Concerns over the influx of Javanese immigrants into Bali and the effect of this on the unique Balinese culture.
An article discussing the resilience of Balinese Hindu culture over the centuries and the challenges faced by the island in the wake of heightened Islamic militancy, and Muslim migration from Java. At Asia Sentinel.
Bali is not belonging to Baliness only but for all Indonesian !
I agree brad, but Bali has their own keeper. just like other parts of Indonesia, you can’t simply move badui to Bali. it will trigger major shifting in community and maybe someday will cause separation like it was happen to Madura tribe and Ambonesse in Kapuk area in Jakarta.
the tension start to indicate increasement because Bali is trying to draw tourist back to Bali after the bombing. and many other local native people see these as opportunity to develop business and gain money.
imagine if a hut is invade by a regiment soldier. this is what will happen to Bali next time. so, I think yes I want Bali back to normal and let them Balinesse handle that with government help.
Molisan Tono@ you meant to give the Balinese some autonomy to control the Bali island ?
no I don’t meant such thing… I’m just saying it’s good if they can manage Bali without tensions. you can’t expect better hand to manage Bali except the local. so, if government seriously want to manage, let them coordinate with Bali governor what to do best.
it’s the same way why Jakarta doesn’t want other people as the governor beside them locally born in Jakarta… it’s betawi issue mate.
this is what our president SBY need to pay attention more. Indonesia is richen with cultures, if it is not managed well, will cause collision among tribes
Molisan Tono@well thanks for your explaination and i appreciate it…. at least i can understand now !
I find the the issue of other ethnic groups in Bali a serious issue for the culture and future of Bali.
A lot of crimminal acts are from non-Balinese Indonesians and as a tourist visitor (many times) ,I have found many annoying Javanese pester me on the streets and elsewhere, even offering sex or massage.
Maybe a monthly tax for non-resident Indonesians would keep the undesirables out and allow the Balinese culture and Bali people to prosper as people do visit Bali for the culture and people of Bali, not the people who come there for a quick dollar or better life.
Criminal acts come from Balinese as well not just javanese…. that is such a cop out. Plus there a plenty of Balinese pestering on the street everywhere, not just javanese… and lastly, the javanese supply everything that the balinese need for their ceremonies… janur, fruit, flowers, it’s almost all imported from java.
I wonder what the response would be if on the other hand Java decided balinese, or other ethnic groups weren’t allowed in to java? wouldn’t that be called discrimination?
What’s needed in Indonesia is to create jobs outside of major cities and bali so that people don’t have to inundate these places to find work.
Well I’ve never had any Balinese offer me illegal things like drugs or solicit me for prostitution, just my experience. Of course there are many Balinese criminals, the police come to mind hehehehe.
But where did the bombers come from??? And the man who stabbed an Australian women like 30 times to death when robbing her??
And Janma, I never said keep Javanese or any ethnic group out, just discourage the hordes of people who go there to make a living legal or otherwise to a small island that cannot sustain all these people. Bali can be one of the most annoying places at times with people illegally selling on the street because they have no work available as most employers try to employ locals first. I would say the same about any small island anywhere in the world.
A lot a things come from everywhere other than the countries that use them, including the computer your on and even islam in Java.
Sure we can’t completely shut the door on migration to Bali, from Java. It’s rather the kind of people that are moving that we should really manage. I don’t mean race or religion or anything like that, rather I’m talking about skills discrimination, in a sense would this immigrant be able to hold a job, for a start? And I don’t mean being a hawker. We can’t just let anyone in Indonesia who wants to move Bali, move to Bali.
And as the topic has mentioned, such a large change in demographic of society in a short period of time will inflame, if not create xenophobic behaviour.
Yes Bali is for Indonesian, but first and foremost its been the home of the Balinese longer that it has been part of Indonesia.
@ Mister Gumboots:
I wouldn’t worry too much. The cute cuddly Balinese are efficient and discriminating killers when they get their collective goat up. In fact they go about it with more efficiency and dedication than they put into rogering desperate Japanese OLs. If they every decide they have *really* had enough of off-island leather jacket hawkers, they’ll declare open season for a few weeks and then promptly forget they ever did it.
Lot to be said for existing in a state of nature, come to think of it :).
Sure we cant completely shut the door on migration to Bali, from Java. Its rather the kind of people that are moving that we should really manage. I dont mean race or religion or anything like that, rather im talking about skills discrimanation, in a sense would this immigrant be able to hold a job, for a start? and i dont mean being a hawker. We cant just let anyone in Indonesia who wants to move Bali, move to Bali.
And as the topic has mentioned, such a large change in demographic of society in a short period of time will inflame, if not create xenophobic behaviour.
Yes Bali is for Indonesian, but first and foremost its been the home of the Balinesse longer that it has been part of Indonesia.
Ooooh! This is secessionism, you want to be careful or you’ll have PN after you.
PN is a paper tiger.
really just a big pussy.
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As much as I want Bali to retain its purity (just like I do any other part of Indonesia), I don’t think legally there’s anything we can do about it.