Japanese AV idol Maria Ozawa’s plans to work in Indonesia outrage religious leaders.
The Clerics’ Council, Majelis Ulama Indonesia (MUI), has protested plans to bring Japanese porn star Miyabi to Indonesia to play in the film “Menculik Miyabi” (Kidnapping Miyabi). Miyabi, real name Maria Ozawa, is a hugely successful pornographic film star from Hokkaido, and is of mixed Japanese/French-Canadian descent.
Maria Ozawa, in some of her more tame and artistic poses.
Weighed in the chairman of MUI, Ma’ruf Amin:
Don’t employ a porn star, even if the film is not pornographic, unless she has already stopped acting in porno films.
Maruf, not a fan
Maruf further bemoaned that bringing Miyabi to the country would worsen Indonesia’s image in the world and make it seem like the nation couldn’t produce its own stars. detik
Miyabi’s Ramadan message for her Indonesian fans
Maria/Miyabi is expected to arrive in Jakarta in mid October to begin shooting “Menculik Miyabi”, which is produced by Maxima Pictures, to be directed by Odi Mulya Hidayat, based on a script by blogger-writer Raditya Dika.
Alah pd muna smua neh..sok suci pade lo ah..biasa nonton felem miyabi aj belagu
Dsr org2 sok suci. Ckck .
Betul Ojan,,,,
I would say stupid holy people that makes their own judgment about miyabi..because i think in their deep inside HOLY DIRTY mind they dream about Miyabi him self.
I’ll kick your ass if don’t have a copy of Miyabi’s video on your PC’s, Handphone, etc
what a STUPID HOLY DIRTY human mind….
MIYABI….I Love you full…..
f&*king hate religious people, they think they so though and powerful. MUI just a bunch of hypocrite ….. ¯\(-.-)/¯
Yang bkin film mgkin rada gila atau udah gila bnran y?? . . . Itu kn merusak citra ind0nesia sebAgai negara dg muslim trbanyak. . . .
Does citra Indonesia depend on such events ? Aren’t there more important, more crucial, more vital matters ? Sorry, I’m just wondering. I feel so far away from the Archipelago ; and I’m not even shocked by our “French Clearstreamgate” : nope & no hope ! Salaaaaam !
don’t let miy**** do this film
especially with no pron inside
I luv her talents and she belong in AV world
i never want to naif for this… but they’re to much for this things… i just wanna say, are u clean enough for this…
Yes, Joao, everyone on earth has got AT LEAST one big obsession…
Gitu aja koq repot. Biarin aja bikin film, laku ndak laku tergantung penonton. dosa ndak dosa tgt yg dia atas.
That is so true..why do we need a foreign star to play on this Indonesian movie?
We also must remember that produsers,writers,film makers,etc are all artists,they eventually have their own exentric and interesting way of thinking…
Inneke Koesherawati is now wearing a jilbab but as you also know she is still someone’s important “simpanan”.
I disagree with MUI but I also disagree with not taking a local star AKA we are Indonesians,please cintai budaya,karya dan buatan dalam negeri!Isn’t that now days motto?!!
So please be more creatives and precises.
Totally agree with Ross about Dorce the Drag Queen!!!
On top of all,she sometime ware jilbab?Is that legal,is that accepted in the Moslem religion?!!MUI are the smartest of all,they should have a good answer for that.
I love this country but yet the leaders are way too dumb and seems that they also love the communisme way of thinking and moving things around!
I am a sosialist but not communist!!!!!!!!!
@ Mao…
Ross will undoubtedly be thrilled that a “socialist” agrees with him.
On the IK front, do tell and drop names.
alahhhh, don’t need to act a holy, can the MUI really swear that they have never watched any of miyabi’s????
Hiprocit ass, dont need to act suci lha dodol
It’s people’s luck if they can work as a porn star to movie star, at least it is a job, not stealing and killing.
If people are really that holy, can the porn industries still exist???
@ Jav…
Interesting idea. And, by logical extension could we say that the more porn actors / actresses that a country has, the less killing and stealing (corruption) that goes on? Perhaps, any one convicted of killing or stealing should be required to make a porn flick?
Menurut saya,
Sah2x aja tuh miyabi datang ke indo..
Industri film yg maju butuh suatu gebrakan baru yg bisa mendongkrak kualitas film tersebut.
Salah satunya y mendatangin si miyabi ini,yang notabene artis berlevel internasional..
Masalah dia artis pornolah,ato apalah itu tergantung otak dan pikiran si penonton itu sendiri menanggapinya.
Jadi berpikirlah positif dan realistis.
Selain itu berkacalah apakah Anda sendiri sudah lebih baik dari si miyabi itu.
Weltanschauung, with a capital, please !
Selalu dengan senang hati sekali..
Siapa sih si pmbuat film?? Emang g ada yg lebih hot bintangnya?
Ntar kalau filmnya udh jadi, puter aj d neraka biar manteb hot nya,.!
Dasar pikiran mesum!!!
Has it ever enter your mind that the film producer maybe wanted to turn Miyabi into a mainstream actress and leave the porno movie industries?
Now, who has the dirty mind?
( Untuk Ant_Z,
Apakah tidak pernah terbersit dalam pikiran anda bahwa mungkin si pembuat film ini ingin mengubah Miyabi menjadi bintang film biasa dan meninggalkan dunia film porno?
Sekarang, siapa yang punya pikiran mesumcoba? )
Salam. 🙂
apa anda bener2 berfikir tujuan mereka bikn film ini buat mengubah miyabi jadi bintang film biasa? bukannya memanfaatkan ketenaran miyabi untuk membuat sesuatu film yang ngga bermutu menjadi memiliki daya tarik yang kuat (terutama kaum adam)?
@ Rob
Perhaps, any one convicted of killing or stealing should be required to make a porn flick?
Not before they have passed the test on my casting couch. (But only if they are female, considering my preferences)
@ Ross
Equally. I can’t see why, as reported somewhere recently, feminists are demo-ing to welcome this lady. I thought feminists, like many conservatives, deplored porn.
Feminists used to deplore porn before they discovered that female porn stars actually have a lot of power by occupying a prominent place in the phantasy of many men. Female porn stars are somehow viewed as the Aphrodites or love-goddesses of the modern world (re. Maria Ozawa was on a 2007 episode of the Japanese variety show Megami no hatena (“The Goddess of What Is That”) on Nihon TV as part of a series with AV actresses telling why they went into AV work.)
Many men would have loved to be as handsome and rich as some soccer players, in order to make love with beautiful rich (porn) female stars or models, and, even if things are not that symetrical, many women would have loved to be rich and “beautiful” as any kind of female star — and, maybe, enjoy some pleasures with soccer players, etc. But politically correct thinking says that, physical beauty being transient, better choose “inner beauty” : this is wisdom, I must admit, but what a bosenin thing ! With Miyabi, Nives Zbrc?&@ic and Dewi Persik, for instance, we’re in an area of pure phantasms. Nothing wrong with that…
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Hahaha..MUI makes me laught.after they make Facebook forbidden,now they won’t allow miyabi come 2 indonesia?hahaha
How abot make som rule,if anyone make some coruption,they’ll instantly killed.in islam,ist not allowed,isn’t e?
N not written @ quran if we musnt allow any porn star come 2 here?they r human 2.why those MUI can’t see from other ppl vision?