Antara advertises a planned anti-Zionist, pro-Palestinian march by an obscure group in Lampung.
On the 6th the state news agency, which seems to have a pre-occupation with all things Al-Aqsa (Al-Aqsa Mosque Jihad), informed us of the non-news that in Lampung, between the 7th and 9th, an anti-Israel “festival” will be held by about 1000 Muslims. Organised by the Lampung Al Aqsha Solidarity group which seems to be connected to the Al Fatah Muhajirun Islamic boarding school, in Negararatu village, Natar district, South Lampung, seminars, street marches, and prayer sessions will be held all in the aid of condemning Zionism and in support of the Palestinian struggle.
A seminar will be held on the 7th, at 13.00, attended by about 600 persons. More action will follow, with on the 8th at 22.00 until 03.00 about 1000 participants walking the 25 kilometres from the PP Al Fatah to the Al Furqon mosque in Bandarlampung. Then they will have breakfast. On the 9th a prayer session/demonstration will be held at the front of the regional parliament building, beginning from 08.00.
October 9th
And now the actual news of the event, following up on the promotion above.
Some 1,400 Muslims here staged a rally demanding the liberation of Al-Aqsho mosque from Israeli occupation.
The protesters, consisting mostly of members of Hizbullah, marched over a distance of 24 km from the Al-Fatah Boarding School in Natar, Lampung, to Al-Furqon mosque in Bandar Lampung, the provincial capital.
They started their rally on Sunday evening at 10 a.m. and finished it at 3 a.m. on Monday.
The protesters expressed concern about the condition of the Al-Aqsho mosque, one of Islam’s sacred places located in Jerusalem, as the Israeli government had banned Palestinians from praying in the mosque.
They called on Muslims all over the world to unite and liberate the mosque from Israeli occupation.
Muhyidin Hamidy, head of the Al Fatah Natar Islamic boarding school, urged the Indonesian government to ask the United Nations to force Israel to let go of Al-Aqsho mosque.
He said the Al-Aqsho mosque belonged to Muslims throughout the world.
who cares about Zionism.. that is so old
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As the Zionist Governor-General here in RI, I’m on top of it, but thanks. We’ve got our people monitoring these little kampungan in Lampungan and all their photos will be stored in our hi-tech database for future use.