Fabianus Tibo, Dominggus Da Silva and Marianus Riwu are due to be executed on either the night of Thursday the 21st, or the morning of the 22nd.
Tibo himself was handed a letter informing him of the planned execution at around lunchtime, Monday 18th, in his isolation cell in a Palu prison. His lawyer, Roy Rening, said that the families of the men had not yet received the letter.
Fabianus Tibo, Dominggus Da Silva and Marianus Riwu.
The day before, the 17th, a meeting was held to discuss the planned carrying out of the death sentences for the three men in which Central Sulawesi police chief Badruddin Haiti, TNI general Arief Sampurno, regional attorney general Hamzah Tadjah, and Central Sulawesi governor Bandjela Paliudju attended. They also discussed security measures for the event.
Major General Arief Budi Sampurno said, at the meeting, that his men were prepared to provide back-up for the police should the security situation get out of hand. Badruddin Haiti said he hoped that people would understand that the law was supreme and that no trouble would occur.
This is the second time that a date for their execution has been named, the other, cancelled, date was August 12th.
Abdurrahman Wahid (Gus Dur) says he has tried to have the execution delayed, by telephoning the attorney general Abdul Rahman Saleh, but to no avail. He claims that the execution of the men would violate Islamic principles.
It is against Islam. Within Islam, if there is still doubt, then it mustn’t be done.
(Itu melanggar Islam. Dalam Islam, kalau masih ragu-ragu, jangan dilakukan.)
The human rights body, Kontras, have also condemned the planned executions. Usman Hamid of Kontras says that the killing of the men will prevent the discovery of the truth of what happened in Poso in 2000-2001.
Father Jemy Tumbelaka of the Santa Theresia church in Poso says that the execution will be carried out on the morning of Friday the 22nd.
Six districts in Central Sulawesi have been placed on red alert by the police, they being Palu town, and the regencies of Poso, Donggala, Parigi Moutong, Tojo Unauna, and Morewali.
Meanwhile it appears that the three men have refused to accept the offer of state funding for their burials, such as the provision of coffins.
September 22nd
Fabianus Tibo, Dominggus Da Silva and Marianus Riwu were executed by firing squad at around 01.15 at an undisclosed place on the outskirts of Palu.
The men are expected to be buried in Beteleme village in Morowali regency.
I was afraid this is the tail from pope latest statement, hope that I was mistaken. Bless you all mate, keep faithful.
Let the truth speaks before they are executed …
I willing to know who are the 16 people that Tibo mentioned before.
There is a lot of evidence being put forward that these men are merely scapegoats for the violence that occured, and that at the very least they should be spared until there is another trial conducted to international standards. If this sentence is carried out we will never know the truth of what happened. This is very sad, and does Indonesia no credit, I fear. You cannot rverse the death penalty at some future date. For safety, the sentence should be deferred until the facts are thoroughly checked.
I don’t belive that Indonesia Law is supreme as Major General Arief B. Sampurno. The Law was guided by corrupt people. Please give another chance for Tibo and friends to re-appeal about this case! Death sentence is too much! Why do the Bali bombers still get their life spared? Even the J.I leader was released after a few years in jail. It’s not fair for Tibo and his friends. Only Mr SBY can help…..get the pardon from President and stop all this nonsense..let’s pray for peace and save Tibo and his friends…. Allahu akhbar !!!!
1st of all Tibo and co. could be innocent and they also could be guilty. we don’t know the truth. how about if they did murdered all those people?? so don’t get too excited about something we don’t know about.
Miss Indo 07: “human doesn’t have rights to kill” well, tell that to Tibo cs. (assuming they were guilty of those murders).
Bradlymail: “why the Bali bombers still get their life spare?” the Bali bombers were also sentenced to death. their execution is still pending on their appeals (peninjauan kemBali = PK). I don’t think they would have any chance to receive pardon after their PK’s, btw.
Yeah, seems like Tibo is just a scapegoat for something more grand behind it. I think they should investigate this whole thing more thoroughly before making such decision. Another handicap in our system… sigh…I hope the investigation will not stop here or Tibo will be dead for nothing.
I don’t agree in death sentences.
Wak Hassan, let’s wait and see about the Bali’s bomber case. My opinion, the Bali’s bombers deserve ‘the death sentence’ I’ll will shout louder “Allahu akhbar”.
I might mistaken… everytime “cath or Christian” convict got death sentences… they will perfectly got the execution shortly… but Bali bombing convict? took a good look the time frame they had been captured…
so Moslem convict deserve amnesty and others not?
Hassan the FPI comes back ladies and gentlemen. Hassan,that’s why I said,we all dont know the truth.
We don’t know whether they’re guilty or not, killed or not but again it’s not human rights to punish, even if they’re guilty, let God Himself punish them.
