Female Circumcision

Aug 31st, 2006, in News, Society, by

The Ulema Council, Majelis Ulama Indonesia (MUI), says female circumcision is necessary for Muslims.

H. Amidhan of the MUI, speaking in Banjarmasin, said that his august organisation had no problems with female circumcision, because it was a duty for Muslims, was safe and did not cause any health problems for those who underwent it.

Circumcision is especially meant to be done for a Muslim, because circumcision not only cleans the filth from the genitals but is a requirement for every Muslim, and it also helps to contribute to a child’s growth.

From the time of Abraham until that of Muhammad circumcision had been done, for both boys and girls, and it had become a part of the culture of the Muslim world, a part that could not be left behind. Those who said that circumcision caused harm had to prove their case, he said. Logic was then applied to justifying the practice, known often as female genital mutilation (FGM) or female genital cutting (FGC).

If there are those who say that circumcision causes damage or hampers reproduction then I think they have made it up. The proof is that there has been significant growth in the population of Indonesia and most Indonesians are Muslims who have been circumcised.

Not done he went on to say that circumcision was beneficial to Muslims, both men and women, because it removed the filth from the genital area. Islam approved of circumcision, for men and women again, provided it was done in the right way.

Because a Muslim must not pray unless he is clean and one way of being clean is to be circumcised.

Amidhan was not the only one of this opinion. Syamsuddin Hasan, from the Majelis Wilayah Korps Alumni Himpunan Mahasiswa Islam (KAHMI) in South Kalimantan agreed that female circumcision must not be forbidden by the authorities.

I fear that the attempt to ban it [female circumcision] is part of the mission of a certain group who deliberately use the health excuse, to the point where Muslim women will not be clean because they haven’t been circumcised, so they can’t pray in the correct way.

He advised Muslims who work in the health field to be on their guard and not co-operate in the effort to stamp out female circumcision.

September 28th. A study in six cities, Padang (West Sumatra), Serang (Banten), Bandung (West Java), Sumenep (Madura, East Java), Makassar (South Sulawesi), and Kutai Kartanegara (East Kalimantan), has shown that 90% of Indonesian women are circumcized.

Doctor Rachmat Sentika of a hospital Child Protection Unit and Dr Zaitunah Subhan of the religious section of the ministry for womens’ empowerment said that they had met with the MUI last week and been informed that the Department of Health must not try to forbid the practice. Sentika said that the MUI did object to the removal of the clitoris but that the “opening” of the clitoris was acceptable and that health professionals should be taught how to do it properly.

January 20th 2008. New York Times article saying 96% of Indonesian girls have undergone some type of circumcision. Here.

235 Comments on “Female Circumcision”

  1. Swagman says:

    And still if you refuse to see reason all I can say is I am sorry for you man

    See reason? There is no reasoning in simply believing in something because has been written in a book that your father told you was the truth.

    Both female and male circumcision is barbaric – it is obvious that if God (or perhaps the flying spaghetti monster) created mankind he would not then instruct a few select people to then systematically mutilate that same creation.


  2. Oigal says:

    Laugh… the Jews!!! Are you serious?? Everyone loves a nutter but some abuse the privledge.

    Here’s a news flash, despite what silly old men who have never met a Jew tell you, you can’t blame everything on the jews. For that matter not sure, I have even ever met one, have you? (come on be honest).

    As a matter of interest, male circumcision in the vast majority of cases is nothing more than child abuse and a return to barbarism by ignorant people who are conned by nonsense.

    Your selective use of a web reference adds nothing to your point no more than a site advocating Liposuction is good for your sex life. If you really want to see the barbaric results of circumcision try searching “Female Genital Mutilation” (at least be honest and call it what it is).

    Reason is the application of facts not the blind adherence to the mutilation of children and others in the absence of any sound medical or scientific reason to do so. It is sad so many people like yourself are still around in this day and age.

    Swagman….Its the JEWS, I tell you Its all a jewish plot …laugh

  3. ET says:

    Swagman….Its the JEWS, I tell you Its all a jewish plot …laugh

    Don’t forget the zionist Americans, the Pope and of course the CIA…

    Damn, the entire West is to blame.

  4. Swagman says:

    Here’s a news flash, despite what silly old men who have never met a Jew tell you, you can’t blame everything on the jews. For that matter not sure, I have even ever met one, have you? (come on be honest).

