Twenty seven new political parties have been registered.
The 27 new parties have been registered at the department of Law & Human Rights although they are not necessarily eligible to compete in the 2009 elections.
Some of them, such as the Partai Demokrasi Pembaruan, are not new at all, just re-formed. The 27 are:
Meanwhile Jansen Hutasoit of the Partai Damai Sejahtera complained tempo about the registering of a party called Partai Demokrat Sejahtera, saying that its name was too close to that of his own party.
As of May 20th 2007 the Justice department says 53 new political parties have been registered. tempo
New party was born because we have no real politician.We have the objective partai regulation : No financial support from the government.
Those crowd will make people confused…not including the campaign on the street, at tv…
I want to anounce my new party:
PMHTPK (Partai Mau Hidup Tenang Perut Kenyang=Party to get peacefull living and enough to eat).
In fact many old & strong party spent more time not in people side, they move for their own importance & business, Pop out of many new party represent the voice of change.
Let’s people free to choose, More Party give more choice, if the existing party disobeying people voice, people free to select the ‘best’ party which can support their desire and fighting for their aspiration.
It’s the long way for healthy democracy. exit from strong chain of demo-crazy.
Let’s people hope and decide ‘the best & trust-est party’ for their better life.
How many political parties have been registered at the Law & Human Rights Ministry eligible to compete in 2009 elections so far? 100?
You may like to list this Partie on your Website!
One new Political Partie where the Head of the Partie understands the issues which need to be addressed to make Indonesia move into the right direction!
( P.N.P.B )
Ketua Umum
H. Suhardi Somomoeljono, SH
Gedung Golden Jl. Majapahit No.26 AF Jakarta Pusat
Tel. (021) 3866092; 3453601; Fax (021) 86607714
Jalan Radoen Saleh No.91 F Jakarta Pusat
Tel. (021) 3919565; Fax (021) 3161569
Registered at the Law & Human Rights Ministry NO.63 the Juli, 2007
Dear All,
We would like to add our political party named Partai Kongres as registered in the Department of Law and Human Rights of Indonesia.
In order to obtain further information and references of our new established party, please kindly visit our website at: And we may be contacted by email address:
Thank you.
Too many parties with no real program. Visit their respective website, you will find nothing there. What is the purpose of making a website for then?
Could you advise me at where I can obtain the addresses of political parties of Indonesia.
Thank you
Wow.. so many parties now in Indonesia.. much much more than before.. how can it be? All of the parties will only spend a lot of people money.. only ask donation like usual.. why Indonesia just have 2 parties but with a lot of President candidates.. it will be more simple.. As you know the condition of Indonesia right now.. is it still a lot of people want to be a President??
the only parties that matter to me (and all people who dances, loves fashion, appriciate traditional clothes, have some ideas as to what globalization is, etc. well at least it should) are PDIP and PDPS.
They are the only one who walked out of that ridiculuos, yet-to-be-socialized, one-sided, and just plain moronic piece of a RUUP named anti-pornography that claimed it’s to protect women and children.
*mutters about heavier penalty to rapist, human trafficker, domestic violence*
This is insane. How many party is there in Indonesia? Every party has it’s own agenda and I believe almost 99% percent of indonesians are not politically literate. Do you think this is a healthy democracy? How come they choose the right party if they don’t even has a good picture of the government itself and our political system? Indonesian education system is completely messed up. Let me ask you something about indonesian education system. What is Indonesian economic system ? It is socialist.. The prove : The government own a bank and various companies.
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