Problematic religious schools on Java, which ones and police monitoring of them.
Some Islamic boarding schools which are often mentioned as being centres of hardline Muslim teaching, or of being explicitly connected with Jemaah Islamiyah (JI):
Most schools listed employ the “Islamic Education Method” (Manhaj Tarbiyah Islam, MTI), for older students, which places an emphasis on jihad, but an International Crisis Group (ICG) report states icg
the problem is not so much the curriculum as it is the small after-class religious study sessions where individual teachers can assess the potential of students and draw them into more extremist activity.
The most well known of these institutions is Ngruki, run by Abu Bakar Baasyir, however Ngruki is considered as being far from the most radical. The Nurul Huda school in Purbalingga, for example, was established by former teachers at Ngruki, who left due to disappointment at its overly moderate stance.
Another school, Al-Hussain in Indramayu, West Java was once an important hardline centre, however it was taken back by its founders, Muhammadiyah. The expelled teachers then founded Nurul Hadid nearby.
Meanwhile it is said that police are stepping up their surveillance of schools thought to be problematical, although sometimes choosing the “wrong” targets.
Another school named “Al-Muttaqien”, this time in Blitar, East Java, owned by Muhammadiyah and not considered to be a hotbed of radicalism, was recently visited by police intelligence officers who demanded to see the identity papers and registration details of the 40 odd students.
Principal Abu Hilal Hamdani however refused to provide the information:
I didn’t give them anything, my students are not terrorists. I assured them that we don’t teach terroristic ideas here.
Of the case in Blitar the leader of Muhammadiyah Din Syamsudin complained generally of increased police surveillance of Islamic schools but assured people that if extremists did manage to infiltrate Muhammadiyah they would be expelled in short time. kompas
The reputation of Indonesia as a peaceful place has been severely damaged by these very few extremists, who are even exporting their brand of misguided beliefs to other countries in the name of their extreme belief.
Perhaps it only shows how the doctrines are not well understood by these extremists that they could have heard but could not listen and shut their ears or really being misguided by another extremists of teachers who themselves are misguided or have not fully interpreted or understood what they have been reading.
I could not really comprehend how one will go to God’s kingdom by killing another human being created by God? Is that what they’ve been thought of? Is that part of the doctrine? For “infidels” or unbelievers, is it really justified to annihilate or kill them? I thought we should love one another, a doctrine which is supreme and of course the love of Almighty God being the highest. Both, in my opinion go along with each other. Yes, one may extremely love God the Creator but by killing those infidel would not make Him happy, would he? The same way, we may love all his creations but does not love Him, he would not be pleased as well. Would he?
If a person, who love the Creator on all things, but do not love his creation, example even the unbelievers or “infidels” by killing them, do you think our God would even let this extreme person join Him in His paradise?
No one has the right to take someone else life, except God Almighty, no one!
Jihad is not terrorism but can be turned into a clever excuse for terrorism.
Shari’ah is supposed to keep Muslims clean & pure in front of their Creator : but why is it so rashly tough, so much that it prefers death to simple joys (if not shamefully abusing) like sex or tipsiness (or Omar Khayyam’s poetico-mystical drunkennes) ?
So, now in Aceh jinayah is plaguing life with deathly threats on adultery (there may be good reasons to cheat on one’s husband or wife/wives…), vexing painful caning for a simple drink whereas there haven’t be any qanun against ganja, nor… basic male chauvinism.
Yesterday has been one more sad day for Indonesia & (“Indonesia’s”) Aceh.
Can I infiltrate the schools and share the love of pRonducation?
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I see this from educational point of view and I am thinking that this is a national problem and require a related interdepartement interaction to find a way out of this issue. The government should have in control on those thousands of islamic schools in the country via related government institutions or departements. There should be a clear regulation on curriculum and teaching format for those school , teachers qualifications should be accessed etc.
The Governemnt should ask their islamic parties partner likes Muhammadiyah, NU, PBB etc to support this program and implemented thoroughout the country.