    I have met Jews, Muslims, Buddahists, Christians, Hindus, Humanists … they are pretty much all to blame for some crazy sh*t.

  5. Odinius says:

    Swagman said:

    I have met Jews, Muslims, Buddahists, Christians, Hindus, Humanists … they are pretty much all to blame for some crazy sh*t.

    Amen, brother! Though I’d add pagans, nationalists and atheists to that as well. Can’t forget that the Nazis were occultist nationalists and the Soviets/Communist Chinese were militant atheists. The vast majority of nastiness in the 20th century was actually committed by nationalists, regardless of religion.

    Basically people have a darkness in them that tends to manifest when herded into groups that believe they have some sort of ‘special right.’

  6. Swagman says:

    The vast majority of nastiness in the 20th century was actually committed by nationalists, regardless of religion

    Ah yes … don’t get me started on nationalism. Probably the most sinister of all … hiding behind a flag to justify their sometimes atrocious xenophobic behaviour. And yes, western flags included.

    … but I digress from the topic … or do I?

  7. venna says:

    Everybody need a scapegoat to outlet their hidden anger, to free themselves from guilt, and to purify themselves. And God knows it well so He created “Satan” (which turned out to be America in the Zohan movie).

  8. Rustam says:

    Female circumcision is not mentioned in the Holy Quran. Millions of Muslim women pray every day without having being circumcized. This is just another human tradition add to our religion that causes more damage that benefit. The medical or clinical reasons mentioned are so stupid that I wonder if there´s not muslim doctors in Indonesia telling them the truth.

  9. Odinius says:

    it’s also practiced by some Christians and animists in Africa.

  10. Maria says:

    Iam a muslim women that got a circumcized at the age of 9.. and honestly i wish i was given a choice.. but i wasnt because it was something my parents and my grandparents believed in.. its not good to judge a religion because of one belief.. every religion has its flaws but who are we to critize?.. Iam not saying its right and for some it might not be wrong. but to each its own. I regret not have been abit older so i could do my research and make my own decision.. it hurt like hell.. and the worst part of it all is that my operation went wrong.

  11. ET says:

    @ Maria

    its not good to judge a religion because of one belief.. every religion has its flaws but who are we to critize?..

    If we shouldn’t criticize then why do we have a brain that enables us to think independently and criticize eventually? The worst thing your religion did to you wasn’t the circumcizing – however horrible it may be – but to make you believe that you should accept it because others who were in charge told you so. It’s called submission and apparently they got away with it because it seems you still have doubts about standing up and criticize.

  12. Ahmed says:

    Here’s another research paper that supports female circumcision. A recent study Orgasmic Dysfunction Among Women at a Primary Care Setting in Malaysia. Hatta Sidi, and Marhani Midin, and Sharifah Ezat Wan Puteh, and Norni Abdullah, (2008) Asia Pacific Journal of Public Health, 20 (4) accessible http://myais.fsktm.um.edu.my/4480/ shows that being Non-Malay is a higher risk factor for Orgasmic Sexual Dysfunction in women, implying that Malay women experience less problems in achieving orgasm than non-Malay women. As you know almost all Malay women in Malaysia are circumcised (undergo hoodectomy) in contrast to non-Malay women who are not. This would suggest that hoodectomy does in fact contribute to a better sex life in women.

  13. Radwa says:

    I am a 27 y female Egyptian endineer, I was circumcised 2 years ago after 2 monthes of my marriage to a fellow engineer. The majority of the Egyptian girls are circumcised before they reach 15 y as the community considers that it is bad for the girl to be left uncircumcised. It was my decision to go to a gynacologist, and I asked from him to do hoodectomy to me, and I felt better orgasm after the operation. I shall encourage may daughter to do hoodectomy after she reach the age of consent.

  14. Ahmed says:

    Here’s another interesting news item that supports the need for a hoodectomy (Islamic female circumcision):

    Oral sex linked to cancer risk

    US scientists said Sunday there is strong evidence linking oral sex to cancer, and urged more study of how human papillomaviruses may be to blame for a rise in oral cancer among white men.

    In the United States, oral cancer due to HPV infection is now more common than oral cancer from tobacco use, which remains the leading cause of such cancers in the rest of the world.

    Researchers have found a 225-percent increase in oral cancer cases in the United States from 1974 to 2007, mainly among white men, said Maura Gillison of Ohio State University. “The rise in oral cancer in the US is predominantly among young white males and we do not know the answer as to why.”

