The Communion of Churches in Indonesia (PGI) recently held a seminar in which participants voiced their complaints about creeping sharia in the provinces.
Held at Cisarua, near Jakarta, between October 3rd and 6th, the 90 odd attendees were drawn from among the ranks of religious leaders, academics, theology students and social workers.
PGI chairman Reverend Andreas Yewangoe said some regency and provincial heads and governors were enthusiastic about implementing sharia in order to strengthen their political standing. Reverend Yewangoe went on to say that the implementation of sharia could divide the nation, because the country was founded on the national ideology of Pancasila, not on Islam.
Reverend Andreas Yewangoe.
Rumadi, a speaker from the Muslim group Nahdlatul Ulama, wondered why any region would need laws based on any particular religion. He said:
Regional law applies to all of the people, not to a certain group of people only.
In Aceh, Rumadi said, as well as in some other areas to a lesser extent, the adoption of sharia was done because people had a wrong understanding of it, they believed that sharia cannot exist without state support. He went on:
The state as an institution is not enough for the greatness of religion to rely on. The perfection of Islam is not determined by the support of the state.
Meanwhile Sudarto, a Muslim human rights activist from West Sumatra, said most people there are not happy about the sharia-based bylaws. Some people complained about the extra financial burdens imposed by the laws, such as additional clothing expenses for the purchase of headscarfs, for schoolgirls, and the 300,000 rupiah needed to acquire a certificate in Qur’an reading competence. Those who obtain the certificate fraudulently face a fine of five million rupiah.
Sharia volcano.
Reverend Marko Mahim of the Ecumenical Christian Church of Banjarmasin, Kalimantan, told participants that implementation of sharia-inspired by-laws has had an adverse impact on non-Muslims in South Kalimantan, especially on his congregation.
With the bylaws, our church members see Islam as a coercive, terrifying, unfriendly religion. They see it as a threat to Christianity.
Someone from a church in South Sulawesi said local by-laws had led some Christians to convert to Islam. Moreover, their impact can be seen in the difficulty in getting permission to build churches, discriminatory treatment of non-Muslims in public services, social conflict, and the loss of local cultural roots and tradition due to Islamic-Arab cultural imperialism.
A social worker from an inter-religious NGO in West Java said sharia-inspired bylaws in Tasikmalaya district had forced the head of the United Development Party (PPP) to reject the nomination of five women as candidates for the position of sub-district head.
The by-laws have limited interaction between men and women as well as room for women to express themselves.
The obligation to wear Muslim attire, he added, has stigmatized women who do not conform as infidels, whereas “attire is not the indicator of one’s faith”.
I’m with Bradlymail. Sharia may not impact non-Muslims, but implementing the law is similar to declaring that Indonesia is an Islamic republic.
Indonesia is a country whose majority of the population is Muslim, but it is NOT an Islamic republic.
hear hear! I agree with bradymail and Andrew.
Problems with sharia, as a base of judicary entity. It is supposed to be a religious doctrine, not a judicial law. Koran itself is confusing, no logical order, anybody can and will make money on twisting the koran. All mullahs and all ayatollahs make money on that principal.
Problem 1. Sharia is a man created manipulative tool, to manipulate others.
Problem 2. Sharia can be interpreted differently for Muslim and non Muslim, protecting Muslims, as an orginal owners of this product
Problem 3. How many constitutional laws will conflict with sharia?
Problem 4. Will non Muslim have to leave country, in order to avoid to be subjected to the sharia abuse?
Problem 5. Why it need to be another Muslim doctrine forced onto non Muslim population of Indonesia?
Why Indonesia spend some time to develop some economic program that will benefit Muslims and non Muslims in Indonesia, rather than falling back to the stone age falacy?
What, the next step will be, why not coming back the stoning or hanging of raped women?
Islam is world’s sickness…
All of you guys are perfectly the most excellent in the whole universe. Sharia is done only by devils who came into the Earth in the personalities of Indonesian imperialist Muslims. Indonesia really unify perfectly, if Islam in entire Indonesia really completely eradicated.
Why beating around the bush, isn’t it clear enough?
The target is to end the secularism and to proclaim Indonesia to a Muslim state.
An Indonesian friend of mine said (he is a faithfull Moslem): after 350 years dutchman repression then 3 years japanese exploitation. Barely we reach a better life, now the next conquest already stands before the door.
And when the problems still exist, the next bad guy and the next foe of the enemy will be surely easily found.
