Lombok Shame Continues

Aug 10th, 2009, in Opinion, by

Ross rails against continued neglect of Ahmadiyah people in Lombok.

It was tremendously dispiriting to read of news about the latest misery heaped on the 140 odd Ahmadiyah people of West Lombok, who were made refugees in their own country by Muslim thugs three years ago when expelled from their homes in Ketapang, Gegerung, by a mob.

Confined to a wretched shelter in Mataram by the craven local authorities (craven being the nicest word I can think of, the alternative being that those authorities are soul-mates of the brutes who burned the Ahmadiyah out of their homes) ever since the victims of Islamist bigotry are now denied even an electricity supply, their modest cash and food rations gone too, because the

government can’t afford the cost

though I imagine the members of the local administration in Mataram are still enjoying usual bureaucratic perks, subsidised cars, housing, substantial salaries, etc.

The Ahmadiyah people want to go home to their village; failing that they’ll settle for permission to go

anywhere in the city, even along riverbanks or slums

but no approval has been forthcoming. They had been told to hang in there, a plan by government to buy up their old homes and land and help them move somewhere else, but that too fell through, the West Nusa Tenggara provincial authority claiming it didn’t have enough money!

So there they sit, the government having warned them not to seek return to their kampungs due to “certain persecution that the authorities had no intention of preventing”.

What are police paid to do in West Lombok? They did nothing to quell the pogrom three years ago, nor despite clear video images of many of the Islamonazi rioters, have they jailed any of the scumbags since.

2008 Al Jazeera report

But let’s not condemn Mataram too fast. Their spokesman, Husnan Ahmad, tells us that all the Ahmadiyah need to do is “assimilate”.

The mayor has given them permission to return home, but only if they agree not to live ‘exclusively.’

In other words, if they abandon their faith, knuckle under to the jackboot mentality of FPI, Islamic Solidarity and the MUI, they may be allowed basic human rights.

This injustice cries to Heaven for redress. UNHCR should be investigating their plight, which is an affront to any concept of decency and fairness, not to mention pluralism, a principle enunciated incessantly by most of the various campaign teams in the recent elections. What does SBY have to say about these quasi-nazi tactics in his pancasila republic?

14 Comments on “Lombok Shame Continues”

  1. Odinius says:

    It’s well past time the Indonesian government addressed the problem of these vigilantes.

  2. Chris says:

    Back when they were first kicked out of their homes, they applied to the Australian and Canadian embassies for refugee status. Does anybody know whether these applications were rejected or still being processed?

  3. David says:

    RD, the Country Research Section of the Refugee Review Tribunal (RRT) in Australia has a few reports about Ahmadiyah in Lombok, I’d assume they do the reports because they are dealing with specific cases, but I think they are all from 2006 and 2007….I really haven’t heard anything about the refugee applications story so I suspect nothing came of it.

  4. Oigal says:

    Not bad huh..from a country that was demanding that China uphold the principles of religous freedom..You could hear the chinese guffaws from here…

    Oh well, we are doing our bit..I just found out that two of our employees are Ahmadiyah after one of our other little intolerables complained..and he enjoyed the quaint western custom of a public flea in the ear….

  5. sputjam says:

    australia and canada will only take in proffesionals who can work and earn a living and therefore contribute in taxes, or the wealthy.
    Since ahmadiyahs are not in these categories, why not send some money for relocation within indonesia. much cheaper too.

  6. Odinius says:

    Pretty shameful, in my opinion.

    I wonder what Din Syamsuddin has to say about the Ahmadiya, since he was so loudly demanding China respect the religion of Uighers?

  7. Mr. right says:

    as muslim I am not against other religion, but Ahmadiya is not a religion, it make fun of true Islam.
    the founder was Ahmad Qadyan from Pakistan. he said,that he was send from Gud as Prophet Jesus(Maseha), he was killed by muslims, and his som named him self as Jesus(2) and the Jesus (5) live in UK now.
    the founder maked his religion by the help from UK.they get money from UK and all countries in europe support them. they are allowed to build their Moske(masjid), but muslim muslims are not allowed to have masjid in europe.
    it is shameful, that people accept religion by getting money. I have seen people in indonesia,that change their religion and name by getting money.
    only stupid and money lovers will accept Ahmadiya as religion

  8. Suryo Perkoso says:

    Mr. right Says:

    August 17th, 2009 at 5:53 am
    as muslim I am not against other religion, but Ahmadiya is not a religion, it make fun of true Islam.
    the founder was Ahmad Qadyan from Pakistan. he said,that he was send from Gud as Prophet Jesus(Maseha), he was killed by muslims, and his som named him self as Jesus(2) and the Jesus (5) live in UK now.the founder maked his religion by the help from UK.they get money from UK and all countries in europe support them. they are allowed to build their Moske(masjid), but muslim muslims are not allowed to have masjid in europe.
    it is shameful, that people accept religion by getting money. I have seen people in indonesia,that change their religion and name by getting money.
    only stupid and money lovers will accept Ahmadiya as religion

    And he brought 15 million of his brothers with him – the last supper is going to cost a fortune this time around.

  9. Odinius says:

    Mr Right, what the hell are you talking about?

    First, who are you to say whether Ahmadiya is a religion or not, or to judge someone else’s religious beliefs?

    Second, you clearly don’t know the first thing about Ahmadiya, considering that the founder was Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, and that he died almost 50 years before the founding of Pakistan.

    Third, what on earth are you on about Muslims not being able to build mosques in Europe? Have you ever been to Europe? There are mosques in virtually every city and every major town.

  10. Suryo Perkoso says:

    He wasn’t wrong about Jesus being British though was he? and the 15 million brothers….

  11. Odinius says:

    Are you talking about “Jesus(2)” or “the Jesus(5)?”

  12. Suryo Perkoso says:

    Sounds like Dickie Davies reading the football results :-

    Jesus 5 , Mark 2

    Nebucadnezar 0 , Abraham 3

  13. Odinius says:

    Jesus 2 – the Jesus 5

    Match officiated by “Gud”

  14. unindonesia says:

    Why don’t they just ban everything and be done with it?
    after Ahmadiyah, Indonesia is the next one, soon as possible they will do it, and our next of kin just have a memory such as dementia or alzheimer’s.

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