich itself, by sucking money out of “Islamic country”. Not very different from the modus operandi employed by vatican to the “faithful countries”.
I’m neither Jew, Christian, or Moslem.
Thanks godsss…..