Tomaculum, I’m afraid that would be similar to “let’s cut the head off and see if it cures the illness”
Indonesians, wake up, open your eyes!
Majority of Indonesia are Muslims, more than 80%(?).
Government run by Muslims.
Civil law doesn’t exists. No judiciary establishment.
Islamic principals rule as per attorney general Saleh. “…if these man will not be executed, it will violate Islamic principals…” That is the prove that judiciary establishment is non existent.
Muslims are beheading school girls in Indonesia. I’ve seen pictures.
Muslims are burning non-Islamic houses of prayers.
Muslims are killing non-Muslim clergy.
Indonesia, you are in worst shape that you admit. Why live in self denies?
You are under Islamic sword, like Persia, Iraq, Pakistan, Palestine etc., and that is the bottom line.
First of all, you have make diagnostic of the illness before you prescribe a medicine, as we did in Poland, Hungary, Czechoslovakia and Latvia. We acknowledge, that we were infected with the communist virus. Then we sought the medicine for it. We applied the right medicine to the right illness. It took thousands and thousands of human lives to do it. There was no other medicine for this communist virus. Islam, like communism is a virus, and it will take thousands and thousands of human lives like Mr. DeSilva, Mr. Riwu, Mr Tibo, and many unnamed and unknown Indonesian heroes who were murdered by Islamists in Indonesia. Islam and communism are twin death viruses. They use this same tactics, same propaganda, and same way are murdering non-complaint people like Indonesians, Polish, Czechs, Hungarians, Yugoslavians, Litwa, Persians, Palestinians, etc..
In order for Indonesia to gain freedom from Islamic sword, Indonesians have to pay the price up front, as we did. No other way around it. And it will take and countless casualties. No other way around.
Czeslaw Says:
October 31st, 2006 at 2:49 am.
Indonesians, wake up, open your eyes!
Majority of Indonesia are Muslims, more than 80%(?).
Government run by Muslims.
Civil law doesn’t exists. No judiciary establishment.
Islamic principals rule as per attorney general Saleh. “”¦if these man will not be executed, it will violate Islamic principals”¦” That is the prove that judiciary establishment is non existent.
Muslims are beheading school girls in Indonesia. I’ve seen pictures.
Muslims are burning non-Islamic houses of prayers.
Muslims are killing non-Muslim clergy.
I just don’t understand, if the victims are non-Moslems why then SBY-Kalla government executed non-Moslems Tibo and his friends?
The perpetrators of this barbaric act must be the beard men! No doubt about that!
maybe because the culprit’s are also non Muslims like tibo cs? excuse me, that’s just my honest conclusion..
czeslaw: maybe the world’s sickness is not Islam, maybe it’s Christianity. Christians had been killing more human beings since it’s introduction 2,006 years ago. you can give all the reasoning in the world, but that’s the fact.
and how would Indonesian Muslims “gain freedom from Islamic sword, Indonesians have to pay the price up front”. how would that work? Indonesian Muslims should kill ourselves? hey, according to you, we are the virus. calling other people and other faiths as “virus” reminds me of the words of some fascists some decades ago in germany and italy.
tell me, are you a fascist czeslaw?
had your grandfather worked for the third reich or something?
If Tibo cs are hero (by involved in killing people), then there’re Bali Bombers too…heroes.
Indra if they were involved in killing they were criminals!!!
Nobody but Tibo cs. themselves (and God, of course) knows whether Tibo cs. committed the act, so no matter how hard we want to beat the already dead horse, we won’t get the answer. Tibo cs. are heroes to some of us, and criminals to others.
The Bali bombers, on the other hand, ADMITTED that they did it (not to mention that they are actually proud of it) – so there is no question that they are lowly crooks.
Unless someone has a different definition of the word “hero”, that is.
Hassan sounds like a typical Muslim. Blaming Christians for all that is wrong. One must ask a simple question. How many non-Muslim people are linning up to enter Muslim countries and reversely How many Muslims are linning up to enter Non-Muslim countries. I can assure you that there are at least 100 times more Muslims trying to enter non-Muslim countries than Non-Muslims trying to enter Muslim countries. That tells you that leaving all the reoteric aside as bad as Christianity is it is 100 times better than Islam. These are factually and have nothing to do with reoteric.
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i against sharia law. I don’t want to see wide gap between Muslim and non-Muslim. Indonesia is a secular country.sharia law will creates disaster to Muslim too !