    It is obvious that the only way men can acquire the HPV virus is through the oral stimulation of one’s partner’s clitoris which allows the virus to enter the mouth. The virus no doubt is harboured in the prepuce of the clitoris just as it has been found that HPV also resides in the foreskins of males, through the transmission of which cervical cancer occurs in females. Thus a hoodectomy could, by removing the area which harbours the virus, significantly reduce or eliminate the risk of women transmitting the virus to their male partners.

  15. Oigal says:

    Ahmed, your sexual ignorance is showing if you think that is the cause..hehehe . There is fair bit of going down going on but not where you think. So trot off with your barbaric little practices back to the desert.

  16. ahmed says:

    Good news Oigal. As more and more Muslims come to learn about the benefits of hoodectomy (Islamic female circumcision) the practice is fast gaining popularity once again.

    Some countries that earlier banned it have allowed it again. This includes Indonesia which recently medicalised it and legally stipulated what needs to be removed, namely the prepuce of the clitoris. See http://jambi.tribunnews.com/2011/04/17/tak-paham-bisa-kebablasan

    Good news indeed !

  17. Oigal says:

    Ssshh, Ahmed, This is an Indonesian website let’s have no more of this desert barbarity here. Oh and go and ask your grandfather what your Indonesian name was.

  18. diego says:


    female circumcision => sunnah => written records of muhammad´s custom => arabian tradition => middle eastern tradition => some may be good, some have been proven fatal.

    indonesia != arab (middle-east).

    so why the eff should we adopt those barbaric parts of that tradition such as fgm.

    (sorry, i don´t believe that quran is instruction from god, as much as i don´t believe ten commandments were words of god, as much as i don´t believe jews were enslaved by ancient egyptians to build pyramids, etc).

    I´d say enough with this middle-eastern / semitic craps, we indonesians just want to live with our own values, and we´ll take only whats good from you, and we´ll trash the trash, thank you.

  19. Lairedion says:


    Oh and go and ask your grandfather what your Indonesian name was.

    To be fair, almost all Catholic/Protestant Indonesians carry Western given names. We do have a “marga” family name. Surprisingly most of my Muslim relatives carry Sundanese/Javanese names and Arab/Muslim names are virtually absent.

    Bu to address ahmed the dead terrorist here, It’s always striking to see sexual domination plays such a large part in the mind of Muslim’s males. But hey, the females are giving all the ammo they need:

    Malaysian Club Urges Wives to Be ‘Whores in Bed’

  20. Oigal says:


    I really wasn’t trying to be fair just returning a troll serve. Not to be taken seriously by anyone else :-).

    I had to chuckle the other day at the story about an afghan woman, when she was asked why are you still content to walk the male like you are owned…she just whispered..”land mine…but don’t tell them that”

  21. nobody says:

    This whole idea is just part and parcel of western people trying to “civilize the heathens”.
    just like how oigal keep reminding himself that muslim women is somehow owned by their males.. not withstanding the small fact that even a guy like OBL himself (with his age and militancy) can be scolded by his mom for taking another wife. Muslim women are just fine, thank you, they already have their own rights and power in their families and societies as they are.

    I think current oppositions to female cirscumsition is just because it is the easiest one to oppose. As we can see in USA, there are already movements to go to the next step, to oppose not only female, but also male circumsition. Soon, parents will lose all right to educate their own children about religion (because, the logic goes, every children should have the right to choose everything by them self, when they get 18).

  22. Oigal says:

    Yawn, Thanks for your input Nobody

  23. Stevo says:

    The “right” to mutilate your kids genitals is hardly a cornerstone of civilization Nobody.

    It is a practice based on misguided ignorance and myth. It serves no purpose what so ever and is of dubious religious worth.

    The women are not separate from the problem, they are part of it. Indonesians need to take a step back and think about this and not simply ape the primitive rituals of some dysfunctional society on the other side of the world.

  24. ET says:


    It is obvious that the only way men can acquire the HPV virus is through the oral stimulation of one’s partner’s clitoris which allows the virus to enter the mouth.

    If so why not also cut off the men’s tongue?

  25. Trinnie says:

    the Shafiite school of Sunni muslim which is the predominate schoold in Brunei,Indonesia and Malaysia, states that female ‘circumcision’ is *obligatory*, that is, compulsory, just like male circumcision

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