And about the Bali bombers, oh yes I’m sure they really nedd PENINJAUAN KEMBALI
and finally be released.
Hassan oh Hassan, as if you didnt know how the law in indo is.
As far as I know, they have not been actually convicted for killing people. Is it true? What are they guilty of?
can’t be sure, the truth is hidden well and supreme court forbid to expose it. so, actual Tibo Cs. is sentenced to death with the reason which might put them to life. kind of racist here to put those bullet inside them without proper trial. I have not hear even one of Bali bombing is sentenced to death and ready to shoot by rifle squad.
please check http://www.justiceforIndonesia.org
Justice For All… We should escort
Those who were killing innocent people deserve for Death Penalty Regardless what is their religion or ethnic. In the both cases (Bali Bomber & Tibo Cs) a long and exhaustive investigations and tribunal process have been done, so don’t waste the time with hostile comments. It won’t lead us anywhere.
I’ve checked http://www.justiceforIndonesia.org and also signed the petition, is it really sent to the president?
Rushel, are you sure they’ve done a lot of investigation?
we didnt know the truth yet … for the truth is in Tibo’s … until now, there was no action made by government about the 16 people who involved with this case.
I willing to know who is the 16 people involved with this case .. they are people in the politics and army .. that’s why they are remain untouched.
Some says that they are related with Soeharto case… sinc the riot in Poso happen at the same time when government did investigation on Soeharto case.
There are intelectual mastermind that make Poso worse that before, I hear that JK was involved by sending and facilitating FPI to go jihad on POSO.
Read this:
Mengungkap Fakta dan Kebenaran Hukum Kasus Poso III
Okay, suppose you’re right that Tibo Cs is just a scapegoat and a more complex conspiracy was behind the mass murders. Maybe it’s true that he’s not the ring leader, but in the court of law it is proven that he was involved in the mass murder. This should not be overlooked.
I agree that we should demand a more thorough investigation to get to the bottom of this. The true ring leaders should be brought to the court of law and in my opinion should be sentenced to death as well. But that’s another matter. Tibo Cs has been sentenced to death because of what he’s done and I say let’s be consistent here and go forward with the execution.
If you say that the Indonesia court is a joke, well yes we have seen some funny cases in the recent past. But don’t forget that the Indonesia police have done some good investigation on the Bali bombing 1 & 2, marriot bombing and other cases of terrorism. Why should we think otherwise for this major case? It’s their work that has been used to build the case against Tibo Cs.
And don’t worry, I’ll also condemn the effort to forego Amrozy Cs’s execution.
Miss Indo 07: I’m not a member of the FPI and have no ties with them. are you trying to frame me? 🙂 seriously, i do not have any affiliations with FPI, or even PKS for that matter. don’t spread lies now.
i seriously doubt the Bali bombers will be released. can you imagine how pissed off the Australians will be if the government release them?
“,it’s not human’s right to punish,even if they’re guilty,let God Himself punish them,” that’s what Catholics believe. Indonesian law is not based on Catholic law, in case you forgot.
the fact is Tibo cs. had been found guilty committing multiple murder by the Indonesian court of law, and punishable by death, whether we like it or not.
I am totally agree with the death penalty…
Die with all the guys that has no mercy in the world regardless he is the mastermind or not..
For my brother(s)/sister(s) that died because of Tibo, cs..
I wish you the best place in GOD’s side…
It’s done man, congrats to the country, my condolences for the death of Indonesian’s law and human rights.
boyke I agree with you that our police forces had done very good job againts criminals and terrorists, but our law systems are very weak, even the judges are coruppted people.
Dude what about Muslim militants killed the innocent Christians in Poso or Ambon? Can you see the differences? This is something wrong with our system. Why we cannot live in peaceful and prosperity, regardless race or religion?
it’s a time for silence folks… let’s give 5 minutes for Tibo and friends…
I am very very sad and painful….peace upon you Tibo and friends. good bye for all of you..GOD bless you.
please delete this post guys, nothing to add more…
the law is failed. justice is corrupted.
oh Hassan..Indonesia’s law is based on what? Muslim law? Sharia law? Not either..right?
Ok maybe Tono is right, stop here, no need to debate about this anymore, Indo’s law sucks, it’s a bunch of rubbish.
In that spirit, I think it’s also appropriate if we spend 10 minutes for the reminiscence of the hundreds victims of the Poso massacre… be they Muslims or Christians.
Yes, especially for those who died even though actually there was no hatred inside their heart.
Me, the Parigi People, the familiy of Poso Peoples.
Said “Goodbye and may godbless for you, Tibo cs!
for my families on Poso, Let us forget all of th conflict and life peace together”
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Nothing to say but God bless you guys, we all don’t know the truth but I’m sure He knows.
But just one thing, man doesn’t have rights to kill, no matter what, so this country sucks.